General Conditioning Programme
Date / Time / Venue / Class / Descriptor / Instructor / Capacity / Sign Up DateSunday 2nd / 9.00-12.00 / Reception area / Registration / Please let us know that you are here for pre-season and pick up your goody bag! / AU & DSE Staff / NA / NA
11.00-12.30 / Sports Hall / Fitness Testing / This session will put you through a battery of fitness tests to assess your general level of athleticism. These benchmark values will allow you to assess improvements in fitness as the term progresses. Tests include height, weight, counter movement jump, 5m & 20m acceleration, T-Test of agility and sit & reach flexibility. / Intern? / 20 / From Sunday’s Registration
11.00-12.00 / Gymnasium / Kettlebells / Training using the Russian Kettlebell for strength, stability and explosiveness. This session will comprise of anaerobic circuits centred around a select few traditional kettlebell lifts and exercises. / Lyall Rowan / 20 / From Sunday’s Registration
11.30-1.00pm / Seminar Room / Presidents Coffee Morning / An opportunity to meet the AU President and to discuss any current concerns or ideas you have for club development over the next academic year. / Emily Griffiths / NA / Just drop In and stay as long as you like.
12.30-2.00 / Sports Hall / Fitness Testing / See Above / Intern? / 20 / From Sunday’s Registration
5.00-6.00 / Sports Hall / Zumba / Very enjoyable and entertaining class! It is an energetic, cardiovascular workout packed with fun moves to inspiring music from all over the world. / Madira Gregurek / Unlimited / Just turn up
6.00-7.00 / Sports Hall / Yogalates / Medium to high intensity core based mat work, combining enjoyable and challenging dynamic Yoga with core toning and strengthening Pilates exercises. Perfect mix for those who like mind-body challenge. / Madira Gregurek / 35 / From Sunday’s Registration
Monday 3rd / 8.45-10.00 / Sports Hall / Fitness Testing / See Above / Intern? / 20 / From Sunday 2nd
11.00-12.00 / Gymnasium / Kettlebells / See Above / Lyall Rowan / 20 / From Sunday 2nd
11.30-12.30 / Studio / Spin / A group exercise class performed on stationary bikes. During the class, the instructor simulates hill-climbing, sprints, and races. It is a fantastic cardiovascular workout. You will be kept motivated by the instructor, the people around you and the music. / Laura Philpott / 15 / From Sunday 2nd
12.30-1.00 / Studio / Core Conditioning / A strong core is essential for a healthy back and good posture. We are constantly using our core muscles to carry out our daily activities. The class will focus exclusively on strengthening all muscles in the core through progressive floor and stability ball exercises. / Laura Philpott / 35 / From Sunday 2nd
1.30-2.30 / Maths B / Training for an Olympic Dream / Laura Scott is a former member of the University of St Andrew Women’s Rugby squad who moved to Loughborough University after being selected by UK Athletics for their “Future Throws Stars” initiative, following an application to the UK Sport driven “Tall and Talented” talent transfer project. Her dream is to compete for GB as a hammer thrower in future Olympic Games.
This session will outline Laura’s journey and progress so far. She will discuss her training programmes with you and share some thoughts and reflections of the past 12 months. / Laura Scott / Unlimited / Just turn up
5.00-6.00 / Sports Hall / Circuits / After an extended dynamic warm up that will include some speed, agility and/or metabolic conditioning you will perform a series of stations aimed at improving general fitness. Exercises will include bodyweight resistance exercises aimed at improving muscular strength and endurance and more generic exercises to tax the cardiovascular system. Great team building exercise and everyone encouraged to work at their own pace! / Intern? / Unlimited / Just turn up
6.00-7.00 / Sports Hall / Yoga & Relaxation / The session will start off with some Sun Salutations, followed by standing then seated Yoga postures to develop strength, flexibility, posture and stability. There will be a strong focus on breathing that will be continued into the 10minute relaxation phase at the end of the class. Postures and breathing exercises used in the class can then be taken into individual and team training sessions post pre-season. / Debby Sargent / Unlimited / Just turn up
Tuesday 4th / 12.30-1.30 / Meet outside Reception / Michael’s Bootcamp / This is the ultimate outdoor fitness session, using all types off fitness training to push you harder than you have worked before, it will make you dig deep but very rewarding once you have finished!!! / Mike Millar / Unlimited / Just turn up
1.45-2.45 / Maths B / Effective Goal Setting / This session is about how you can channel the enthusiasm generated by preseason into a structured means of attaining your goals over the year, rather than just letting things "fizzle out". Most successful people in life set goals and proactively achieve them – this session will give you some helpful tips on how to do this effectively. / Laura Scott / Unlimited / Just turn Up
4.00-5.00 / Studio / Spin / As Above / Mike Millar / 15 / From Monday 3rd
5.00-6.00 / Sports Hall / Boxing for Fitness / This is a great work out designed to push you to the limit. In this class we use boxing techniques and body weight training to get the best results during the class. It’s a hard class
intended to get the best from you! / Mike Millar / Unlimited / Just turn up
6.00-7.00 / Sports Hall / Stretch & mobility / The focus will be to mobilise all of the major joints, whilst increasing flexibility to encourage better posture and easier movement. Major muscle groups will be actively stretched and mobilized with integrated core stabilization / Laura Philpot / Unlimited / Just turn up
Wednesday 5th / 10.30-11.30 / Body Workshop / Gym Fitness / Workshop workout is based in the gym using a variety of the cardio and resistance machines as well as dumbbells. This class will provide you with a whole body workout allowing you to workout at your own pace. / Laura Philpott / 25 / From Tuesday 4th
1.00-2.00 / Maths A / Performance Mind-set / A belief in your own capability to excel is crucial in achieving your sporting goals. This talk will demonstrate just how crucial - how your mind-set shapes every aspect of your training and competition - and will also show you that that belief is not only helpful, but actually correct. You can excel, and there's a whole heap of experimental data to prove it. / Benji Heywood / Unlimited / Just turn up
2.15-3.15 / Sports Centre Grounds / An Endurance Based Conditioning
Session / The session will take the participant through a typical endurance session consisting of a running warm–up, dynamic warm–up, interval session with both speed endurance and strength endurance, finishing with a warm–down.
The purpose of the session is to introduce the participants to the different methods and constituent parts of endurance training. / Ron Morrison / Unlimited / Just Turn Up
Meet outside Reception
5.00-6.00 / Sports Hall / Pilates / Strengthen and stabilize your core abdominals, low back, and glutes while gaining mobility, strength, alignment, and body awareness as you complete a series of floor toning exercises.This mind-body workout will develop your strength, flexibility and endurance while challenging your core. / Laura Philpott / 35 / From Tuesday 4th
6.00-7.00 / Sports Hall / Stretch & Mobility / As Above / Laura Philpott / Unlimited / Just turn up
Thursday 6th / 12.00-1.00 / Maths A / Sports Massage / Bernie will give a workshop on sports massage. He will describe and demonstrate commonly used techniques and how these can be performed easily to aid in your recovery using either a foam roller/tennis ball. / Bernie Li / Unlimited / Just turn up
1.00-2.00 / Maths A / A workshop on planning training for endurance events / The session will concentrate on how to train smartly to achieve your goals. It will include:
· Planning the short, medium and long term competition goals
· Planning the short, medium and long term training to meet the goals
· Recording your training for review and assessing progress
· Lydiard with a twist – who is he?
· Warm–up, warm–down, dynamic activity and stretching
· Basic endurance where there as many long runs as possible and as much distance as possible
· Strength endurance that builds up leg strength and is developed by hill runs or reps and speed drills especially on downhill reps
· Speed Endurance that develops speed and is done by training faster and faster usually on a track
· What is interval training, fartlek, background and resistance running?
· Putting it all together and fitting it into your life
· Avoiding and dealing with injury and illness / Ron Morrison / Unlimited / Just turn up
1.00-2.00 / Gymnasium / Kettlebells / See Above / Lyall Rowan / 20 / From Wednesday 5th
5.00-6.00 / Sports Hall / Circuits / See Above / Intern? / Unlimited / Just turn up
6.00-7.00 / Sports Hall / Yoga, Incl. Relaxation / See Above / Debby Sargent / Unlimited / Just turn up
Friday 7th / 12.00-1.00 / Maths A / Strapping / Bernie will demonstrate how to apply tape to help protect ankle sprains/shoulder dislocation/thumb hyperextension/knee hyperextension. / Bernie Li / Unlimited / Just Turn Up
1.15pm inwards / Sports Centre Grounds / X-country run competition / The session will introduce participants to endurance competition. Following on from the conditioning session, the session will use the same running warm–up and dynamic warm–up. It will end with a warm–down.
The competition itself will consist of a team of 2 with each athlete running a 1K lap and then a 2K lap in rotation
You do not need to arrive at the event with a team mate – this can be arranged once you arrive. / Ron Morrison / Unlimited / Just Turn Up
Meet outside Reception
2.00-3.00 / Sports Hall / Zumba / Very enjoyable and entertaining class! It is an energetic, cardiovascular workout packed with fun moves to inspiring music from all over the world. / Madira Gregurek / Unlimited / Just turn up
3.00-4.00 / Sports Hall / Yoga / Class designed to access areas of tension and, through varied yoga poses, allows the whole body to stretch. Focus is on alignment and full relaxing breathing which means you will leave feeling relaxed and centred, with a better understanding of injury prevention. / Madira Gregurek / Unlimited / Just turn up
From 7.00pm / Students Association Main Bar / Pre-Season
Saints Social / A final event at the end of the week to reflect on a week of enjoyable hard work and look forward to a successful 2012-13 season. This is your chance to let your hair down with friends and celebrate Saints Sport.
Food will be served from 7.30pm onwards. / NA / Unlimited / Attendance confirmed at registration.
Access bands collected during the week.