/ The Salvation Army
Good Neighbour Energy Fund / GNEF Administrator
2038/2044 Gottingen Street
Halifax NS B3K 3A9

Tel: 902-422-3435
**New GNEF Fax**: 902-444-8914

January 2011

Dear Applicant:

The Good Neighbour Energy Fund(GNEF) helps Nova Scotians facing an emergency heating situationduring the months of January to April only. It is dependent on funding from externalpartners and administered by The Salvation Army.

The GNEF is not a rebate program. It is intended to assist families in extreme emergency, especially those with no other resources available. GNEF assistswith the primary heating source for a family unit. The fuel source may be furnace oil, wood, natural gas, propane,electric heat, coal or wood pellets. Anyone seeking assistance must complete the application and submit with the required supporting documents.

Applicants are not eligible to receive assistance if:

Your heat is included in rent.

The home heating account is not in applicant’s name(e.g.: NSP account in landlord’s name).

You are seeking assistance for an electric bill, but your source of home heating is oil/wood/etc.

You are applying for help with outstanding/past due balances or a closed account.

You may apply for assistance from this program once in a 24 month period. To apply, please fill out the GNEF application form. Incomplete applications will not be processed. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure their application is complete at the time of submission.


  1. Copy of the most recent home heating receipt or bill(oil/wood/NSP/etc.) that shows applicant’s name and address. If applicable, include a copy of a “disconnection notice” or a “refusal to supply” from your home heating supplier.
  2. Copy of most recent income document for each member of the householdor 2010 Income Tax Assessment. The income documents (e.g.: employment, EI or Social Assistance stubs) should show the household member’s name and address.

Submitting an application does not guarantee assistance. You will be contacted by phone after your application is reviewed. This is an EMERGENCY HEATING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM; if your application is approved, ONE OF OUR SUPPLIERS WILL BE NOTIFIED TO DELIVER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. SUPPLIERS WILL MAKE ONE DELIVERY AND WILL NOT WAIT UNTIL YOUR FUEL SUPPLY IS LOW. If you receive regular delivery from a specific supplier, it is your responsibility to notify them that you may receive a delivery from another supplier. Applicants using electric heat will receive assistance by a direct payment to their account.

If you have any questions, please contact your local Salvation Army or the GNEF Administrator. Return the completed application, along with the required supporting documents, to your local Salvation Army or directly to the GNEF Administrator by mail, fax or email.


Contact information for the GNEF Administrator is noted on the top right corner of this page.

William & Catherine BoothShaw CliftonWilliam FrancisLarry Martin

FoundersGeneralTerritorial CommanderDivisional Commander