The following questions listed are designed to obtain your open response about your work experience during your employment at Tristate Centers for Sight. We value this information to learn what we might do better or differently, therefore your input is important.

We will maintain your response in strict confidence. You will have an opportunity to expand on these comments during your exit interview.

You may share this information You may not share this information

Employee Information

Employee Name: Date:

Date of Employment: from to

Date of Termination/Resignation:

Division: Manager Name:

What was your primary reason for leaving our practice?

Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following:

Very Reasonably Somewhat

Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

Compensation & Benefits

1.  Overall employee benefit package     

2. How satisfied were you with our

practice’s compensation plan?     

3. How satisfied were you with the

following benefits?

Medical Insurance     

Dental Insurance     

401K/Pension     

Profit Sharing     

4. On the job training     

Work Environment

For the following items listed on the next page please indicate which level of agreement or disagreement:

Strongly Somewhat Strongly

Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree

5. My manager was open to discussing

work-related problems.     

6. My performance objectives were clear.     

7. My manager communicated clearly and

efficiently.     

8. My manager encouraged teamwork     

9. I was provided the appropriate tools

for my job.     

10. My assessment/evaluation of my job

performance was fair and honest.     

11. My workload was manageable     

12. My management addressed conflict

appropriately.     

Values and Objectives

13. I am proud to have worked at

Tristate Centers for Sight     

14. Management and Physicians

recognize good performance.     

15. Tristate Centers for Sight is well

managed.     

16. Unethical behavior is never tolerated     

17. The practice has high values, and is

future oriented for patients and

employees.     

18. My job provided opportunities to

take initiative.     


19. I would recommend Tristate Centers for Sight to others as a place to work.

Yes No Possibly Unlikely

20. Could we have done anything to prevent you from leaving?

Yes No Possibly Unlikely

Please list any other comments or suggestions you may have below:

Thank you for taking time to complete this form for your exit interview.