FOI/ 84014 / October 2013

Freedom of Information Request

You asked for the following information from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ):

“I am interested in the number of claims heard by the London East employment tribunal that include a whistle-blower claim.

Please could you tell me the number of claims heard by the London East employment tribunal, where one of the parties made a claim that they were a whistle-blower between 2010 – 2013.

If possible, could I please have the information broken down by quarter. If this is not possible, could I please have the information broken down by year. If you are unable to provide data for the last five years, could you please provide data for the last three years.If that is not possible then please provide just your estimate for the last year.

Please provide me with the total number of claims heard over the same period, so it” will be possible to tell what proportion of all claims include a whistleblowing claim.

Your request has been passed to me because I have responsibility for answering requests relating to Her Majesty’s Courts & Tribunal Service in London and is being handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

I can confirm that Her Majesty’s Courts & Tribunal Service holds the information that you have asked for, and I am pleased to provide this to you.

The table below shows, for the periods 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 the number of claims with a Public Interest Disclosure (PID) jurisdiction component (commonly known as whistle blowing) that had a hearing at a London East Employment Tribunal within Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunals Service.

Time Period / Total Cases Heard / Cases with PID component / % PID Hearings
2010-11 / 1,187 / 165 / 14%
2011-12 / 1,136 / 153 / 13%
2012-13 / 917 / 77 / 8%

I should inform you that the data recorded in the total cases heardcolumn is in relation to matters that were actually heard and not postponed, settled or withdrawn before the hearing.