Please book my place at the Carers Conference 2017 in Perth

Are you attending as a / Carer ☐ / Professional ☐ / Both ☐ / Other:
Postcode / Telephone
Nationality / Email
How did you hear about the Carers Conference?


You will be able to take part in two workshops at the conference. Spaces in the workshops are limited so please tell us your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th workshop preferences by indicating 1-5 next to the workshops you would like to attend. We will do our very best to allocate you a place on the workshop you have selected.

Workshop A / Body Boosting Bingo / Age Scotland
Keeping active and having good muscle strength and balance is critical to our health and well-being. Body Boosting Bingo runs similar to a regular game of bingo but with a bit of a twist! We use a variation on the familiar rhyming bingo calls which will be linked to an exercise or activity.
Workshop B / Digital Skills / LEAD & PKC Digital Participation
This workshop will focus on the benefits of getting online and explain some of the main computer terms you will encounter. It will cover online safety and demonstrate via the big screen how to carry out internet searches and the main Google features (images, maps etc.). There will be tablets/laptops for those who are interested to practice during the workshop.
Workshop C / Technology-Enabled Care / Perth & Kinross Council
This workshop gives carers and professionals an introduction to technology-enabled care (e.g. telecare, telehealth, digital platforms) and an overview of TEC products (e.g. personal alarms, falls monitors, GPS locators, flood detectors). It will cover some case studies and the referral route. TEC products will also be on display.
Workshop D / Mindfulness / Mindspace
It can be easy to rush through life without stopping to notice much. Paying more attention to the present moment – to your own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around you – can improve yourmental wellbeing. Some people call this awareness "mindfulness". Mindfulness can help us enjoy life more and understand ourselves better. You can take steps todevelop it in your own life. This workshop will help you understand the concept of Mindfulness and how it can become part of your life.
Workshop E / Carers benefits, rights & local organisations / Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Perth Citizen’s Advice Bureau will be holding an interactive quiz style workshops on Carers benefits, rights and local organisations that can offer carers support. This will offer a great opportunity to expand your knowledge and potentially win a prize!
Dietary requirements
Tell us if you have any particular dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian, gluten free, wheat free)
Tell us if you have any particular access requirements
Travel/Replacement Care
Tell us if you would like to discuss the option of travel reimbursement/arrangements and/or replacement care arrangements for the person you care for. Complementary replacement care in our Day Clubs can be provided so carers can attend.

Perth & Kinross Association of Voluntary Service Ltd (PKAVS) is a registered Scottish charity (SC 005561) and a company limited by guarantee (86065).