Accounting home memory palace

1 - Bookkeeping involves the identification and recording of economic events only; therefore it is just one part of the accounting process.
2 - Accounting can be defined as the orderly and systematic identification and recording of the monetary values of the economic transactions of an individual entrepreneur (person) or a business enterprise (entity or institution) the reporting on the results of these transactions, and the provision of financial information by submitting financial statements, which information is used as a basis for decision making. Accounting therefore include bookkeeping. / 1 – bookworm inspector gadget writing down how much he spent
2 – Mbali KPMG in soldier uniform with bookworm inspector writing down how much she spent in dollars for herself and her kota business and reporting to her mom, then preparing to give financial statements to convince her mom to invest in her business.
Drive way
1-Accounting records transactions in order to provide useful information for decision making.
2-The nature of accounting: accounting is a specialised means of communication which is used to convey a specialised message about an entity’s finances. The recipient of this specialised message (the user of financial information) must understand it otherwise the information that is conveyed has no value. Accounting is therefore a language / 1-Mbali records writes how much she spends so her mom can make decisions on her business
2-Grass drive way Mbali naked with a bush making sounds to communicate how her business is doing financially. People who hear it of they can invest. Mbali is taking her own language.
Rose tree
  1. The common unit of measurement in accounting is money and in RSA, the currency is known as the Rand. All an entity’s transactions are converted into monetary values before being processed. Using money as the common denominator, however, gives rise to two important limitation:
-Not all events can be expressed in monetary terms
-The value of money is unstable and is influenced by many economic factors such as inflation.
Knowledge of accounting is needed on two levels:
-By the users of financial information, and
-By the prepares of financial information. / 1-Measuring with tape the tree made of money (Mandles Rands). Kotas can only be bought with mandelas. Not all kotas have mandla value mandle eats but the money get fatter.
2-Knowledge of mbali sounds needs be by people who want to talk and listen to have a conversation.
Flower bed
-Users of financial information
-Suppliers and other trade creditores, lenders, investors, customers, employees, government and their agencies / -GOVERNEMENT SPLICE creature
Financial and management accounting / Financial accounting – vusi tembakwayo is suit opeing mail box
Management accounting – sean mccolt operating a mini six
Garden bench
Consistency and materiality / Consistency – me with a Asian baby I adopted but cant give back. Unless there is a smarter cuter one
Materiality – luyanda talking about cheap clothing but people don’t mind as long as it is good quality
Hang tree
Accouting policy and disclosure / White people hanging niggas with the same rope they decided upon to make sure the head pops off
White people must explain to the cops wjy they chose to use that rope. And show show the paper they voted on
Small gate
IFRS / Shak measuring the gate with a compass, explaining to method man the framework, concepts, principle s and procedures to building that small gate so that people don’t go arounding builing round gates
Underlying assumption and accrual basis / Athule being fcuked under the wall and she is concerned people will see us as it happens and she thinks she will be pregnant for 12 months
Back gate
Qualitative characteristic / RokkerFeller (1) CUT a woman’s vagina and eating it
Sunroom roof lapa
Elements of financial statements / LEE highfiveing 5 stars and they burning his hand
Glass door
The basic accounting equiation / Athule is as fly as Eve and Lihle put together, and Eve is as fly as Athule hot minus lihle
Ronald couch
Accounting entity / Accounting financial records are kept on different sides of the couch
Sunroom table
Financial position is terms of BAE / Wants money Athule fucked in the ass in full nelson position while Eve and Lihle lick my balls
Flower pot
Nature of assets, equity and liabilities / Athule is a trophy wife I own her
Eve is my queen and our business is to build an empire
Lihle is interested in my money asking for my credit cards.
Marble table
The double-entry system / A gun dual on ball and blank balancing
Glass door
Financial performance calculated in accounting terms and the financial report that reflects this / Me cuming inside my ex on tummy making a minus sign. Then coming in her mouth through the key hole to show my performance.
Left table
Examples of income and expenditure / Income box (fees, sales, interest, dividend, rent, commission, credit losses recorded)
Expenses box (purchases of inventory, customs and excise duties, depreciation, advertising, bank charges)
Plug couch
Transaction 1 Capital contributions / Dino wearing a cap deposit R50000 into bank.
He wants Ass at the bank and he refuses to take off his cap
Coffee table
Transaction 2 Buying assets on credit (dept) / Bought a second-hand removal van with credit card from wes for 80 00. Vehicle
Single couch
Fire place
Top fire place
Room divider
Room divider
Red chair
Sliding door
Red chair 2
Marble table
Washing machine
Dish washer
Knifes draw
Bathroom door
Bath rail
Window 1
Window 2
Toilet door
Toilet window
My room door
Top gap door
Top waredrobe
Bottom waredrobe
Bed table