


4.Key dates


6.Qualifications and Assessment changes

7.Core Subjects


9. Film Studies

10. Maths

11 – 12.Science

13Option subjects

14.Art & Design

15. Business and Communication Studies


17 – 18. Food and Nutrition

19 – 20. Geography


22. ICT (GCSE)

23ICT level 1 and 2 TLM

24 – 25.Physical Education (GCSE)

26.Physical Education (BTEC)

27 – 28.Product Design

29.Performing Arts – Dance (GCSE)

30.Performing Arts – Dance (BTEC)

31.Performing Arts – Drama

32.Performing Arts – Music

33. Philosophy and Ethics


35 – 36.Separate Science

37.Pathway Option Forms

38.‘EBacc’ Pathway Form

39.GCSE Pathway Form

40.Foundation Pathway Form

41.Exemplar Pathway Option Forms

42.‘EBacc’ Exemplar Pathway Form

43.GCSE Exemplar Pathway Form


Dear Parents and Students,

The purpose of this booklet is to give information about the courses that will be taken by students in Year 10 during 2016/2017 and Year 11 during 2017/2018.

Here at Tamworth Enterprise College, we aim to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that will meet the needs of all our learners and allow them to follow the appropriate pathway for the development into a future area of study or career.

We take the process of choosing options very seriously and our aim is that all students, and their parents, should be provided with enough information to make informed choices about their future. This guide is the key source of information and the Options Evening on Wednesday 2nd March will give you the chance to have the whole process explained in further detail so that you can support you son/daughter in making informed choices.

Personalised advice and guidance will be provided by Heads of House and Senior Leaders; please do not hesitate to contact Mr Barnes or Mrs Gutteridge by email, or via the school office, if you have any queries or feel you need some help in making final choices. Once you have reached a decision, the completed option form should be returned to Mr Barnes, or Mrs Gutteridge, by Friday 25th March. Please note forms can be completed manually and sent back into school, but the option for electronic correspondence is there.

We will then start work on constructing a Key Stage 4 timetable for next year. It may be necessary for some students to make alternative choices as some subject combinations may prove to be impossible, some class sizes may be too small, or because we have to teach the subjects at the same time. If this happens we will endeavour to explain the issues and the alternatives with the student promptly and give them the opportunity to discuss and make a new choice. It is vital that students take the time to discuss with teachers their choice of optional subjects. Once courses have started there will be no chance to move to another option, so pupils must choose their options carefully and discuss with staff the content of the courses on offer.

If at any stage you are unsure of the process or want to seek further clarification, please do not hesitate to ask.

Yours sincerely

Mr G Barnes

Assistant Principal

Key Dates

Wednesday 2nd March 2016Parents evening to explain options process

Friday 25th March 2016Last day for returning options forms

Monday 28th March – Consultation meetings with students

Friday 29th April 2016

Friday 20th May 2016Confirmation of option choices for each student.


Here at Tamworth Enterprise College Students must follow one of the pathways explained below, which will include:

  • English
  • Film Studies (Visual English)
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Core Physical Education.

All students will study the subjects listed above as well as developing British Values, Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural aspects through a variety of topics within each subject area and through weekly House assemblies. Other opportunities for such development will come through enrichment activities after school.

‘EBacc’ Pathway:

We expect some students to follow the ‘EBacc’ pathway which involves studying Spanish, a Humanity (Geography or History) and one other GCSE subject. This will give the student a balanced foundation to move into higher education.

GCSE Pathway:

This is where most of our students will choose their options from. This pathway will consist of three subjects. We wold hope that one of these subjects would be either Geography or History. Students can select a BTEC subject from the list as this holds GCSE equivalence.

Foundation Pathway:

This pathway is tailored to those students who want to develop a broader set of skills which include allowing their creative and expressive qualities to come to fruition. Mrs Woolley (SenCo) will discuss with specific parents and students who may benefit from such an opportunity.

No student is restricted to the pathway that they can follow, but we firmly believe that our guidance and support will allow you son/daughter to make an informed and appropriate decision about their future.

Qualificationsand Assessment

GCSEs – General Certificates in Secondary Education.

These are the main qualifications at Key Stage 4. They are graded A* to G in some subject areas, but the vast majority are now graded 1 – 9 as per the new GCSE grading structure, (more details under assessment changes).

The expectation is that any student working at grade 4 - 5 in a subject in Year 9 should go on to gain a grade C equivalent in the subject at GCSE. GCSEs are assessed by externally set written examinations and controlled internal assessments.

Level 2 BTEC Award and Extended Certificates.

These are courses linked to vocational areas. They have practical based elements and most marks come from a portfolio of coursework and assignments, which assess how well the student can demonstrate the skills and understanding that they have developed. These are currently awarded at one of the following grades, Distinction *, Distinction, Merit and Pass, and have a GCSE equivalence.

TLM Information Technology and Computing Awards.

These are computing or IT qualifications that are assessed through a portfolio of work to demonstrate what you can do to pass the qualification. There Is an external exam for the level 2 course.

Assessment changes.

Over the next few years, new, tougher GCSEs will be introduced; firstly in English and Maths, then in most other subjects the following year. This is the same for all schools in the country. The new GCSEs will be graded on a scale from 9 - 1.

The new system does not mirror the old letter grade system of the current GCSEs. However, the new grade 4 is in-line with the current grade C, and the new grade 7 is in-line with the current grade A. It is expected that the new grade 9 will be awarded to the top 20% of students who presently achieve grades A and A* in current GCSEs.

The table below compares the current and the new GCSE grading structure.

New GCSE grade / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Current GCSE grade / G/F / F/E / E/D / C / C/B / B / A / A*

Where students are studying towards the current GCSEs, we will be reporting to parents using the old A*-G grades. For subjects that will be new GCSEs, we will report using the new 9 - 1 grades. Many of our students will continue to take BTEC qualifications as well as GCSE ones; these are graded at Level 1 Pass, then at Level 2: Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction*. The Level 2 Pass is equivalent to achieving a grade C under the current GCSE system.

Core Subjects

How do I know this subject is for me?

English at GCSE is compulsory for all students. We offer two courses that will enable all learners to achieve to their full potential. The courses, outlined below, offer a wide range of opportunities to explore the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening within the contexts that students will find interesting, engaging and relevant to their everyday lives as well as seminal classic literature texts.

What will I learn?

GCSE English: the aim of this course is to provide all students with the ability to communicate clearly, in both oral and written work, by structuring and organising their talk and writing, adapting them to different situations. It will prepare learners to make informed decisions about further learning opportunities and career choices; to use language to participate effectively in society and employment; and to develop their enthusiasm for reading.

GCSE English Literature: requires that learners become critical readers of fiction: prose, poetry and drama. They will experience different times, cultures, viewpoints and situations as found in literary texts and explore how texts from different cultures and traditions may reflect or influence their own values, assumptions and sense of identity.

How will I be assessed?

For both of these courses, students will sit exam papers at the end of Y11. There is no longer a coursework element to English but we will be using regular summative assessments in English and Literature to track progress and support learning. The overall grade that a student can achieve will be graded on the new system between 1 – 9.

What could this course lead to?

Teacher In-charge email

Exam board: WJEC


An exciting addition to the English qualification family!

How do I know this subject is for me?

WJEC's GCSE Film Studies is a new addition to the core English group of GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature. Film Studies in an exciting subject that gives students the chance to study a mainstream genre and films from outside Hollywood. Students can also choose from a range of creative production options and develop their ability to research. The subject can be followed onto GCE AS/A Level and provides a solid link to English.

What will I learn?

You will learn to develop your interest and enjoyment of film in its national and global context. You will develop a critical and investigative approach to ‘reading’ film, exploring representation, genre and audience response.

How will I learn?

You will learn in a variety of ways which will include independent learning, group work activities, teacher led activities, computer based activities and project work. Obviously watching films will play a big part in the learning process!

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed via two equally weighted strands: external exam (two papers worth a combined 50%) and a portfolio of controlled assessment (six tasks worth 50%). The overall grade that a student can achieve will be graded on the new system 1 – 9.

What could this course lead to?

Film is distinctive from Media, is rigorous and demanding in its assessment, offers a range of transferrable skills and is comparable with English literature in demand. Film is offered at degree level by a range of significant universities. GCSE Film is identified as providing preparation for A level as well as supporting a range of key skills that will support students work in the other English strands of Language and Literature.

Teacher In-charge email –

Exam board: WJEC


Two tier entry: Higher tier grades 9 to 5 and Foundation tier 4 to 1

The GCSE Mathematics course provides students with an understanding of Mathematics and the opportunity to acquire a valuable qualification. It has been designed to meet the requirements of the new programme of study at KS4 and to provide skills that will be useful in later life. The course is appropriate for students requiring a general qualification in Mathematics. The Higher tier course is suitable for anyone wishing to progress to GCE A-level or other similar courses. We are currently using the Edexcel exam board.

What will I learn?

You will learn more about the main strands of Number; Algebra; Ratio; Proportion and Rates of Change; Geometry & Measures; Probability and Statistics. You will further develop your ability to use logical reasoning to solve problems and allow you to draw conclusions from mathematical information, present arguments and make connections between the different topics in mathematics.

How will I be assessed?

You will continue to be assessed half-termly with assessments using a variety of AET assessment materials and mock examinations. This will support you as you work towards the GCSE linear exam taken in June of Year 11.

The exam consists of three papers; one non-calculator and two calculator papers each 1 hour and 30 minutes long.

The foundation course will allow you to achieve up to a grade 5, previously the maximum grade that could be achieved on a foundation paper was grade 4. The higher tier course will allow you to achieve up to a grade 9. However 50% of the final examination will contain A/A* material making the higher tier paper much more difficult than in previous years.

What could this course lead to?

The ability to think mathematically is important for all members of a modern society as a habit for its use in the workplace, business and finance, and for personal decision-making. A GCSE Mathematics qualification is a necessary entry requirement for many post-16 courses and a requirement for the majority of employers. The course taken at the higher tier level could lead to an A-level Mathematics course (students following this route should be aiming for a grade 6 or above).

Teacher In-charge email –

Exam board: Edexcel


Two tier entry: Higher tier grades 9-6 and Foundation tier 5-1

How do I know this subject is for me?

Science provides a knowledge and understanding of the world around us and we aim to stimulate excitement and intrigue about how science works and why it is relevant to the world we live in. The course helps students develop their questioning, analytical and evaluative skills alongside core practical skills. The course is appropriate for students requiring a general qualification in Science. The Higher tier course is suitable for anyone wishing to progress to GCE A-level or other similar courses. We are currently using the Edexcel exam board.

What will I learn?

Students are taught Science for six periods a week in KS4

The students will be guided by their science teacher to the appropriate course for them. All Year 9 students are studying towards the combined science award.

Students following the GCSE route will study GCSE combined award in Years 9, 10 and 11. Pupils will cover Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics.

The qualification is available at two levels, Foundation and Higher. The Foundation will be for pupils with a target grade 1-5 and the higher level covers grades 6-9.

How will I learn?

You will learn in a variety of ways which will include independent learning, practical experiments, group work activities, teacher led activities, computer based activities and project work.

How will I be assessed?

You will continue to be assessed half-termly with assessments usually covering three topic areas as used throughout KS3 to show your progress over time in particular strands. This will support you as you work towards the GCSE linear exam taken in June of Year 11. There will also be a mock exam in Year 10 (June) and again in Year 11 (December and April).

The exam consists of six papers, all one hour and ten minute papers. Two in each: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This accounts for 100% of the qualification.

What could this course lead to?

Science qualifications can lead to careers in a huge range of scientific disciplines.
Medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, food science, environmental sciences, marine biology, agriculture, biochemistry, engineering (genetic, chemical, structural, electrical, electronic, mechanical) are just a few of the hundreds of opportunities available. There are more people employed in the UK chemical sector and related jobs than in any other sector of the UK economy.

As well as this, many universities and employers look on sciences as valuable GCSEs to have, not only because of their versatility, but also because of the logical manner in which scientists think and explain problems with which they are presented.

A GCSE Science qualification is a necessary entry requirement for many post-16 courses and a requirement for the majority of employers. The course taken at the higher tier level could lead to an A-level Science course in Biology, Chemistry or Physics.

Teacher In-charge email –

Exam board: Edexcel


Option Subjects

How do I know this subject is for me?

GCSE Art and Design will provide students with a wide range of creative, exciting and stimulating opportunities to explore their interestsin ways that are both personally relevant anddevelopmental in nature.

What will I learn?

During the course you will be taught how to:

  • Create work in a range of the following disciplines: drawing and painting, mixed media, textiles, sculpture and ICT
  • Develop ideas through looking at the work of other artists, designers and craftspeople
  • Have opportunity to experiment with a range of materials in 2D and 3D
  • Learn how to make and record observations using a range of methods including drawing, painting, photography and ICT
  • Finally, you will develop methods for presenting personal and meaningful work that reflects your research and experiments into a given topic or theme

How will I learn?