George Washington High School

Applied Mathematics Course Syllabus

School Year 2006-2007

Instructor: Mrs. Joann Sudo Blas

Text: Applied Mathematics: A contextual approach to mathematics


Location: Block 1-6: B207 *Block 4: Prep* Block 7: B210

Purpose: Applied Mathematics is a set of lear5ning materials prepared to help students develop and refine job-related mathematical skills. Its emphasis is on the ability to understand and apply functional mathematics to solve problems in the world of work.

Objectives Include:

1st Semester 2nd Semester

Chapter 1: Gross Income / Chapter 7: Charge Accounts & Credit Cards
Chapter 2: Net Income / Chapter 8: Loans
Chapter 3: Recordkeeping / Chapter 9: Vehicles Transportation
Chapter 4: Checking Accounts / Chapter 10: Housing Costs
Chapter 5: Savings Accounts / Chapter 11: Insurance
Chapter 6: Cash Purchases / Chapter 12: Investments

Due to the uniqueness of each class, objectives are subject to change based on the general learning

abilities present within the classroom.

Special Characteristics: Students will be participating in hands-on applications that will connect

mathematical contents to scenarios of everyday life. Therefore, your participation and support as

parents/guardians are needed. (i.e. guest speaking, personal records-voluntary, etc…)

Course Activities: This course will be implemented via daily lectures, in-class discussions & activities,

hands-on application, assignments, homework, quizzes, chapter tests, quarter projects, a mid-term and a

final exam.

Evaluation: Final grades will be computed based on the total scores comprised of the following:

Assignments: 35% Quizzes/Tests: 25% Projects: 20% Participation: 10% Portfolio: 10%

Letter Grades are as follows:

A: 100%-90% B: 89%-80% C: 79%-70% D: 69%-60% F: 59% and below

Assignments are given on a daily basis. Students are expected to turn in section assignments completed

each day. Students needing additional time to complete assignments (upon teacher approval) will have

until the next class meeting to complete assignments at home. Students that are absent are solely

responsible to make up missing assignments 1 week from given date. A calendar of class

activities/assignments will be posted for student’s reference. NOTE: Incomplete assignments will not be

accepted. Each assignment must have the question, work shown, and answer to be considered acceptable.

Quizzes/ Tests may or may not be announced. Chapter tests are given after all sections have been

completed. Test form will vary from chapter to chapter. Students that are absent are responsible to

schedule a make-up day during their lunch-time within 1 week of the test date. If students do not show up

for test make-up, their test grade will result with a 0%.

Projects will be announced within the semester. Students will receive rubrics as a guide and will be given

a sample to follow. Projects will also include parent participation/feedback from any memo’s or students

work sent home for signature.

Participation Grade is based on the student’s classroom behavior and attendance. Students are solely

responsible for themselves and must consult the instructor if they have any questions or concerns. A daily

participation log sheet will monitor student’s behavior based on their personal evaluation as well as the

instructor’s observation. This will be administered for 1st & 3rd quarter only.

Portfolios are expected to be complete and neat. Its contents will include section notes, assignments,

quizzes/tests, projects, and all other forms given during the school year. Students are required to maintain

and update their portfolio on a daily basis. Grade is based on contents of portfolio and presentation.

August 15, 2006

Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome to George Washington High School. I would like to introduce myself and give you some

information on what you could expect as a parent and as a link to your child’s success in this class. My

name is Joann Sudo Blas, and I am your child’s Applied Math teacher. I am confident that working

together will be well worth your time and effort, which will be evident in your child’s growth and

development at the conclusion of this school year.

To maintain an appropriate learning environment, I have the following classroom rules which all students

are expected to follow:

1.  Respect must be demonstrated towards all & at all times

2.  Students must be prompt to class & express an effort to learn

3.  All forms of communication with parents must be signed and acknowledge

4.  Students must always come prepared to class with all materials in their possession

5.  All students are required to participate in class activities & assessments

*Additional classroom rules will be implemented and enforced

To encourage students to follow the rules, I will recognize appropriate behavior with praise and various

types of reinforcements and incentives. If students choose to break the rules, I have established a four-step

consequence guidelines that will:

1.  Warn student of behavior or reminder of rules

2.  Discuss with students to work out situations

3.  Call to parents / guardians to inform them of situation

4.  Referral to discipline office

*Pending on severity of situation, immediate action may take place*

In class, your child & I have discussed these rules and the consequences if the students choose to break the rules. My goal is to ensure success for your child. Hence, I am asking for your support and cooperation.

Please indicate your understanding of this discipline plan by signing your name & indicating a phone number where you could be reached during the day & evening. Please feel free to contact me as well if there are any questions or concerns you may have about my action plan and syllabus. You may leave a message at the main office during school hours & (7:45-2:45) and I will gladly return your call. GWHS phone number is 734-2212. My email address is in the event you are unable to reach me.



Mrs. Joann Sudo Blas

Acknowledgment of Introductory Letter & Applied Math Syllabus for Mrs. Sudo Blas

Students Name:______Signature:______

Print Name:______Signature:______

Contact #:(W)______(H)______(C)______email:______


Contact #:(W)______(H)______(C)______email:______