Progress summary: x SchoolCohort size:
These figures and judgements should be viewed with an awareness of group sizes
Table 1 (RO Table 5.5.1): KS1 to 2 % making expected progress by groups
2012 English / 2012 MathsSignificantly above average (SIG+)
Above, but not significantly different to, average
At national
Below, but not significantly different to, average
Significantly below average (SIG-)
All pupils Boys Girls FSM CLAorFSM EAL SEN (no statement) SEN (statement)
All pupils Boys Girls FSM CLAorFSM EAL SEN (no statement) SEN (statement)
Table 2 (RO Table 5.2.2): Expected (flat levels) progress English by sublevel
School % achieving expected progress / National % achieving expected progress / School % exceeding expected progress / National % exceeding expected progressW / 68 / 33
1 / 88 / 54
2c / 82 / 9
2b / 94 / 20
2a / 99 / 47
3 / 84 / 0
Summary / 92 (Floor Standard - Median figure)
Table 3 (RO Table 5.3.2): Expected (flat levels) progress Maths by sublevel
School % achieving expected progress / National % achieving expected progress / School % exceeding expected progress / National % exceeding expected progressW / 64 / 28
1 / 80 / 36
2c / 68 / 6
2b / 91 / 21
2a / 99 / 53
3 / 88 / 14
Summary / 90 (Floor Standard - Median figure)
Below national progress / -Indicates no pupils in the group
Table 4: Attainment (RO Table 4.3.3)
Summary%L4+(EM) / 60 (Floor Standard)
79 (National average)
%L4+(E) / 85(National average)
%L4+(M) / 84(National average)
Below Floor Standard
Above Floor Standard but below national average
At or above national average
This data summary has been prepared by the Learning and Improvement Service to make headteachers and governors aware of the progress of pupils in the school compared to national and to alert them to any areas which need to be addressed.