Present: Councillor R Singleton-McGuire (Chairman)

Councillors G Bishop, E Barker, M Ordway, F Hourihan, O Snell

J Harrison

Boston Borough Councillors J Skinner, G Samra

Mrs K Partridge (Clerk)

1 CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: Councillor Singleton-McGuire asked if Members could agree to bring an additional item to the agenda. The Clerks computer is now over 5 years old and the programme is out of date and not compatible with most other Word programmes, this has been causing problems when sending documents via email; it is also very slow and prone to error reports and losing work. It was resolved this item be discussed again at the June meeting, costings will be investigated.

2 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillors H Staples, M Clark, G Carrington. Apologies also received from Boston Borough Councillor D Richmond.


4 POLICE MATTERS: Apologies received from PCSO Emma Gardiner.

Incidents from 20th March to date:-

1 theft of a motor vehicle on Wainfleet Road; 1 theft of fuel on Eastwood Road; 1 theft of bike on Smalley Road; 1 arson on Meridian Road; 1 RTC on Priory Road; 1 harecoursing on Cut End Road; 4 criminal damages on Ward Crescent, Blacksmiths Grove, Churchill Drive and Woodthorpe Avenue; 1 ASB on Scalp Road; 3 ASB on Ward Crescent; 1 ASB at Pilgrim Hospital.

Further details on the RTC on Priory Road and ASB on Ward Crescent to be requested.

Nothing to report from the query at the last meeting in relation to problems of nuisance and damage caused by patients from Pilgrim Hospital. The Clerk to write to follow this up.

5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 19 MARCH 2012: It was resolved the minutes be approved and signed. Proposed by Councillor Bishop, seconded by Councillor Harrison.


Toot Lane: Councillor Clark had reported the last minute cancellation of the resurfacing of the mini roundabout at the junction of Toot Lane/Kingsway/ Woodthorpe Avenue/Whitehouse Lane was due to Contractors being let down by tarmac suppliers. Nine other schemes in the area were also cancelled. Highways have apologised for this. Work will now be carried out from 6th June until the resurfacing is completed; potholes on Kingsway will also be repaired during this time. Toot Lane will be surface dressed later in the year, a date to be confirmed.

Litter Bin, Fishtoft Road: Cost of a litter bin to be sited on the bus stop pole on Fishtoft Road outside 1 Rimington Road would be £50.59 plus VAT (VAT will be reclaimed). It was resolved the Clerk order a bin, proposed by Councillor Snell, seconded by Councillor Hourihan.

Councillor Snell reported it was understood the bus stops and poles for the number 61 route should be completed shortly.

Priory Road Bridge: Councillor Singleton-McGuire will represent the parish at the Traffic Regulation Committee meeting on 8th May.

Councillor Singleton-McGuire will prepare a report based on the points raised at previous meetings and by members of the public as follows:

·  damage to properties

·  safety to children

·  bridge too narrow for large vehicles

·  concerns of speed of vehicles along the road – there is no limit in place

·  Wythes Lane/Priory Road junction dangerous when travelling from A52 direction onto Priory Road

·  already problems with vehicles meeting, particularly on bends, this would be exacerbated by 2 hgv’s meeting

·  degradation of road and damage to drainage system

·  Spar shop already causes problems for cars passing, without adding hgv’s to the issue

·  would be used as a ‘rat run’ for vehicles trying to avoid going through Boston

·  Bridge is grade 2 listed

·  concerns for cyclists and pedestrians

·  What route will signs take hgv’s from Priory Road (at mini roundabout with Rochford Tower Lane) Toot Lane is not ideal, particularly with the school. Other roads from that point are nowhere near ideal.

·  Vauxhall Bridge has a weight restriction, therefore Eastwood Road, Freiston Road, Main Ridge is not an optional route

7 CLERKS REPORT, CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AND COUNCILLORS ISSUES: General correspondence received was available and included – Rural Links; Triton Knoll Wind Farm; Simply Memorials; Community Wildlife Grant.

Rochford Tower Hall: Thank you letter received for the Parish Council donation.

Garden Waste Collection 2012: Boston Borough Council are again providing a garden waste collection service. This service will be available on 21st & 28th April, 19th & 26th May, 16th, 23rd & 30th June, 7th July. The Council is working hard to provide a kerbside collection which will commence after these dates. A one-off charge of £20 for a bin will be charged. Once the kerbside collection is introduced garden waste will no longer be permitted in the green bin.

Councillor Bishop reported the triangle area at the junction with Fishtoft Road and Gaysfield Road is overgrown.

Councillor Barker requested the area around the litter bin and dog bin on Fogartys corner be sprayed with weedkiller.

Councillor Hourihan will purchase weedkiller and deal with the above 2 areas. Receipts to be presented to Council for reimbursement.


a) an end of year budget was presented. This showed a plus balance of £867.31, however, this does not take into account that 2 grants have been paid out of this financial year to Fishtoft Playing Field Trust together with 2 amounts of hall charges for meetings, which amount to approximately £1,000 not included in the budget figures.

b) to approve payment of accounts:

Mrs Barnden – litter clearance - £24.60

K Partridge – clerks salary - £243.08

K Partridge – clerks expenses - £41.33

LALC – annual subscription - £853.20 (£142.20 VAT)

Community Lincs – annual insurance premium - £149.94

It was resolved the accounts be paid, proposed by Councillor Ordway, seconded by Councillor Snell.

c) Budget for Queen’s Diamond Jubilee:

The cost of plaques totals £90.00 each with a solid mahogany backing board which can be placed outdoors, 2 have been ordered as approved at the last meeting and will be presented to Hawthorn Tree and Fishtoft Primary Schools. Following investigation it was ascertained the correct wording would be 2012 and not 5 June 2012. A further plaque to record the planting of a Jubilee Oak tree at Hawthorn Tree School was discussed and agreed. Proposed by Councillor Snell, seconded by Councillor Hourihan. Wording agreed as “This Oak tree is presented to Hawthorn Tree School by Fishtoft Parish Council in celebration of Queen Elizabeth 11 Diamond Jubilee 2012”.

Costs of the 3 plaques total £270.00 leaving £730.00 from the £1,000.00 budget. Following discussion it was resolved to grant £230.00 to Fishtoft Playing Field Trust to assist with costs for the street party on 4th June; the remaining £500.00 will be used to purchase picnic table or a bench, this would be purchased by the Parish Council and presented to Fishtoft Playing Field Trust. The Clerk will liaise with the Playing Field Trust to establish whether they would prefer a bench or picnic table.

9 REPORT FROM COUNCILLOR CLARK, HIGHWAYS LIAISON: A report had been provided by Councillor Clark.

Footpath on the corner of Rochford Tower Lane and 1 Camelot Gardens has been repaired temporarily by the emergency crew. This was completed within 2 ½ hours of it being reported.

Drain cover and surround on the corner of Eastwood Road/Eastwood Drive had been reported and works have now been completed.

Pilleys Lane has now re-opened after the completion of works.


Councillor Skinner reported Anglian Water tankers are travelling to the sewage works from 6.30am. This is in contravention with the agreement in place with Anglian Water. The Clerk will contact Anglian Water reminding them of the embargo times; copies to the Head at Fishtoft Primary School.

11 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on 14 May 2012 at the Playing Field Pavilion. The Annual Parish meeting will commence at 7.00pm followed by the Annual Parish Council meeting.

There will be a surgery for all Councillors between 6.30 and 7.00pm.

There being no further business to discuss the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.20pm.