Kia Ora and Welcome
It is great to see notifications coming through of new members to our website. If you haven’t already checked it out please do so. to see the weekly updates of photos and children’s learning in action and leave a comment in the blog space.
This initiative is a work in progress which has already proven to be a positive step towards enhancing and strengthening communication links between centre and parents/whānau.
Staffing- We farewell Brenda this week. Brenda began relieving at Learning Curves in September 2010 and has been a valuable staff member across all areas of the centre. Brenda will be on our relieving list so we hope to see her around here from time to time.
Piako Cultural Festival–On 11th September some of the older children will be heading to Rukumoana Marae for the day to participate in the 12th Annual Event. This is a fun community event involving most of the schools and Early Childhood centres in the Piako district. We have been enthusiastically practising our kapa haka with the support of Maia. The parents of those children attending have been notified via email and there will be a permission form at the office for you to sign next week.
From the older children’s side–The children’s interest in construction has branched out to include ‘Making things that move.’ As an extension of their ideas we have been making helicopters, aeroplanes, fairies, kites, rockets, parachutes using paper, string, feathers, balloons, vinegar and baking soda. Science and technology learning in early childhood is about physically and mentally exploring to find things out and support children’s developing understanding of the world around them. The children and teachers have been involved in much trial and error, researching ideas, modifying our creations, thinking about how to solve problems and sharing ideas with others.
Nursery news–Our focus over the last month has continued to be physical and gross motor skills. We recently purchased an A frame climber. It has been interesting to watch the children explore the climber and see them discover what they can do with it. The children have quickly learnt what their limits are and are beginning to extend their own abilities for example, some of the children use the bottom steps while others climb over the top. Seeing this allows the other children to watch their peers and challenge themselves to climb higher.
Reminder–If you have not returned your child’s portfolio please do so. We are waiting to file learning stories in them.
Learning Curves welcomes new families to our centre and we thank you for sharing your children with us.
Ka Kite Ano
From the Learning Curves Team – Robyn, Shellee, Lynda, Debbie, Helen, Katrina, Shanaye, Rachel, Teresa, Mel, Brenda, Nikki, Deirdre and Sheryl.