1. Head of Family Details

Service Number: Rank: Name:

Unit / Organisation: Sqn/Coy:

2. Contact Details

House / Flat No: Street:

Mobile: Home phone:


Please enter all known telephone numbers and an email address. If any of your numbers change, please provide bus escorts with the up to date contact number.

3. Child / Children Details

Ser / Surname / Forename / School
(1) / School
Year / Date of Birth / School
Start Date

(1) Please enter the relevant abbreviation in the school column:BPSBishopsPark, JBS John Buchan, ASAttenboroughSchoolKingsKingsSchool.

4. Allergy or medical conditions

Parents should make the bus escort supervisor aware of any allergy or medical conditionstheir child may have which may manifest itself during a journey to or from school. Please provide details overleaf.

5. Code of Conduct Certificate

1. I understand that as Head of Family I am responsible for making sure that the Code of Conduct (PbStn/SI/1.20 Annex A) is understood and observed by my child(ren) and for supporting Station and SCE School staff in enforcing it. A copy of Annex A is provided for you information.
2. I am aware that serious or persistent breaches of the Code may result in temporary or permanent removal of a child’s entitlement to use MOD transport. I am also aware that responsibility for transporting the child to and from school would then pass to me.
3. In the event of physical violence by any passenger, I understand that the Bus Escort has authority to use minimum physical force, or restraint, where failure to do so would likely lead to injury to one or more of the passengers towards whom they have a duty of care or, where they are exercising their legal right of self-Defence under common law.
Name (Block Caps):


Office Use Database updatedText Tank updated




Respect other passengers and their Property /
  • Avoid annoying other passengers, the escort and the driver.
  • Show respect for the Escort, the Driver, other people and their possessions and the bus.

Follow instructions given by the Bus Escorts and Drivers /
  • Listen attentively to instructions.
  • Carry out instructions promptly.
  • Carry out instructions with out argument.

Wait for, mount and depart the bus in a safe orderly manner /
  • Wait for Bus Escort to be present before getting on the bus.
  • Mount and depart the bus carefully, at designated stops, avoiding pushing and shoving others in line.
  • Avoid inconvenience to local residents, passing pedestrians and road users.
  • Wait patiently without playing rowdy games.
  • Keep noise and activity to a minimum.
  • Wait until the bus has come to a complete standstill before boarding or taking your seat belt off.
  • Wait until the bus has moved off before crossing the road and use appropriate crossing points.

Whilst travelling on the bus, behave in a safe and orderly fashion likely to maintain safety and personal comfort /
  • Follow safety instructions.
  • Do not interfere with bus fittings, furnishing or equipment, or damage, or mark them in any way.
  • Store bags under seats or in the racks provided.
  • Remain seated, wearing the safety belt correctly whilst the bus in motion.
  • Sit in a normal upright position keeping feet off seats. During the journey:
  • You may use your mobile on silent mode.
  • You may use electronic games on minimum volume.
  • You may use your ipod with both ear phones.
  • You may do your homework.
  • You may sleep
  • Avoid actions that may distract or cause others to distract the driver.
  • Limit conversation to those in those people in seats next to you.
  • Avoid arguments, verbal abuse, fighting and assaulting others.
  • Make sure that your language is not offensive and what you say does not hurt any person’s feelings.
  • Make sure you do not touch the emergency doors/hammers.
  • You may drink water but do not chew gum (Kings only).
  • You may eat but must take any litter with you or place it in the bins provides ( Kings only)
  • Refrain from acts of intimacy.
  • Smoking is not allowed.

In case of emergency or breakdown act responsibly /
  • Follows Drivers and Bus Escort’s instructions.
  • Leave the bus with minimum fuss.
  • Stay calm at all times.

Parents are responsible for making sure the code is understood by their children and for supporting Station/Garrison and School staff in enforcing it. Parents are to be aware that serious or persistent breaches to the code may result in temporary or permanent removal of child’s entitlement to use the MOD transport and responsibility for transporting the child to and from the school will pass to the parent.

Notes for Parents / Guardians:

  1. Children of Year 6 and below must be dropped off and met by a parent/guardian or nominated person.
  1. Parents/guardians of Year 6 pupils may authorise their child to walk to and from the bus unaccompanied. Annex F to this instruction (available from the bus escorts) must be completed and submitted to the Bus Escort Supervisor who will then inform the bus escort that the child(ren) are authorised to arrive and leave the bus unaccompanied.
  1. Parents/guardians or nominated person must physically hand over and collect their child(ren) to and from the Bus Escort.

Bus Escorts will not take or release control of a child(ren) unless a parent / guardian or nominated person are within the immediate area of the bus stop.

  1. Please ensure that your telephone numbers and email details are kept up to date in order that the Bus Service Team can contact you when necessary.

Please join the Bus Escort Supervisor Facebook page:

Bes Paderborn.

The Bus Escort Supervisor can also be contacted by email:

Bus Escort Supervisor Telephone contacts:

Office: 05254 982 2003

Mobile: 01722074539