WEDNESDAY, February 19, 2014



In attendance: Chair Amy MacMillan

Vice Chair Michelle Neill (minute taker)

Past Chair Mary Ellen McInnis

Treasurer Lynne Beairsto

Executive Director Mike Connolly

Data Specialist Cindy Ramsay

Coaches rep JD Gilmour

Competitions Francyne Doiron

Skating Programs Elizabeth MacKay

Evangeline Julie Savoie

Tyne Valley Lynn MacLeod

Alberton Terra Lynn Shea

Kensington Joyce Arsenault

Cornwall Leann MacPhail-Cantwell

Regrets: Synchronized Kelly Perry

Evaluators Shannon Richards

Membership Kelly Dawn Oliver

Montague Robin Blue

Tignish Leona Perry

O’Leary Juanita Gallant

Sherwood Michelle Bryenton

Summerside Lora Lee Price

Rustico Joe Perry

Item I: Call to Order and Welcome:

Chairperson, Amy MacMillan, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Item II: Adoption of Agenda

No additions.

Motion to adopt the agenda. Mover/Seconder: Cindy Ramsay/JD Gilmour. Motion Carried.

Item III: Previous Minutes (January 15, 2014)

·  Under D, Mike will purchase and charge the drill.

·  Update to H: NS section is hosting Atlantica.

·  Under VI d), Cindy confirmed the planned program sheets are not needed for this level.

Motion to approve minutes. M/S: Joyce Arsenault /Mary Ellen McInnis. Motion Carried.

Item IV: Treasurer’s Report

Lynne presented her report. No concerns or questions.

Motion to approve report. M/S: Lynne Beairsto/Michelle Neill. Motion Carried.

Item V: Committee Reports

A: Data Specialist:

See email at bottom of ED’s Report.

·  Nancy and Cindy visited Winter Skate in Sackville, NB.

·  They also held a training session in Kensington recently for DS’s – for STAR 1-4.

·  Paper has been received for report cards and will be paper-clipped to ribbons @ ADL.

·  There is a Judge/Evaluator chair meeting at the ACGM (it is being planned now and they are asking for agenda items from sections). Skate Canada is now keeping chairs informed of these planned meetings at the ACGM to ensure no one is missed.

B: Awards:

See written report.

The Stephen Dennis and PEI Skater Recognition Awards are due March 14, 2014 – please send to Mike or Lynn MacLeod. Action: Section Awards deadline Mar 14th

Amy asked if any clubs submitted a nominee for Club Recreation Coach, as there were none received from Skate Canada, even though she is aware that the Charlottetown club nominated Vernon Frizzel. These nominees are usually recognized at our Section Banquet.

C: Coaches:

JD Gilmour reported on the status of some coaches:

o  Taran Price – is taking the CanSkate course this Fall, as she turns 16 in September/2014.

o  Peggy Buote – Has completed the STARSkate course, and will be seeking reimbursement from the section soon.

·  An idea was discussed regarding younger coaches, do we want to look at a mandatory CEP status for our section? Skate Canada is enacting a standard of a minimum of 5 credits, which is Bronze CEP status, as of the Fall of 2014.

·  The new CanSkate program is mandatory for the Fall of 2014.

·  New fundamental STAR testing – Kensington has piloted this for the 2013-2014 season, so maybe they can provide some feedback and information to the section at the Friday night info session at our section AGM? Some items are charged and some are not. JD will ask the Kensington coaches for some feedback on how this went and any ideas they might have going forward. Action: JD

D: Competitions:

See written report.

·  Francyne reviewed registrations for ADL and STAR & noted some amendments.

·  Hospitality and club volunteer assignments are coming soon. Francyne will need the “Hospitality tote” from storage to restock it for STAR. Mike to help with that.

Action: Mike

·  Are we getting any donations for STAR this year? Maybe Pepsi could donate water bottles? JD to contact them. Action: JD

E: Evaluators & Judges:

Amy advised previously of the meetings being held at the ACGM. She will speak with Shannon regarding judge training.

F: Marketing:


G: Membership:


H: Skating Programs:

See written report.

·  STAR 5 – 13 & over and above levels skaters should decide if they wish to attend Atlantica prior to the STAR event, so they are ready, if eligible, as there is a $100 fee to secure their spot. An email was sent to those potentially eligible and their coaches to advise them of this. If there are any of last year’s Atlantica skaters that could lend some jackets for sizing purposes for any new skaters this year, it would be appreciated.

·  The Future Champions program has held 5 of the planned 6 sessions so far.

·  Canada Winter Games – 2 skaters are eligible, if they continue with the training: Chloë, who finished 1st; and Katie, who finished 2nd.

·  The Fundamentals programming did not take place this year, due to a lack of interested coaches to run the program.

I: Synchro:

See written report.

Joyce & Kelly are co-chairing the Provincial Synchro event this year in O’Leary to allow a cross-over of duties. There will be 16 PEI team and 7 NB teams in attendance.

J: Executive Director:

See written report.

·  Awards: There were many questions about awards this year. The timing for the awards is from September 1st/13 to the time of submission of the award for tests. The Volunteer Award of Excellence got missed, so we are awaiting information to send in the nomination. Tignish and Alberton had no awards submitted, is that correct or were there problems with the submission process?

·  2014-15 Funding: application is due March 15th – please send seminar wish lists to Mike, and Mike will prepare a few as well from previous years’ info.

·  Emerging Athletes Funding: Mike prepared an application and we’re hoping for a larger amount of the funds available (~$3,000).

·  “Locker” training has been completed by Mike for coach updating in the Skate Canada system.

·  ADL: Ribbons have arrived; there was a small error on the STAR 3 ribbons (PEI was not included on the ribbon).

·  STAR: Awards/medals have been ordered, and skater gifts are in (water bottles for Synchro, and keychain for skaters). There is a $200 credit coming from the supplier for the friendship bag delayed delivery – Mike to follow up on this. Action: Mike

·  Website: Has been updated with several past minutes – please let Mike know if there are any missing that you might have. The pics of the Cows shirts is on the site, too.

·  CanSkate Certificates: The section will print these for clubs, if you wish – please give Mike a couple of weeks’ notice to ensure they are ready in time.

·  Section AGM: We are expecting about 100 attendees this year.

Motion to approve all committee reports. M/S: JD Gilmour/Cindy Ramsay. Motion Carried.

ITEM VI: New Business


·  Cows shirts, staging, saw, drill, skirting, etc. being delivered to Kensington on Friday by mid-afternoon.

·  Trailer to O’Leary mid-afternoon on Friday, February 28th.

·  The DS’s are expecting to be at the rink by 3-4 pm on Friday.

·  Simon & volunteers are putting up the staging for us around 7 pm? – Cindy to confirm timing with Nancy. We will provide Tim Horton’s gift cards to these volunteers.

·  Videographer (Shane Hennessey): At ADL, will do STAR 1-4 & dance events, but no team events. At STAR, will do Freeskates, Interpretive, and Skills – all skaters get a DVD, as it was included in the registration fees.

·  Photographer: Chris Keough has offered to attend the event again this year. A copy of the starting order with dress colour will be provided to the photographer.

·  Amy will bring the music for STAR 1 and medals for the STAR 4 events.

·  At ADL, club participation is noted, but there is no club points award. At STAR, there is a most club points award – so we need to ensure there is a plaque ordered for this.

b) ACGM: More to come later after confirmation of the meetings taking place at this event.

c) Section Awards:

10-year and/or 25-year volunteers – email will be sent to clubs from Mike. We will order pins to be awarded at our section AGM. Also, skaters that have passed Gold tests between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014, are recognized at our Section AGM as well. Clubs: please pass on your list of updated PA’s to Joyce Arsenault. Action: Mike

d) Spring Ice/Atlantica:

We plan to book extra ice later, once we know where all the skaters that are attending Atlantica are from on PEI.

ITEM VII: Next Meeting

Wed, March 26 in Kensington @ 6:45 pm.

ITEM VIII: Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Skate Canada – PEI February 19, 2014 Page 1 of 4