Hutton CE Primary School
Project : Foundation Stage / Project Team: Foundation stage team / Year: 2016-17
Goal: To improve the quality of Teaching and learning in the FS
· 1. To give children a secure use of phonics, ready for developing their writing further though the school.
· 2. To promote writing across all areas of learning.
· 3. To embed the use of next steps when discussing children’s learning with them
· 4. To use children’s interests as starting points for themes/mini-themes
· 5. to improve the practise of all FS team members
Success Criteria: (we will know we are successful when)
· At least 75% of children will reach a good level of development (GLD)
· At least 93% of children to be secure in using phase 2 phonics in writing by end of year
· Children will be happy to have a go at writing, and will use phonetic attempts at both spelling and reading.
· Children will be aware of what they could do next to improve their learning.
· Learning will stem from children’s interests more than pre-planned ideas.
· Children will be engaged in self-selected learning, thus decreasing moments of poor behaviour choices.
· Any adult will be able to view a learning diary and find evidence to back up the scale point judgements.
Action / Who / Timescale / Monitoring and Reporting Arrangements (Who/When) / Resources
Start / Finish / Time / Cost / Budget
Target 1
i. Provide a highly focussed, discrete phonics teaching session every day, with children being grouped when appropriate / LL & JG / Oct / Ongoing / To complete phonics assessments termly / 20 mins per day / _____ / ______
ii. Analyse children’s use of phonics in writing with dictations weekly (not every child, every week) / FS Team / Nov / Ongoing / Team to look at chn’s independent writing termly
iii. Provide writing materials in all areas of learning, and give models and examples of the writing that could be achieved there. / FS team / Oct / Ongoing / Daily – ensure that clipboards etc. are in place in all areas of learning / ______/ _____ / ______
iv. Use LDs to identify chn’s next steps, and ensure that are put into place each week / FS team / Nov / Ongoing / Fortnightly – check for progress in a sample of LDs / 1 hour per fortnight / ______/ ______
Implement a next steps diary for the whole team to use / FS team / LD should show evidence of progress
vi. Routinely monitor the children’s use of particular areas of learning, ensuring that they use them appropriately and with regularity / FS team / Nov / Ongoing / Termly, ask children for feedback on areas that they have enjoyed/would like to change.
LA to recognise change in areas/setup. / _____ / _____ / _____
vii. To continue to gain advice, new ideas and experience from other FS teachers/schools / FS Team / Oct / Ongoing / LL & JG to continue to use information and CPD gained to feedback to FS / PPA time / ______/ ______
v. To improve the knowledge and practise of the whole FS team. / FS team / Oct / Ongoing / Team meetings to include relevant CPD, monitoring and discussion and skills sharing / _____ / _____ / ______
Apprentices will show an improved skill set and greater involvement in planning, assessing and teaching. / LL / Ongoing / Termly reviews with their mentors and tutors will show achieved targets.
vi. To improve opportunities for parents to access and comment upon learning diaries / LL/JG / New mentor meeting setup to be used for this
Hutton Ce Primary School