Chapter 2: Learning to Learn Lesson 4: Multiple Intelligences
CORE LET 1Unit 3: Foundations for Success
Chapter 2: Learning to Learn
Lesson 4: Multiple Intelligences
Time: (a) 90-minute block with Part 1 and 2 or (b) 45-minute periods with activities for Days 1 and 2
Administrator Lesson Guide:
Lesson Competency: Use your strengths to improve academic performance
Linked ELA Common Core: RI.9-10. READING: INFORMATIONAL TEXT - RI.9-10.1., RI.9-10.2, W.9-10. WRITING - W.9-10.1., W.9-10.1.e., W.9-10.2.d., W.9-10.2.f., W.9-10.3.b., W.9-10.3.e., W.9-10.4., W.9-10.7., W.9-10.9., SL.9-10. SPEAKING & LISTENING - SL.9-10.1., SL.9-10.1.a., SL.9-10.4., L.9-10. LANGUAGE - L.9-10.a., L.9-10.1., L.9-10.2., L.9-10.2.c., L.9-10.4., L.9-10.4.a., L.9-10.4.c., L.9-10.4.d., RST.9-10. READING: SCIENCE & TECHNICAL SUBJECTS - RST.9-10.2., WHST.9-10. WRITING: HISTORY/SOCIAL STUDIES, SCIENCE, & TECHNICAL SUBJECTS - WHST.9-10.2.a., WHST.9-10.9.
Linked JROTC Program Outcomes: Graduate prepared to excel in post-secondary options and career pathways.
Thinking Processes
Defining in Context – Circle Map* (Alt. = Mind or Concept Map, Sunshine Wheel)
Describing Qualities - Bubble Map* (Alt. = Star Diagram, Brainstorming Web)
Comparing/Contrasting - Double Bubble Map* (Alt. = Venn Diagram)
Classifying -Tree Map* (Alt. = Matrix, KWL, T-Chart, Double T, P-M-I)
Part-Whole - Brace Map* (Alt. = Pie Chart)
Sequencing -Flow Map* (Alt. = Flow Chart, Linear String)
Cause and Effect - Multi-Flow Map* (Alt. = Fishbone)
Seeing Analogies - Bridge Map* (Alt. = Analogy/Simile Chart)
* Thinking Mapâ / Core Abilities
Build your capacity for life-long learning
Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
Take responsibility for your actions and choices
Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
Treat self and others with respect
Apply critical thinking techniques
Multiple Intelligences
Intrapersonal / Bloom’s Taxonomy
Structured ReflectionMetacognition
So What?
Now What?
Socratic Dialog
E-I-A-G / Authentic Assessment
Observation Checklist
Test and Quizzes
Thinking Map®
Graphic Organizer
Notebook Entries
Project / Learning Objectives
Identify the eight types of intelligences
Distinguish between interpersonal and intrapersonal
Examine learning activities that tap into different intelligences
Define key words: bodily/kinesthetic intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, logical/mathematical intelligence, musical/rhythmical intelligence, naturalist intelligence, verbal/linguistic intelligence, visual/spatial intelligence
£ Indicates item is not used in lesson
S Indicates item is used in lesson
Lesson Preview:
Energizer: Cadets consider the different ways they are smart. Create a Circle Map showing Cadet responses.
Inquire: Copy and distribute Exercise #1: Multiple Intelligence Assessment for Cadets to learn more about their own intelligence strengths. Group Cadets into teams by dominant intelligence type and have them describe a fictional character.
Gather: Prepare to play Video #1: Develop Multiple Intelligence. Cadets read about the eight multiple intelligence attributes and distinctions in their textbooks. Cadets create a Bubble Map that shows their strong and weak intelligences.
Process: Copy and distribute Exercise #2: Process Scenarios for Cadets to explore how various intelligences interact with each other when processing information or situations.
Apply: Lead a brief discussion about improving academic performance. Copy and distribute the Multiple Intelligences Performance Assessment Task.
Unit 3: Foundations for Success
Chapter 2: Learning to Learn
Lesson 4: Multiple Intelligences
Time: (a) 90-minute block with Part 1 and 2 or (b) 45-minute periods with activities for Days 1 and 2
Instructor Lesson Plan:
Why is this lesson important?
Everyone is unique. We each have our own interests, abilities, and talents. The brain is no exception. In this learning plan, you will explore different kinds of intelligence. You will also assess your own intelligence to help you increase your learning power.
Lesson Question
What is meant by: “It’s not how smart you are, but HOW you are smart?”
What will Cadets accomplish in this lesson?
Lesson Competency
Use your strengths to improve academic performance
What will Cadets learn in this lesson?
Learning Objectives
a. Identify the eight types of intelligences
b. Distinguish between interpersonal and intrapersonal
c. Examine learning activities that tap into different intelligences
d. Define key words: bodily/kinesthetic intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, logical/mathematical intelligence, musical/rhythmical intelligence, naturalist intelligence, verbal/linguistic intelligence, visual/spatial intelligence
When will your Cadets have successfully met this lesson’s purpose?
Performance Standards
· by creating a multiple intelligences action plan to improve academic performance
· when their plan includes a goal statement related to a course the Cadet would like to improve in
· when their plan identifies the Cadet’s strengths, using the Multiple Intelligences model
· when their plan incorporates the Cadet’s multiple intelligences into his/her action plan
· when their plan includes a summary of how the Cadet’s multiple intelligences impacted improvement over a two week period
Part 1: 45 minutes
Lesson Delivery Setup:
1. This is an optional motivational activity and should be used at your discretion, or as time permits.
2. Draw a circle map on the board or on chart paper.
Student Learning Activity / Teaching Notes
Direct Cadet Focus: Ask Cadets to think about the different ways people can be smart.
Display the “It’s not how smart you are, but HOW you are smart” slide. Instruct Cadets to take a few minutes on their own to write a list of how they are smart. Guide them to think in terms of things they do well. For example, are they math smart, music smart, sports smart, etc.
Ask Cadets to share their lists with the class. As Cadets list their “smarts” create a Circle Map with their responses.
Use these Reflection Questions as tools to focus Cadet discussion, reflection on learning, and note taking as you feel appropriate for your Cadet population.
· How would you define “smart”?
· Do you agree there are different ways to be smart?
· Does it seem like most of your friends are smart in certain ways, such as being smart in school, smart in getting along with others, smart at playing sports, games, etc.?
Total Time: 10 minutes (optional)
Phase 1 -- Inquire:
Lesson Delivery Setup:
1. Make sure Curriculum Manager is installed and the clicker receiver is plugged in. Distribute clickers to Cadets.
2. Ensure that Cadets have access to the Student Learning Plan.
3. Prepare to show all Inquire Phase slides from the Lesson PowerPoint Presentation and start with the Focusing Question.
4. Prepare to display the Learning Objectives.
5. Prepare to distribute copies of Exercise #1: Multiple Intelligence Assessment.
6. Designate eight parts of the room where Cadets can meet in teams based on their dominant intelligence type.
7. Provide chart paper and markers for partner or team use.
8. Ensure Cadets have their Cadet Notebooks for use throughout this lesson.
Student Learning Activity / Teaching Notes
Direct Cadet Focus: Ask Cadets to think about their own intelligence. The Inquire Phase of the lesson is to set Cadets up to begin thinking about what they already know about this subject area.
1. THINK ABOUT what you know about your own intelligence. PREPARE for this lesson by discussing What you will accomplish in this lesson; What you will learn in this lesson; Why this lesson is important, and When you will have successfully met this lesson’s purpose. / Display the Focusing Question on the PowerPoint Presentation. Allow time for discussion.
Review the Student Learning Plan. Ask Cadets to find the answers to the following questions on their plans: What will you accomplish in this lesson; What you will learn in this lesson; Why the lesson is important; When will you have successfully met the lesson’s purpose.
Show the learning objectives slide. Remind Cadets that learning objectives tell them ‘what’ they will learn about in this 90-minute lesson.
Explain that key words are vocabulary words. They will appear throughout the lesson. Suggest that Cadets write down on paper or circle any words that they are not familiar with. Remind them that you may be checking their comprehension of the words later in the lesson.
2. COMPLETE Exercise #1: Multiple Intelligence Assessment. JOIN a group that has your same intelligence dominance. In your group, DESCRIBE a character using your dominant multiple intelligence. SHARE your description with the class. / Distribute copies of Exercise #1: Multiple Intelligence Assessment and allow Cadets class time to complete it.
When Cadets have finished the exercise, divide them into eight teams based on the dominant intelligence type. If some Cadets had the same score for more than one type, you may assign them a group based on which group needs more people. Distribute chart paper and markers as needed. NOTE: Some groups will not use it.
Direct Cadet teams to pretend they have just read a story and they have to demonstrate their understanding of the main character. Choose a story or character everyone in the class is familiar with, for example Tom Sawyer. Display the slide that gives directions describing the character with each of the different intelligences.
Describe the character in your own words, either orally or in an open-ended written description.
If the character were a scientific principle, law, or theorem, which would he be?
Draw a quick sketch showing something you think the character would enjoy doing that’s not indicated in the novel.
Pantomime how you think the character would act in a classroom.
If the character were a piece of music, what would he sound like or what song would he be? If the character was an instrument, what instrument?
Who does the character remind you of in your own life (friends, family, other students, TV characters).
Describe in a few words your personal feelings toward the character.
Allow class time for each group to share their description.
3. REFLECT on what you learned about your different intelligences. ANSWER the reflection questions presented by your instructor. / Use these Reflection Questions as tools to focus Cadet discussion, reflection on learning, and note taking as you feel appropriate for your Cadet population.
· What did you learn about intelligence in this activity?
· In Exercise #1: Multiple Intelligences Assessment, did you have more than two intelligences with the same score? More than 3 or 4? More than 5?
Conclude this phase of learning by summarizing the purpose of the activity and informing them that they will now learn some new information about multiple intelligences.
Total Time: 15 minutes
Self-paced Option: Instruct self-paced learning Cadets to complete the Inquire Phase learning activities for this phase of learning. Modify activities as necessary for your Cadet.
Phase 2 -- Gather:
Lesson Delivery Setup:
1. Prepare to show all Gather Phase slides from the Lesson PowerPoint Presentation.
2. Provide access to a student text: Unit 3: Foundations for Success in Life, Career, Health, and Wellness (hardbound); LET 1 (softbound); the e-text version found in the U3C2L4 resource folder on the Curriculum Manager.
3. Prepare to show a Video #1: Develop Multiple Intelligence.
4. Be prepared to launch Reinforcing Questions.
Student Learning Activity / Teaching Notes
Direct Cadet Focus: Ask Cadets to think about learning activities that use different intelligences.
The Gather Phase introduces Cadets to the learning objectives by providing new information or content through the activities provided. Cadets begin to build on any previous knowledge or experiences.
1. VIEW the video on Multiple Intelligences. READ the Multiple Intelligences chapter of your text. CREATE a Bubble Map that shows the eight intelligences. Display your most dominant intelligences in the largest bubbles. Display your weakest intelligences in the smallest bubbles. Next to each bubble, LIST learning activities you can use to tap into each intelligence. / Display Video #1: Develop Multiple Intelligence. Direct Cadets to read the chapter on Multiple Intelligences in their text.
When Cadets have finished their reading, direct them to create a Bubble Map of the eight intelligence types in their Cadet Notebook. The center of the map should be labeled “My Intelligences.” Based on what Cadets learned from Exercise #1: Multiple Intelligence Assessment, they should draw each of the eight bubbles proportionally to their score on different intelligence types. For example, if someone scored 1 on musical intelligence, the bubble for that type would be very small on his or her map.
Instruct Cadets to use their text to list learning activities they can use next to each intelligence bubble.
Display Reinforcing Question(s).
2. REFLECT on how to use your strongest and weakest intelligences. ANSWER the reflection questions presented by your instructor. / Use these Reflection Questions as tools to focus Cadet discussion, reflection on learning, and note taking as you feel appropriate for your Cadet population.
· What can you do to strengthen your less dominant intelligences?
· How can you use knowledge of multiple intelligences in your relationships with friends and family?
· How will your awareness of multiple intelligences change your thoughts and behaviors in the future?
Conclude this phase of learning by summarizing the purpose of the activity(ies) and informing them that they will now ‘do’ something with the new information or skill they were introduced to.
Total Time: 20 minutes
Self-paced Option: Instruct self-paced learning Cadets to complete the Gather Phase learning activities for this phase of learning. Modify activities as necessary for your Cadet.
Part 2: 45 minutes
Phase 3 -- Process:
Lesson Delivery Setup:
1. Prepare to show all Process Phase slides from the Lesson PowerPoint Presentation.
2. Familiarize yourself with Exercise #2: Process Scenarios and be prepared to distribute copies to Cadets.
3. Prepare create a matrix on the board or on chart paper similar to Exercise #2: Process Scenarios.
4. Be prepared to launch Reinforcing Questions.
Student Learning Activity / Teaching Notes
Direct Cadet Focus: Ask Cadets to think about why people often approach the same task differently.
This phase of the lesson allows Cadets to practice using the new skill or knowledge.
1. With your team, REVIEW your assigned case study in Exercise #2: Process Scenarios. IDENTIFY the top three intelligences described in your case study. PRESENT your findings to the class. EXPLAIN each “frame of mind” your team identified. Make note of other teams’ findings. / Distribute copies of Exercise #2: Process Scenarios to Cadets and instruct them to read all of the scenarios. Divide the Cadets into seven teams and assign a scenario to each team.