Case Cracker: Marketing Case Analysis

Analyze the Situation:
The Company: Internal Issues--Things to build on, avoid or overcome.
Strengths: Reputation, market share, people, innovativeness, anything in current 4Ps
Weaknesses: Low quality, limited line, people, reputation, anything in current 4Ps

The Environment: External Issues-- Things of concern to the whole industry.
Opportunities and Threats due to:
Competitors: New, or changing oldies; strengths/weaknesses; strategies?
Trends: Social-cultural, demographic changes which affect the issue at hand.
Regulations, Technology, Economy, etc.; There may be nothing, but look.
Channel changes: New retailers, shifts in power, etc.

Note that opportunities and threats have nothing specific to do with the firm; they are in the environment whether the firm exists or not.

Consumer Behaviour/Segmentation Analysis: Defining potential markets

Who are the consumers as a group? Are they changing? Do we have statistics, etc.

Market Segments: What are benefits sought & buyer behaviour for each segment?
What consumer clusters exist? What is key issue for each segment?

Define the Problem:

Identify the key issues which emerge from your analysis. For example, you might have found three potential markets, but which one best matches the strengths of the firm? Determine what needs to be done and how you will evaluate alternatives.

Recommend Strategies:

Note: Each alternative should be explored in terms of its target market and the positioning and 4Ps that make sense for that market. Potential target markets should be identified in your consumer behaviour analysis.

Target Market
Define it clearly and relate your 4P recommendations to this. Consider several possible market segments and show why your target makes most sense for your firm. State why you rejected other segments.

Position: Spell it out briefly but clearly. What is your unique offer? How do you wish to be viewed by your target group?

Product: Show clear links to consumer behaviour analysis. Use a broad definition of product, to include image, service, etc.

Price: Price strategy must be stated, with relative or actual prices. Be consistent with other 3Ps.

Place: Use the broad definition. How will people get access to the product/service?

Promotion: What’s your message? What media? Be clear on what you are saying to your target market.

Summary: Show clearly and concisely exactly what you are recommending.

Contents Copyright ©2009, David Nowell
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