Charles Tilly- Migration, Inequality and Related Themes (abridged version)

Following is non-exhaustive suggest list of writings by Tilly on migration and/or inequality.


1.  1965 “Migration to an American City.” Newark, Delaware: Division of Urban Affairs and School of Agriculture, University of Delaware. (PDF on website)

2.  1967 (with C. Harold Brown) "On Uprooting, Kinship, and the Auspices of Migration," International Journal of Comparative Sociology 8: 139-164 (PDF on website),_and_theAuspicesofMigration.pdf and through Jstor

3.  1968 "Race and Migration to the American City" in James Q. Wilson, ed., The Metropolitan Enigma. Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1968 (UTEP Main Stacks HT123.M43 1968) UTEP

4.  1970 "Migration to American Cities," in Daniel Patrick Moynihan, ed., Toward a National Urban Policy. New York: Harper

5.  1976. “Cities and Migration.” CRSO Working Paper /I147. Center for Research on Social Organization. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Script for television series "Culture, Community and Identity: An Ethnic Perspective" produced by Wayne State University. Interview of Charles Tilly by George Coleman.

6.  1978 "Migration in Modern European History," in William McNeill & Ruth Adams, eds., Human Migration: Patterns, Implications, Policies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press (Draft from 1976 available) (UTEP Main Stacks HB 1951.H84 1978) and through Deep blue

7.  1989. “Cities and Immigration in North America.” Working Paper No. 88. Center for Studies of Social Change. New School for Social Research.

8.  1990 "Transplanted Networks," in Virginia Yans-McLaughlin, ed., Immigration Reconsidered. History, Sociology, and Politics. New York: Oxford University Press (UTEP Main Stacks JV 6450.I57 1990) (1986 working draft)

9.  2 000 “Chain Migration and Opportunity Hoarding,” in Janina W. Dacyl & Charles Westin, eds., Governance of Cultural Diversity. Stockholm: CEIFO [Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations] Reprinted as 2008 “Chain Migration and Opportunity Hoarding.” Identities, Boundaries, and Social Ties. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. Whole Book available for purchase at:

Trust Networks:

2004 “Trust and Rule,” Theory and Society 33: 1-30

2005 Trust and Rule. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;

2007 “Trust Networks in Transnational Migration,” Sociological Forum 22: 3-25


1995 "Citizenship, Identity and Social History," and "The Emergence of Citizenship in France and Elsewhere," in Charles Tilly, ed., Citizenship, Identity and Social History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. International Review of Social History Supplement 3, published as journal issue and as separate volume and

1997 “A Primer on Citizenship,” Theory and Society 26: 599-602 (PDF)

1999 "Why Worry About Citizenship?" in Michael P. Hanagan & Charles Tilly, eds., Expanding Citizenship, Reconfiguring States. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield

(Google Books)

1996. Introduction to The French melting pot: immigration, citizenship, and national identity by Gérard Noiriel. University of Minnesota Press.


2004 “Foreword” in Joe Bandy & Jackie Smith, eds., Coalitions Across Borders. Transnational Protest and the Neoliberal Order. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman &

Littlefield (Main Stacks HM881 .C63 2005)

Boundaries and Categorical Inequality

1998. Durable Inequality. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

2004. "Social Boundary Mechanisms." Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34:211-236.

2005. Identities, Boundaries, and Social Ties. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.

2007. "Poverty and the Politics of Exclusion." in Moving Out of Poverty: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Mobility, vol. 1 edited by D. Narayan and P. Petesch. Palgrave Macmillan and the World Bank: New York, NY

Charles Tilly writings on Migration and/or Inequality

REPRESENTATIVE PUBLICATIONS: CHARLES TILLY From Tilly CV MARCH 2008 plus a couple of PDF scanned by Ernesto Castañeda

1965 Migration to an American City. Newark, Delaware: Division of Urban Affairs and School of Agriculture, University of Delaware.

1967 (with C. Harold Brown) "On Uprooting, Kinship, and the Auspices of Migration," International Journal of Comparative Sociology 8: 139-164

1968 "Race and Migration to the American City" in James Q. Wilson, ed., The Metropolitan Enigma. Cambridge: Harvard University Press

1970 "Migration to American Cities," in Daniel Patrick Moynihan, ed., Toward a National Urban Policy. New York: Harper

1976. “Cities and Migration.” CRSO Working Paper /I147. Center for Research on Social Organization. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Script for television series "Culture, Community and Identity: An Ethnic Perspective" produced by Wayne State University. Interview of Charles Tilly by George Coleman.

1978 "Migration in Modern European History," in William McNeill & Ruth Adams, eds., Human Migration: Patterns, Implications, Policies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press

1985 Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Selected by Choice as one of its "Outstanding Academic Books of 1984-1985". Spanish edition, Madrid: Alianza, 1991

1989. “Cities and Immigration in North America.” Working Paper No. 88. Center for Studies of Social Change. New School for Social Research.

1990 "Transplanted Networks," in Virginia Yans-McLaughlin, ed., Immigration Reconsidered. History, Sociology, and Politics. New York: Oxford University Press

1994 "Stratification and Inequality," pp. 723-728 in Peter N. Stearns, ed., Encyclopedia of Social History. New York: Garland

(with Chris Tilly) "Capitalist Work and Labor Markets," in Neil J. Smelser & Richard Swedberg, eds., Handbook of Economic Sociology (Russell Sage Foundation & Princeton University Press)

1995 "Citizenship, Identity and Social History," and "The Emergence of Citizenship in France and Elsewhere," in Charles Tilly, ed., Citizenship, Identity and Social History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. International Review of Social History Supplement 3, published as journal issue and as separate volume

1997 A Primer on Citizenship,” Theory and Society 26: 599-602

1998 (with Chris Tilly) Work Under Capitalism. Boulder: Westview Press. Korean edition 2006, Hanul Publishing Co.

Durable Inequality. Berkeley: University of California Press. Spanish-language edition 2000, Buenos Aires: Manantial; Swedish edition 2000, Lund: Arkiv förlag

"Where Do Rights Come From?" in Theda Skocpol, ed., Democracy, Revolution, and History. Ithaca: Cornell University Press (revised version of 1992 paper, same title)

1999 "Why Worry About Citizenship?" in Michael P. Hanagan & Charles Tilly, eds., Expanding Citizenship, Reconfiguring States. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield

“Durable Inequality,” in Phyllis Moen, Donna Dempster-McClain & Henry Walker, eds., A Nation Divided: Diversity, Inequality, and Community in American Society, Cornell University Press

2000 “Chain Migration and Opportunity Hoarding,” in Janina W. Dacyl & Charles Westin, eds., Governance of Cultural Diversity. Stockholm: CEIFO [Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations]

“Relational Studies of Inequality,” Contemporary Sociology 29: 782-785

2001 “Past and Future Inequalities,” Hagar 2: 5-18

“Anthropology Confronts Inequality” (pp. 299-306) and “Relational Origins of Inequality,” (pp. 355-372) in Charles Tilly, ed., special issue on inequality, Anthropological Theory, vol. 1, no. 3

“Justice and Categorical Inequality” [review-essay], Theory, Culture, and Society 18: 129-133

2002 “Changing Forms of Inequality” Sociological Theory 21: 31-36 “Inequality, Democratization, and De-Democratization,” Sociological Theory 21: 37-43

2004 “Social Boundary Mechanisms,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34: 211-236

“Trust and Rule,” Theory and Society 33: 1-30

2005 Trust and Rule. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;

Identities, Boundaries, and Social Ties. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers

“Historical Perspectives on Inequality” in Mary Romero & Eric Margolis, eds., The Blackwell Companion to Social Inequalities. Oxford: Blackwell

“Rethinking Inequalities,” Polish Sociological Review 3: 207-220

“Afterword: Political Ethnography as Art and Science,” Qualitative Sociology 29: 409-412; reprinted in Lauren Joseph, Matthew Mahler & Javier Auyero, eds., New Perspectives in Political Ethnography (New York: Springer, 2007)

(with Viviana A. Zelizer) “Relations and Categories” in Arthur Markman and Brian Ross, eds., Categories in Use. The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Advances in Research and Theory, Volume 47 Amsterdam: Elsevier

2007 “Trust Networks in Transnational Migration,” Sociological Forum 22: 3-25

“Unequal Access to Scientific Knowledge,” Journal of Human Development 8: 245-258

“Poverty and the Politics of Exclusion” in Deepa Narayan and Patti Petesch, eds., Moving Out of Poverty. Volume 1: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Mobility. New York: Palgrave Macmillan and Washington: World Bank.

2008 Explaining Social Processes. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.


2004 “Future Inequalities,” lecture, Concordia University, Montréal

2005 “Boundaries, Inequality, and Violence,” lecture, City University of New York Graduate Center, October 2005

2006 “Intellectual Fields,” comment, Graduate Student Conference on “Power in Thought and Practice: 50 Years of C. Wright Mills’ The Power Elite,” May 2006

“Social Boundaries and Political Struggle,” lecture, New School for Social Research, May 2006

2007 “Mobility, Inequality, and Democracy,” keynote address for launch of the World Bank’s Moving Out of Poverty: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives on Mobility, World Bank, Washington DC, 3 October 2007