Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting
St. Anthony the Great Orthodox Church
Sunday September 17, 2017
I. Opening Prayer and Call to Order
A. The meeting was called to order at 12:39 p.m. with the singing of “Oh Heavenly King”
II. Number of parishioners in attendance 27.
A. Reader Benjamin Tolleson made a motion to accept this as a parish quorum. Greg Lundblade seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed, two abstentions.
III. Review and Acceptance of 2016 Annual Parish Meeting Minutes
A. Helen Kaye made a motion to accept the 2016 Minutes. Tina Gilson seconded the motion. All were in favor.
IV. Election of new Parish Council
A. The following nominations were submitted:
a. Angela Soria by Helen Kaye; not present to accept.
b. Felipe Arroyo by Helen Kaye
c. Nick Brown by Helen Kaye
d. Elaine Jenkins by Jerry Troy
e. Adriana Brown by Steven Baine
f. Paul White by Jenee Blanco
B. A call to vote for three vacancies was conducted by Jerry Troy and Fr. Leo. The three newly elected members of the Parish Council for a 3-year term were: Felipe Arroyo, Nick Brown and Paul White.
V. Election of Lay Delegates
A. The following nominations were submitted:
a. Reader Benjamin volunteers
b. Greg Lundblade by Helen Kaye
c. Aaron Blanco by Jenee Blanco
d. Jerry Troy by Yevgeny Ponomarev
B. A call to vote for the primary and alternate delegate was conducted by Steven Baine. The primary delegate was Aaron Blanco and Reader Benjamin, alternate.
VI. Audit Committee
A. The following parishioners volunteered:
a. Anna Yvaglista
b. Reader Benjamin
c. Paul White
d. Vita Lundblade
VII. Financial Report and Budget
A. Financial report presented by Taylor Troy, Parish Bookkeeper.
B. 2018 Budget presented by Elaine Jenkins
a. A motion was made to accept the budget by Mark Freemyer. Motion was seconded by Aimee Arroyo. All were in favor.
VIII. Capital Improvement – Parking Lot
A. Parish Council had established a budget of up to $50,000.00 for the project.
B. Construction drawings have been completed by Dillard Architecture Group. Submitted bids per the drawings were more than the budget.
C. Parish Council recommends considering a lot improvement versus the new construction project, as designed. There are currently two contractors that have expressed interest in working on a lot improvement project.
D. The 2016 Annual Parish Meeting had approved a $65,000.00 budget for the project.
IX. Pastor’s Report
A. There were 11 chrismations, 9 baptisms, 2 marriages and 2 funerals during the year.
B. Average attendance on Sunday was approximately 85.
C. Pastoral care continues.
D. An interfaith pastoral conference was attended at the University of Texas, San Antonio.
E. Fr. Leo’s health issues continue and treatment is ongoing, although there has been no diagnosis.
X. Ministry Reports
A. Parish Council - written report submitted by Jennifer Baine, Warden.
B. Cleaning Team – written report submitted by Mark Freemyer.
C. Bookstore – no report submitted.
D. Teens – oral and written report submitted by Caelum Blanco.
E. Icons – no report submitted; however, Taylor Troy reported that donations continue to come in and are tracked within the parish’s financial software for use in the future for the remaining iconography along the south temple wall.
F. Sisterhood – oral and written report submitted by Adriana Brown.
G. Brotherhood – oral and written report submitted by Yevegeny Ponomarev.
H. Social Media – oral report submitted by Scott Smith.
I. Charities & Benevolence – no report submitted.
J. Building Committee – written report submitted by Mark Freemyer.
K. Sunday School – no report submitted.
L. Choir – no report submitted.
The suggestion was made that for all future annual meetings that reports should be posted on the parish website prior to the meeting to expedite the meeting. The new Parish Council will consider this for the 2018 Annual Parish Meeting.
XI. Memory Eternal
A. The meeting was adjourned at 2:38pm by the singing of “Memory Eternal” for Matuschka Mary Freemyer and Joseph Parlow.
Accepted by:
Very Rev. Fr. Leo Poore Jennifer Baine
Priest Warden