73 - Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Lesson Focus / Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. Students will work flexibly with fractions, decimals, and percents to solve problems. Students will compare and order fractions, decimals, and percents and find their approximate locations on a number line.
Materials / TI-73 Explorer™ graphing calculator
Student Activity sheets
Grouping / Activity 1: Whole class investigation
Activity 2: Student pairs
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills / Students should have an introductory knowledge of fractions, decimals, percents and money. Students should also know basics to generate and recognize equivalent forms of fractions, decimals, and percents.
Overview of the lesson / In Activity 1, Activity Center will be used to have students visually show the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percents. Activity 2 will allow students to play a game that reinforces their understanding of decimals in comparison to fractions and percents.
Time / Suggested time for Activity 1: 45 – 55 minutes
Activity 2: 45 – 50 minutes

Activity I: Visual Rational Numbers

1.  Pass out student Activity I: Visual Rational Numbers worksheet.

Students will complete the worksheet during this teacher led activity.

2.  Open TI-Navigator and Start Class.

3.  Have students log in to NavNet.

4.  Open Activity Center and set “Contribute” to Visual Fractions.

5.  Select Configure. Choose a fractional part or percentage of a figure that you want the students to shade from a drop down menu and type the prompt.

Suggested prompts:

Teacher can also change the settings for each figure, such as height, width or number of wedges. This may be determined by the prompt choice. Select Let students to resubmit estimates.

6.  Start the activity and have the students select Activity Center from TI-Navigator Home

Screen. *Students shade figures using up arrow key.

Students are able to resubmit estimates until you stop the Activity Center.

7.  Activity can continue until all students get the prompt correct.

When all students have submitted their final representation of the shading and have filled in

the fractional, percents, and decimal values for that figure, stop the activity and discuss

results. Restart activity and allow students to resubmit estimates again, if needed.

8.  Reconfigure for the next different figure and prompt.

When choosing prompts, alternate between asking students to shade fractional values and percent values. “Shade ½,” or “Shade 40%.” This will allow the students to think of the relationship between fractions and percents.

9.  At the bottom of the screen in Activity Center, you will see a drop-down menu with the choices fraction, decimal, and percent. Change this setting for each figure or during discussion to allow students to see different representations of the same value.


Check for understanding: If studentsl are having difficulty repeat activity.

Activity Two: Fraction-Decimal-Percent War

1.  Copy the fractions and decimals activity sheets for each group. Cut out the 52 cards prior to class.

2.  Hand out the Student Response questions. Students will complete these questions at the conclusion of the activity.

3.  Divide students into pairs according to ability grouping of your choice.

*Option: Could play as a whole class. Divide students into 3-4 groups and the teacher is another group. Assign a team leader and play as a class in the same way. Students may like to compete against the teacher.

4.  Distribute one deck of cards out to each group and have them shuffle the deck and deal out the cards evenly between the two players. If you have an odd number of students you will need to play, or give a group of three a second deck to play with.

5.  Players then flip over a card and compare them as percents to see who has the greater value.

6.  The player with the greatest value collects the card pair.

7.  If the players flip over equivalent value:

*Option 1: Play another round and the winner of second round takes all four cards.

*Option 2: In the event of an equivalent value, each player lays down three cards face down and the fourth card is flipped over. The highest value is the winner of all the cards. Then regular play continues.

8.  Winner is decided by the player with the most cards after all cards are played.

*May want to set up a competition winner/loser brackets and continue playing.

Name______Class______Student Sheet

Activity One: Visual Rational Numbers

Record the fraction, decimal or percent value that the teacher has prompted you to do.

Then, draw and shade in the figure according to the prompt.











Name______Class______Student Sheet

Activity 2: Fraction-Decimal-Percent War

After completing the Fraction-Decimal-Percent War game discuss the following questions with your partner and complete the questions.

What was your method for comparing the cards?

Is there another way to compare them?

How are decimals like fractions?

How are fractions like percents?
Activity 2: Fraction-Decimal-Percent War

2 / 1
4 / 4
5 / 2
10 / 3
10 / 3
8 / 62%
12 / 8.333…% / 16.666…% / 75%
10 / 4
9 / 3
7 / 4
10 / 3
9 / 5
9 / 3
12 / 5
6 / 1
6 / 3

TI MathForward™ 1 © 2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated

9 / 1
7 / .27 / .39
.80 / 99% / .52 / .50
.75 / .33 / 44% / .92
.30 / .20 / .25 / .75
.66 / 72% / .18 / .12
.58 / .70 / .64 / .91
24% / .67 / .83 / .15


Additional cards to make your own or extend the level.

TI MathForward™ 1 © 2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated