NAK Business Meeting, 9/13/14 – Draft Minutes 2

National Academy of Kinesiology
Business Meeting Minutes

1:30-3:00 PM
Saturday, September 13, 2014

1.  Call to Order

NAK President Barb Ainsworth called the meeting to order.

2.  Approval of Minutes

Barb Ainsworth presented the minutes from the 2013 Business Meeting for approval. Howard Zelaznik motioned that they be approved as presented. Phil Martin seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. The minutes were approved.

3.  Secretary-Treasurer’s Report

Brad Cardinal reported that the organization was financially healthy and that our organizational expenses equal or are less than our income. On 8/31/14 the checking account balance was $13,644.43, whereas on 8/31/13 it was $11,147.19 (i.e., +2,497.24). On 8/31/14 the investment account balance was $107,715.40, whereas on 8/31/13 it was $104,219.45 (i.e., +3,308.92). The checking account is fluid and various bills will need to be paid from that. Our financial obligations to Kinesiology Review and the National Collegiate Fitness Index have already been paid for the year.

Brad briefly reviewed the organization’s definition of active participation, including the minimum conference attendance requirement (i.e., at least once every 5 years) and the payment of one’s annual membership fee. As of today, there are 144 active Fellows who have paid their annual fee and who have met the 5-year conference attendance requirement. Twelve new active Fellows will be inducted at this evening’s ceremony, for a total of 156 total active Fellows. With a limit of 165 active Fellows, a maximum of nine new Fellow spots are anticipated for 2015. However, the true number will not be entirely clear until late January/early February 2015 when some active Fellows move to Emeritus Fellow status and others, perhaps, do not pay their annual membership dues. At present, there are 20 inactive Fellows due to non-attendance or non-attendance.

A motion to approve the report was advanced and seconded. The only point of discussion was Bev Ulrich’s reminder that only active NAK Fellows can be counted in the doctoral program review. The report was approved by the membership with no further discussion.

4.  Barb Ainsworth presented the Committee and Board Member reports for the year. A motion to accept the reports was advanced and seconded. The reports were approved by the membership without discussion.

5.  Kinesiology Review Editor-in-Chief’s report. Maureen Weiss thanked the NAK, American Kinesiology Association (AKA), and Human Kinetics for the opportunity to serve as the new Editor-in-Chief of the journal. She also acknowledged and thanked Jane Clark for her leadership as the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the journal. Maureen is keenly interested in increasing the journal’s visibility and the overall number of journal article submissions. Toward that end she has established an Executive Board and new Editorial Board for the journal, as well as begun promoting the journal at various conferences. Several thematic issues are being planned. The August 2014 issue of the journal is now out, the November 2014 issue will be the papers that evolved from the AKA’s 2014 workshop on online education, the February 2015 issue will be the Academy Papers from the 2014 conference, and the May and August 2015 issues are likely to be thematic issues. Maureen encouraged all in attendance to take ownership of the journal, to submit excellent critical reviews and commentaries to the journal, and to accept reviewer invitations when they are extended.

6.  Doctoral Program Evaluation Committee

Bev Ulrich, chair of the Doctoral Program Committee, thanked the other members of the committee for their ongoing work, as well as the data analysts: Allen Jackson and Jim Morrow from the University of North Texas, and Nick Myers from the Department of Educational and Psychological Studies at Miami University (Ohio). A few changes for the 2010-2014 review include: (A) the budget administrator must sign-off on the accuracy of the research expenditures that are reported for federal grants, non-federal grants, and internal grants; (B) doctoral degree program units must only report “unique” publications coming out of their unit (e.g., a coauthored paper by two faculty members from the same unit only can be counted once, whereas a coauthored paper by two faculty members at different institutions would be counted as a “unique” publication for each institution); (C) the unit administrator will be asked to submit a single bibliography of all unique publications from her/his unit, along with the summary numbers for all variables being assessed in the review; (D) 10% of reporting units will have their data randomly audited, and any unit in which a discrepancy equal to or greater than 10% will be followed up on (i.e., the NAK President will reach out to the unit administrator in an attempt to resolve the conflict); (E) first-authored doctoral student publications is being added as a new variable; it will replace the previous doctoral student yield variable; and (F) a doctoral student diversity variable will also be reported on, but not counted in the ranking; rather, it will be used for benchmarking purposes. Information regarding the doctoral program review will be posted at the NAK website. Fellows are asked to encourage widespread participation in the review. The participation fee is $750/doctoral program and the goal is to have at least 47 institutions participating. There was some discussion about what constitutes a Kinesiology Department. Bev indicated that she would share the list that has been developed with anyone who wanted a copy. Ann Boyce also volunteered to share her list (for cross-referencing purposes) of doctoral programs in physical education teacher education/sport pedagogy.

7.  National Collegiate Fitness Index Update

David Bassett provided an update on the history and status of the National Collegiate Fitness Index, a joint project of the NAK, AKA, and American College of Sports Medicine. The survey was distributed to ~800 institutions with > 100 responding earlier this year. Scoring algorithms are being developed currently. Once the project is completed, the results will be posted.

8.  Memorials

A memorial was read on behalf of Albert Carron (International Fellow). Larry Brawley prepared the tribute and Penny McCullagh presented it to the membership.

Barb Ainsworth also announced that Jack Wilmore (Fellow #252), NAK President 1997-1998, and the 2010 Hetherington Award recipient was terminally ill. His contact information can be made available to those wishing to reach out to him.

9.  2015 AKA Conference

Patty Freedson introduced the theme of the 2015 AKA Conference (i.e., intersection of physical activity and public health). The conference will occur in Charlotte, NC January 24-27, 2015.

10.  2015 NAK Conference

Barb Ainsworth introduced the theme of the conference, which will be “Active Aging from Cells to Environment.” The conference will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 17-20, 2015, at the Sonesta Hotel Downtown, with a planned visit or event to occur at the University of Pennsylvania where R. Tait McKenzie’s work can be viewed.

11.  2016-2017 NAK Annual Meeting Sites

Barb Ainsworth and Kim Scott introduced the future meeting sites, dates, and locations as follows:

-  Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 6-8, 2016, at the Hotel Andaluz (this will occur at the same Balloon Festival, which should be very beautiful).

-  The site location and dates are still being determined, but it is planned to occur in Washington, DC or New Orleans, LA.

12.  Announcements

Jan Todd introduced the evening banquet location, buss schedule, building access, and planned tour times for the Stark Center.

Barb Ainsworth raised for discussion the NAKs involvement in the National Physical Activity Plan. Currently the NAK is an affiliated member, but asked whether we wanted to step up and be full-fledged partners? The plan will be updated in 2015. To be a partner there is a one-time fee of $10,000 and the costs associated with traveling expenses to an annual meeting. The floor was opened for discussion. Patty Freedson noted that it was expensive, but beneficial. Others supported her sentiments. Greg Payne motioned that the NAK become a full-fledged member. Patty Freedson seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

Action item: Kim Scott will need to pay the $10,000 fee for membership, and Cathy Ennis will need to identify an NAK Fellow to serve as the organization’s liaison.

Barb Ainsworth introduced the newly elected Executive Committee members: Karl Newell (President-Elect), Brad Hatfield (Secretary-Treasurer), and Melinda Solmon (Junior Member-At-Large).

Respectfully submitted,

Brad Cardinal


September 13, 2014