Lord of the Flies Packet
Ms. Stoner
11CP English
Reading Schedule
Due Date / Sections to Read / Annotations*see below for requirements / Writing Assignments
*see page 2 for prompts and due dates
May 11 / Chapters 1-3 (pages 7-57) / Note: all annotations will be collected on the same day as the reading. / #1
May 15 / Chapters 4-6
(pages 58-108) / #2
May 18 / Chapters 7-9 (pages 109-154) / #3
May 22 / Chapters 10-12 (pages 155-202) / #4
· Due on the day that the reading is due
· They are a 25 point quiz grade (and there will be four of them in all)
· Must have at least 25 annotations per chunk of the book read in order to obtain full credit (this does not mean that you will receive an automatic 25 points if you have 25 annotations; if they are not thoughtful annotations, points will not be awarded)
Writing Assignments
· Due the day AFTER each chunk of reading (except the May 15 reading; you are off on May 16, so that writing will be due on May 17 instead).
· Each writing must be typed, in MLA format and at least one FULL paragraph (10-12 sentences).
· Rach prompt MUST have at least one piece of textual evidence (a quote from the book). The novel would be cited as follows: (Golding 26)…obviously page number will always be different. No need to have a Works Cited page, since I know the book you are all using.
Prompts are as follows:
#1: What makes an individual powerful?
#2: Do individuals control groups, or do groups control individuals?
#3: How do fear and desire for acceptance influence human behavior?
#4: Does violence create power or control?
Final Assessment
The Book Ball
Overview: You will create a 12-sided “Book Ball” that incorporates each one of the elements below. The “Ball” will be made from the templates provided (you’ll need to take 12 of them). You need to remember to do all of your writing and decorating on the paper within the pentagon before you cut and fold the circles. You may add any decorations or drawings to any unused space on the paper. Note that all underlined titles below require an illustration on that side in addition to the text. The sides are as follows:
1. Cover Side: Have the MLA heading on this side as well as an illustration of what YOU think the cover of the book should be (other than what it actually is).
2. Author Side: Write a brief (8-10 sentences) author bio.
3. Character Side: Describe any of the characters in the story. Is he/she a dynamic or static character? What is his/her role in the book? Are the likable or not? Etc. (8-10 sentences).
4. Setting Side: Draw a picture or a map of the setting of the story. This side is ONLY an illustration; no text needed.
5. Theme Side: Write about the theme of the book (8-10 sentences).
6-7. Symbolic Sides: Write about 2 symbols illustrated in the book and what they represent (5 sentences each).
8. Poetry Side: Write a poem (any type, 10 lines or longer, does not have to rhyme) about the story, a certain character, or a favorite scene.
9-10. Alternate Ending Sides: Write a different ending to the story (15-20 sentences).
11. Review Side: Write a book review (8-10 sentences).
12. Motif Side: Describe a motif illustrated throughout the book. (5-7 sentences).
When all sides and decorations are complete:
- Carefully cut out the 12 circles,
- Fold the crescents on the lines around the circle so that the folds are standing up or facing up.
- Align the crescent of one circle to the crescent of another and staple them together (glue might come unglued). Each crescent will be stapled to a different circle’s crescent all the way around to create a ball.
*Be sure that all edges are facing up and are framing your pictures or paragraphs!
*Use any artistic techniques you’d like. The more creative and visually/intellectually stimulating, the better! Of course, you must fulfill the side requirements first.
*Use the template provided for the project; you cannot make it bigger or smaller.