eQuaLified Management Council




OCTOBER 20, 2011



These minutes are not final until confirmed by the eQuaLified Management Council/Industry Round Table in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the eQuaLified Management Council/Industry Round Table and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1Call to Order

The eQuaLified Management Council (eQMC) was called to order at 8:30a.m., 20-OCT-11. Reminder was given that standard rules regarding avoidance of conflict of interest apply. Introductions were made and adjustments to the agenda were made.

Industry Participants Present

Richard / Blyth / Rolls-Royce plc
Mike / Brandt / Alcoa
Tho / Bui / Honeywell / Acting Co-Chair
Mark / Cathey / Spirit Aerospace
Jeff / Conrad / Cessna
Richard / Freeman / TWI
Arshad / Hafeez / QuaLease Ltd
Mark / Rechtsteiner / GE
Brad / Richwine / Raytheon
Richard / Rowe / Honeywell Aerospace / Acting Co-Chair
Kevin / Ward / GoodrichCorporation

PRI Staff Present

Jim / Bennett
Scott / Klavon
Justin / McCabe
Joe / Pinto
Stan / Revers
Dina / Rigot
Michele / Stefanchik
Jon / Steffey
  • Tho Bui open the meeting explaining that he and Rich Rowe will Co-Chair the meeting for Laurie Strom. Introductions were made.


The open action items from the RAIL were reviewed. The eQMC RAIL is actually posted on the eAuditNet system as are the Nadcap RAILs.

The following action items have now been closed and/or extended:

(007) Steve Wells to approach Board….Kevin Ward will see that it is discussed at the upcoming BOD Mtg.

(025) due date extended pending PD development and finalization

(029) due date extended pending PD development and finalization

(1) Extended due date

(2) No response from eQMC prior to the Oct meeting

(5) Ongoing

(6) Ongoing – Sub-Team to meet 22-Oct to resolve comments from sub-team. Will have PRI Legal to look at the document before it is sent out for ballot.

3.0PD 6000 & PD 6200 (Formerly PD6001) UPDATE

Sub-teams will meet Saturday, 22-Oct-11 to resolve comments working with the Draft PD 6000 first then the Draft PD 6200. Once the program documents are reviewed they will be reviewed by PRI Legal and they will be distributed to the eQMC for ballot.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to submit the Draft PD 6000 forballot prior to the February 2012 meeting. (DUE DATE:15-JAN-12)

4.0eQuaLified STRUCTURE

Jim Bennett presented the eQuaLified / eQuaLearn differences (see embedded slides). It is important for industry to understand the difference. eQuaLified is Industry Managed where eQuaLearn is not. Training is not mandatory to become qualified.

All training courses whether they are qualification courses or general courses, they all fall under the eQuaLearn training. The qualification courses were developed from the BoKs that Industry developed.

It was requested to have this presentation for the Board of Directors meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Dina Rigot will forward the slides explaining the differences between eQuaLified and eQuaLearn to Karen Conroy. (COMPLETED: 20-OCT-11)

It was recommended that a presentation be made to the NMC Steering Committee to create awareness at the NMC level. Kevin Ward has invited a representative from Professional Development to present the programs to the NMC Steering Committee to create awareness.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to develop a presentation for the NMC Steering Committee in San Diego, CA in February 2012. (DUE DATE: FEB-12)

eQuaLearn is assisting the Nadcap Initial Auditor Training team (PRI Staff) to develop their training. Most of the eQuaLearn instructors are actual Nadcap Auditors. Those instructors that are not current auditors are either past Subscribers or past Auditors. Interactive training is being developed.

The Nadcap Auditor Consistency Sub-Team intends to utilize the PRI Learning Management System to maintain the proposed Auditor Consistency exams.

Jim Bennett discussed the Generalized eQuaLified Draft Structure (see embedded slide). The three levels (Operator, Planner, Owner) is well-accepted globally.


Jim Bennett presented the update and proposed structure (see embedded slide in Section 4.0).

Topics for the BoK Development:

  • Auditing procedure
  • Quality flow-down procedure
  • What 3rd parties already exist that could assist in the development
  • The Exam structure needs to be in line with the Qualification courses.
  • The BoK should be more than just a syllabus

6.0eQuaLearn UPDATE

Michele Stefanchik provided the update (see embedded presentation)

2012 Complimentary Training:

  • Statistical Process Review
  • AS9100
  • Contract Review
  • How to Prepare for a Nadcap Audit (AM)
  • Internal Auditing
  • NDT Penetrant-Level 1-Operator
  • Etch*pending development
  • FMEA-Pending


ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to provide a projected timeline for the Draft PD 6000 / PD 6200 documents so the eQMC members can align their internal actions.(DUE DATE:31-DEC-11)


ADJOURNMENT – 20-OCT-11 – Meeting was adjourned at 10:30a.m.

Minutes Prepared by:Dina Rigot () and Jim Bennett ()

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