Seminar Plan: Christopher Columbus, 1492

Text: The Landing of Columbus… In American, 1492 )

Ideas and Values: Courage, Compassion, Government, History, Progress, Perseverance



5. Participate in patriotic activities (PK-CSS-C2) (C-1D-E4)


18. Identify ways in which people are alike and different (H-1A-E2)

19. Describe personal likes and dislikes (e.g., picture journals) (H-1A-E3)

20. Identify customs associated with national holidays (H-1C-E1)


11. Identify and compare basic elements of culture (e.g., food, music, celebrations) (G-


32. Use words to describe time (past, present, future) (H-1A-E1)


27. Explain the significance of national holidays and the achievements of the people

associated with them (C-1D-E4)

46. Identify similarities and differences in communities over time (H-1A-E2)

47. Identify sources where historical information can be found and how that information

can be used (H-1A-E3)

48. Locate general areas on maps and globes referenced in historical stories and

legends (H-1A-E3)

52. Explain the customs related to important holidays and ceremonies in various

countries around the world in the past (H-1D-E1)

56. Identify the causes and effects of the major historical migrations to Louisiana (H-1CE3)

58. Describe aspects of family life, structures, and roles in cultures other than the United

States (H-1D-E1)


51. Compare how a person today might view an issue or event differently from a person

living in an earlier time (H-1A-E2)

52. Describe the point of view of an historical figure or group, drawing on given stimulus

material (e.g., views expressed in the “I Have a Dream” speech) (H-1A-E2)

56. Identify and describe major early explorers and explorations in North America (H-


57. Identify leaders and their influence in the early development of America (H-1C-E1)

58. Describe the importance of events and ideas significant to our nation’s development


61. Identify the causes and effects of the major historical (voluntary and involuntary)

migrations to and within America (H-1C-E3) (G-1C-E3)


11. Explain the reasons why Europeans chose to explore and colonize the world (G-1CM4)

22. Identify different points of view about key events in early American history (H-1AM2)

31. Describe major early explorations and explorers and their reasons for exploration


Pre-Seminar Content Steps:

Days before post picture up in the classroom.

  • Have students during a rotation look at the picture and write down questions they have about the picture on post-it notes around the print.
  • Have them re-draw the picture.

Spain’s explorations were driven by the desire to expand its knowledge of the world, to discover spices and riches and to expand Christianity. In 1492, when Christopher Columbus, sailing for Spain, took a westerly course across the Atlantic Ocean searching for an alternative route to the Indies, he inadvertently “discovered” a new continent.

Introduce important facts about Christopher Columbus:

United Streaming (Early Spanish Explorers: Columbus and the Conquistadors)

  • LCC activities
  • Other appropriate resources.

Each specific grade level will focus on the GLE’s found the grade specific LCC. Appropriate vocabulary will be covered.

Pre-Seminar Process Steps:

  1. Prepare participants to participate in seminar discussion:
  2. Be sure participants are settled and seated where everyone can see each others’ face. Then relay…

A Paideia Seminar is a thoughtful discussion where we work with others to understand important ideas.

The main purpose for discussion the print of “Landing of Columbus... in America, 1492” is to better understand history and progress—to better understand what we think of these ideas as well as how others view them.

During this discussion, we’re really going to practice looking at the person speaking.

You do not need to raise your hands in order to speak; try to stay focused on the main speaker and wait your turn to talk.

We’ll also practice building on what others say-- agree and disagree in a courteous, thoughtful manner.

As the facilitator, my job is to ask challenging, open-ended questions. I will take some notes to keep up with the talk turns and flow of ideas.

Now, let’s do a little self-assessment. Based on our other discussions, I’m going to suggest that our group goal for today is TO LOOK AT THE PERSON SPEAKING.

[Display the group goal for all to see.]

Now think about how you usually participate in our seminars. What would be a good goal for you today? Maybe you’d like to choose from one of these:

  • Use others’ names
  • Refer to the text
  • Build on others’ ideas
  • Keep an open mind
  • Ask an open-ended question

Please write your personal goal at the top of your copy of the text.”

Pass out the picture for each student. Have students draw a box around the picture. In the box have them write notes about what they observe:


Opening Question:

What is the most intriguing detail of the picture? Why?

Core Questions:

  • What is the relationship between Christopher Columbus and Indians?
  • How would you describe the emotions of the individuals in the picture?
  • Why do you believe the man is kneeling?
  • Would you agree or disagree with the statement “Christopher Columbus discovered America.”

Closing Question:

Which group would you rather have been a member of? Why?

Post-Seminar Process Steps:

Thank you for your focused and thoughtful participation in our seminar.

Take a few minutes to reflect on your relative success in meeting the personal process goal you set prior to beginning the discussion. Please review the goal you set for yourself and briefly reflect in writing to what extent you met the goal. In addition, note why you think you performed as you did. (Pause for reflection.)

How did we do as a group? Let’s rate our seminar from 0-5, with 5 meaning perfect and 0 meaning we really need improvement. With a hand signal, how would you rate our seminar for today?

Now, would someone say why you gave us a rating of — 3, 5, 0?

Our group goal was to LOOK AT THE PERSON SPEAKING. How did we do with that specifically?

(Pause for discussion.)

Now would some volunteer to share your self-assessment and reflection….?

(Invite students to share how they did as individuals and help them identify an appropriate goal for next seminar)

What should we work on together next seminar? As always, our goal is continuous improvement: both as individual seminar participants and as citizens. Thanks again for your participation.

Post-Seminar Content Steps:

All Grades – have them make a personal connection to the piece and write outside the box (during a rotation).

K-2 – Draw a picture of a new land that you would like to discover and write about your adventure.

3-5 – Create a journal entry for October 12, 1492 as one of the people in the picture.