/ El Camino College
Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment

Assessment of Learning Committee

Monday, Sept 27, 2010 Agenda

Time: 2:30p – 4:00p in Library 202

Coordinator--ECC /Chair: Jenny Simon
Coordinator—CEC: Chelvi Subramaniam
Business Rep: Monica Chaban, Ollie Hadley
Soc/Beh Reps: Juli Soden*
Humanities Reps: Rebecca Bergeman & Elise Geraghty
Nat Sci Rep: Jim Noyes*
Math Rep: Kaysa Laureano-Ribas*
Ind / Tech Rep: Ray Lewis* & Merriel Winfree*
Fine Arts Rep: Harrison Storms & Karen Whitney*
HSA Rep: Kelly Holt* & Mina Colunga
*=facilitator / Learning Res Rep: Claudia Striepe
Student Services Rep: Rene Lozano
Compton Center Reps: Vacant
ECC V. P. A. A. Office: Francisco Arce or
Claudia Lee
CEC V.P.A.A. Office: Barbara Perez or
David Vakil
Deans Rep: Jean Shankweiler
Accred Rep: Arvid Spor
Inst. Research Rep: Irene Graff
Curriculum Rep: Lars Kjeseth

Next Meetings: Oct. 11, 25; Nov. 8, 22 (2nd and 4th Mondays)


1.  Announcements:

a.  Core Competency Assessment Summit update

2.  Change of deadlines—four-year cycle

3.  Approval / Acceptance process for SLOs and assessments on CurricUNET (Lars Kjeseth)

Updated List of Upcoming Deadlines (Course and Program Levels)

Ongoing Due Dates

Starting in Fall 2011, all course- and program-level SLOs need to be assessed every four years, in alignment with the program review cycle.

One-Time Due Dates

Due Date / Task
Fri., June 11, 2010 / All programs submit first program-level assessment report. Thereafter, program-level SLO assessments will be tied to program review cycles (details to follow at a later time).
Fri., April. 8, 2011 *NEW DATE* / All courses and programs have complete sets of SLO Assessment Plans that are aligned with the core competencies.
In order to accomplish this, during Spring 2010 and Fall 2010, please do the following:
·  Review existing course- and program-level SLOs for alignment with core competencies.
·  Identify gaps in SLOs by comparing existing SLOs with core competency alignment map completed during flex day, Spring 2010
NOTE: For all core competencies rated as a “4=very important” for a particular course or program, there must be at least one corresponding SLO for that course or program. For core competencies marked “3=somewhat important,” there should be a corresponding SLO unless there is a compelling reason not to have one.*
Feb. 15, 2011 / Program-Level SLOs are published on all division and/or department websites and prepared for inclusion in El Camino Course Catalog.
Feb. 15, 2012 / Course-level SLOs are published on division/department websites.

* More about how to make sure that course- and program-level SLOs are aligned with core competencies:

·  One SLO may correspond to more than one core competency and vice versa. There does not have to be a one-to-one correspondence.

·  You may adjust your SLOs to match your core competency map in one of three ways:

1.  Add a core competency to the list of core competencies that an existing SLO corresponds to without altering the wording of your SLO.

2.  Alter the wording of an existing SLO to accommodate a core competency.

3.  Add an additional SLO that corresponds to a particular core competency.

SLO and Assessment Timeline: Four-Year Cycle

Program Name / English as a Second Language (ESL)
Year of Next Program Review / 2013-2014

Which courses were assessed in 2009-2010? ESL 52A, ESL 53A, ESL 51B

Which courses were (will be) assessed in 2010-2011? ESL 52C, ESL 51A, ESL 51C

Which semester was your program assessment? Spring 2010

SLO Assessment Timeline: Fall 2011-Spring 2015

Semester / Courses Assessed / Program Assessed
Fall 2011 / ESL 53B, English 1A(x)
Spring 2012 / ESL 52A, ESL 52B
Fall 2012 / English AX
Spring 2013 / ESL Program
Fall 2013 / ESL 52A
Spring 2014 / ESL 53A, ESL 51B
Fall 2014 / ESL 52C, ESL 51C
Spring 2015 / ESL 51A