10 September 2014 – Woods Family Classroom – 1:00 PM


Terriann Abarzua, Jessica Abbott, Manuel Acosta, Randi Ashton-Pritting, Brandy Ciraldo, AnneMarie Cirullo, Beverly Collins, Judy Denny, Barbara Dessureau, Mary Dowst, Anna Paula Frazao, Valerie Gilleran, Evelyne Haldimann, Ben Ide, Sue Landolina, Cheryl MacMath, Anita Marchant, Cindy Oppenheimer, Catherine Rose, Chris Sanford, Sebby Sorrentino, Bonny Taylor, Connie Yoczik

Discussion/Approval of Minutes of the June 10 meeting: The minutes were approved as presented.

Status as new Staff Association President: Cheryl MacMath explained that she has assumed the position of President in accordance with Staff Association by-laws. Former President Evelyne Haldimann has stepped down in order to accommodate any eventualities in the approaching outsourcing of her Department.

I. University Committee Reports

Budget Advisory Team - The two new representatives from the Staff Association to the University’s Budget Advisory Team will be Randi Ashton-Pritting and Valerie Gilleran. Valerie Gilleran reported that they had attended the first meeting of the year, and described the work of the Team as that of integrating the University’s strategic goals as they are developed, with the budgetary planning process. There is traditionally a practical reason for a second three-year term, because expertise and familiarity with the Team’s work develops over time. The representatives’ current three-year term will run through June, 2017.

Wellness Committee: Weekly wellness classes (Zumba, yoga, ) have begun again with the new semester. Weight Watchers will begin September 19 and Hawk Walk begins October 6 and runs through November 14. Flu shots will be available on October 14, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, on a first-come, first served basis.

Benefits Task Force: At its recent meeting, the discussion centered on insurance benefits and what costs are to the University, which pays every claim directly itself. Increases to employees, if they are put in place, will be minimal. The committee is also looking into alternatives to the Flex Spending Program, and has made a recommendation to the President.

II. Staff Association Reports

Web Advisory Committee: Barbara Dessureau. A newly refurbished web site will be launched on October 2, and University employees are urged to explore it to see if anything in their departments is out of order.

Faculty Senate : Ben Ide. The first meeting of the year is scheduled for September 23, and a report will be given in the October Staff Association meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Jessica Abbott. A new balance, $2386.81, reflects a slight increase due to the August barbecue receipts.

Membership Director Report: AnneMarie Cirullo. Membership remains at 154, as reported in the June meeting.

V. Old Business

Barbecue: The August barbecue was a great success. Despite the weather, the attendance had been very good. Many thanks were expressed to Evelyne Haldimann, who had not let the rain hinder an excellent performance as barbecue chef.

V. New Business:

The Chair presented the E. Board’s program suggestions for the next two meetings, soliciting opinions for or against. Since none were given, the programs will stand as presented.

October: The Staff Association meeting will be held in the new Commons private dining room, providing it is available, and will give members an opportunity to see the refurbished building. (This would not be subsidized by the Staff Association.)

November: Thanksgiving Luncheon at the 1877 Club Restaurant, will be partially subsidized, as in the past.

VI. Presentation: Shane Ciccarelli, Associate Dean for Admissions, on the subject of the University’s Tuition Exchange Program. The subject was covered in careful detail, and many questions from those present were answered. It was a timely presentation on a program that is a complex but nevertheless an important benefit for University employees who qualify.

The meeting adjourned at 2:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Anita Marchant
