Potential Bidders / Partners: Expressions of Interest for ESIF

The Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) have set up a form for organisations to express their interest in leading/sub-contracting bids for ESF under TO-8 (Employment), TO-9 (Social Inclusion) and TO10 (Skills Development).

This is open to providers delivering in Leicester & Leicestershire who would like to share details with other providers with the aim of forming new collaborations in readiness for future ESF funding opportunities through the Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP).

This is a free service and is designed to facilitate communication amongst providers. We are not guaranteeing the quality of any provider listed and this does not in any way replace normal due diligence procedures.

To have your organisation listed, fill in our short form below. We will then add you to our partnerships list and add an updated list to this page each Friday.

Potential Bidder / Partner Expression of Interest Form

This ESF Expression of Interest form is open to providers delivering in Leicester and Leicestershire who would like to share details with other providers with the aim of forming new collaborations in readiness for future ESIF funding opportunities through the LLEP.

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* 1. Organisation Name
* 2. Named Contact
* 3. Contact Details

Email Address

Contact Number

4. ESF Bids for Social Inclusion (TO-9)

We are interested in leading a bid under the following opportunities:

LLEP Holistic Social Inclusion“CLOSED NOW UNTIL 2018”

LLEP Rural Social Inclusion“CLOSED NOW UNTIL 2018”

LLEP Financial & Digital Inclusion“CLOSED NOW UNTIL 2018”

LLEP Family Inclusion“CLOSED NOW UNTIL 2018”

LLEP Under 25’s“CLOSED NOW UNTIL 2018”

We are interested in being a partner under the following opportunities:

LLEP Holistic Social Inclusion

LLEP Rural Social Inclusion

LLEP Financial & Digital Inclusion

LLEP Family Inclusion

LLEP Under 25’s

5. ESF TO-8 Bids for Employment

We are interested in leading a bid under the following opportunities:

Employment Gateway – IAG and case workers for groups at risk of long term unemployment

NEET Support (SFA)

Ex - Offenders into Employment (SFA)

Employment Support (DWP) - case workers, skills support and work placements for groups at risk of long term unemployment

Sector-based Initiatives (SFA)-to help economically inactive back into employment in specific sectors

We are interested in being a partner under the following opportunities:

Employment Gateway – IAG and case workers for groups at risk of long term unemployment

NEET Support (SFA)

Ex - Offenders into Employment (SFA)

Employment Support (DWP) - case workers, skills support and work placements for groups at risk of long term unemployment

Sector-based Initiatives (SFA) – this will be launched in 2016 to help economically inactive back into employment in specific sectors

6. ESF TO-10 Bids for Skills

We are interested in leading a bid under the following opportunities:

Skills Metro (SFA)

We are interested in being a partner under the following opportunities:

Skills Metro (SFA)

7. ESF Open Call Bids

We are interested in leading a bid under the following opportunities:

Employment Hub

Leadership & Management

Business Skills

We are interested in being a partner under the following opportunities:

Employment Hub

Leadership & Management

Business Skills

8. LLEP Strategy

We are currently working to the LLEP Skills for Growth Strategy

We want to register to receive updates from LLEP

By volunteering the above information, you give LLEP permission to publish it on the LLEP website for other providers to view and make contact with you. This is a communication process only. The LLEP are not guaranteeing the quality of any provider listed and the information or expression of interest list will not in any way replace any formal due diligence procedures.


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