Sample Timelines for DOR Grant Making Process

The following sample timelines are designed to illustrate the typical activities and timeframes that go into the various grant making processes of the State. These sample timelines are based on a hypothetical start date of May 1 and may vary in the real world on a case by case basis:

·  Start Date [May 1]

·  ILATS prepares timeline and updates grant packet memos and instructions [first week of May]

·  ILATS reviews and updates grant provisions [May 1-May 15]

·  Updated grant provisions reviewed and approved by DOR Contracts and Procurement Section [May 15-May 30]

·  ILATS reviews audit and Seymour Incentive Funding Forms for accuracy; reaches out to auditors and ILC fiscal staff to clarify if needed [by last week of May]

·  ILATS staff utilize confirmed Seymour funding contributions to calculate new allocations [by first week of June]

·  ILATS prepares grant packet, agreement documents, billing forms, and signature authorization for each ILC [by July 15]

·  Prepare for and hold annual Grant Conference Calls with ILCs [July 15-July 30]

·  First email submission from ILC due to grant administrator [by August 1]

·  Grant administrators reviews all grant packets for accuracy and completeness; corresponds with ILC for corrections and revisions as necessary [August 1 – August 31]

·  Final hard copy submission due to ILATS Grant Administrator [by September 1]

·  Grant package routed and approved through ILATS, Contracts and Procurement, and Accounting sections at DOR [September 1-September 30]

New Grants

·  Start date [May 1]

·  ILATS staff prepare timeline and create grant packet memos and instructions [first week of May]

·  ILATS staff develop scope of work, reporting mechanisms, and new or revised provisions [May 1-May 30]

·  Scope of work, reporting mechanisms, and new or revised provisions reviewed and approved by DOR Contracts and Procurement Section [May 15-May 30]

·  ILATS prepares grant packet, agreement documents, billing forms, and signature authorization for each grant recipients [June 1- 15]

·  Grant packages sent to ILCs [by July 15]

·  Prepare for and hold instructional teleconferences for grant recipients [June 15-June 30]

·  First Email submission from grant recipient due to grant administrator [by July 1]

·  ILATS Grant administrator reviews for accuracy and completeness; corresponds with ILC for corrections if necessary [July 1 – July 30]

·  Final hard copy submission due to ILATS [by August 1]

·  Grant package routed and approved through ILATS, Contracts and Procurement, and Accounting sections at DOR [August 1-August 30]

·  Fully executed grant provided to Grant Administrator, who routes copy to ILC [September 1]

Competitive Grants

·  Start Date [May 1]

·  RFA scope drafted by DOR staff (approx. 30+ days)

[May 1-June 15]

·  ILATS staff reviews and creates or updates provisions [by June 15]

·  Contracts and Procurement reviews and approves RFA and provisions [by June 15]

·  RFA release date (announced to community and posted on public website) [June 15]

·  Written questions due 1 week later than release date [by June 22]

·  Bidders Conference within one week of RFA release [by June 22]

·  Q&A released within one week of Bidders Conference

[by June 29]

·  RFA application due one month from release date [July 15]

·  Evaluators solicited and confirmed/Administrative Screening team chosen [by July 16]

·  Administrative Screening process [July 17]

·  Evaluators Entry Instructions [July 18]

·  Evaluations (up to 5 days) [July 19-25]

·  Notice of Intent to Award drafted based on scores obtained [July 31]

·  Appeals within one month of notice of intent to award [July 31-August 1]

·  Preparation and distribution of grant packages [August 1-September 1]

·  Final hardcopy submission of grant packages due [by September 1]

·  Grant package routed and approved through ILATS, Contracts and Procurement, and Accounting sections at DOR [September 1-September 30]

Factors that may delay the grant making process

1.  Incorrect or incomplete information submitted by the grant recipient

2.  Delayed responses from grant recipient to ILATS inquiries

3.  Grantees requesting extensions on submitting grant packages

4.  Competing simultaneous workloads in ILATS, Contracts and Procurement, and DOR Accounting Sections