The International Research Foundation

for English Language Education



(last updated 31 October 2012)

Abdous, M., Camarena, M. M., & Facer, B. R. (2009). MALL technology: Use of academic podcasting in the foreign language classroom. ReCALL, 21(1), 76–95.

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Chen, C., & Chung, C. (2008). Personalized mobile English vocabulary learning system based on item response theory and learning memory cycle. Computers & Education, 51(2), 624–645.

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Collins, T. G. (2005). English class on the air: Mobile language learning with cell phones. Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT05, 402–403.

Comas-Quinn, A., Mardomingo, R., & Valentine, C. (2009). Mobile blogs in language learning: Making the most of informal and situated learning opportunities. ReCALL, 21(1), 96.

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Crompton, H., Goodhand, L., & Wells, S. (2011, February). The whole world in their hands. Learning & Leading with Technology, 38(5), 16–19. Retrieved from

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Cui, Y, & Bull, S. (2005). Context and learner modeling for the mobile foreign language learner. System, 33(2), 353–367.

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Hahn, J. (2008). Mobile learning for the twenty-first century librarian. Reference Services Review, 36(3), 272–288.

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Kennedy, I., Fallahkhair, S., Rossano, V., Trifonova, A., Grasso, A. , Graf, S. Ziswiler, J., & Fraser, R. (2004). Simple Web-based adaptive learning technology. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 6(4), 78-83.

Kennedy, C., & Levy, M. (2008). L’italiano al telefonino: Using SMS to support beginners' language learning. ReCALL, 20(03), 315–330.

Kinsella, S. (2009). Many to one: Using the mobile phone to interact with large classes. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(5), 956–958.

Kondo, M., Ishikawa, Y., Smith, C., Sakamoto, K., & Shimomura, H. (2012). Mobile assisted language learning in university EFL courses in Japan: Developing attitudes and skills for self-regulated learning. ReCALL: Journal of EUROCALL, 24(2), 169–187.

Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Shield, L. (2007). An overview of mobile assisted language learning: Can mobile devices support collaborative practice in speaking and listening? Paper presented at the EUROCALL Virtual Strand. Coleraine, Northern Ireland: EUROCALL.

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Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Traxler, J. (Eds.). (2005). Mobile learning: A handbook for educators and trainers. London: Routledge.

Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2006). Mobile language learning now and in the future. In P. Svensson (Ed.), From vision to practice language learning and IT (pp. 295-310). Härnösand, Sweden: Swedish Net University.

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Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2010). Charting unknown territory: Models of participation in mobile language learning. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 4(2), 116–129.

Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2010). Learning cultures on the move: Where are we heading? Educational Technology & Society, 13(4), 4–14.

Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2010). Mobile learning as a catalyst for change. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 25(3), 181–185.

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Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2012). Language learning defined by time and place: A framework for next generation designs. In J. E. Díaz-Vera (Ed.), Left to my own devices: Learner autonomy and mobile assisted language learning (pp. 1–13). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.

Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Bull, S. (2008). Theoretical perspectives on mobile language learning diaries and noticing for learners, teachers and researchers. In: Proceedings of the mLearn 2008 Conference, 7-10 Oct 2008, Ironbridge Gorge, Shropshire, UK.

Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Bull, S. (2009). Theory-based support for mobile language learning: Noticing and recording. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies iJIM, 3(2), 12–18. .

Kukulska-Hulme, A., Pettit, J., Bradley, L., Carvalho, A. A., Herrington, A., Kennedy, D. M., & Walker, A. (2009). Mature students using mobile devices in life and learning. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(1), 18–52.

Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Shield, L. (2008). An overview of mobile assisted language learning: From content delivery to supported collaboration and interaction. ReCALL, 20(3), 271–289.

Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Wible, D. (2008). Context at the crossroads of language learning and mobile learning. ICCE 2008 Workshop Proceedings, 27–31. October 2008, Taiwan.

Levy, M., & Kennedy, C. (2005). Learning Italian via mobile SMS. In A Kukulska-Hulme & J. Traxler (Eds.), Mobile learning: A handbook for educators and trainers (pp. 76-83). London: Routledge.

Levy, M., & Kennedy, C. (2010). Materials development in three Italian CALL projects: Seeking an optimal mix between in-class and out-of-class learning. CALICO Journal, 27(3), 529–539.

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Lin, Y.-T., Tan, Q., Kinshuk, & Huang, Y. M. (2010). Location-based and Knowledge-oriented Microblogging for Mobile Learning – Framework, Architecture, and System.

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