The programme is funded by the government’s ‘Wider Opportunities’ initiative. The Schools’ Forum has been consulted on how the grant should be managed.
OCMS will fund the purchase of instruments. Each partnership will be allocated a portion of the grant on the basis of KS2 numbers.
Partnerships should decide how to divide up this grant and whether to use school based staff to reduce the amount needed. If the amount is exceeded, partnerships should decide how this cost should be met.
The cost for the whole year is £1520 per class. Music Service managers are able to help in this area.
Schools should arrange adequate storage for instruments.
The class teacher should be present at the sessions and should learn the instrument alongside the children.
The VIP must not be used to cover PPA time in schools.
There will be 30 sessions per year normally coinciding with the OCMS calendar.
For further details including a more detailed policy document, contact the County Music Service:
Tel: 01865 740000
On the Intranet at the Music Service site and the Schools’ site.
Oxfordshire County Music Service
Vocal and Instrumental Programme
2008 – 2009
A quick guide for schools
Programme Summary
A one year programme to offer instrumental lessons to whole classes as part of the government’s ‘Wider Opportunities’ initiative.
Supports Enjoyment and Achievement agenda with fun, musical activities embedded in the programme.
An opportunity, at last, for every child to learn a musical instrument.
CPD opportunities for school based staff. Up to 100% funding.
Aims to enhance pupils’ existing skills and teach pupils basic skills on the chosen instrument.
Structure and Content
The programme can be offered to pupils in years 3,4 and 5.
The first ten weeks are spent doing General Musicianship sessions which involve pulse activities using body movements, rhythm activities using flash cards and pitch activities using recorders. All the activities have attractive CD backing tracks.
The rest of the year is spent learning instruments as a whole class. Activities are based on those in the General Music sessions.
The programme can replace parts of the existing National Curriculum requirements.
Continuation after the programme is either through the Music Service’s normal lessons or a second year can be bought in.
The County Music Service (OCMS) will provide instruments for a whole class. OCMS will advise partnerships on which instruments are available, leading to a balanced provision in each partnership.
Instruments available are as follows:
Year 3 and 4 – Strings, guitar, keyboard and percussion
Year 5 – Brass and band (mixed woodwind, brass and percussion)
These options are due to the size of the instruments and the physical requirements of playing them.
Instruments are kept in the school and are available for practice sessions between lessons.