It’s never too late to be a father! Whether you’ve fathered, adopted or arementoring a child, you are a “father.”I pray this message will be both instructional and inspirational to, not only fathers, but to every believer gathered here today! “Christian fatherhood” can be summed up in three words; loving, following, and leading.Fathers play a “major” role in the health and stabilityof a nation, especially when it comes to “mentoring” young men; teaching them torespectwomen, authority,and torevere God!

Today we will examine what loving, following, and leading looks like, as it relates to fatherhood. From the outset lets establish the fact, there are no “perfect fathers!” Some fathers, like mothers, tend to “beat” themselves up, when they realize they have not produced“perfect, mistake free kids!” What many fail to realize, is the “DNA” willnot support our hypothesis! The “apple does not fall far from the tree!”We made mistakes and so will our kids! Here’s something I’ve had to learn, as a father; allow God to write “His Story” in “their lives”; the same “grace” which saved you can also save them!Our job, as a Dads, is to stick to the “basics,” tolove, follow, and leadour families, in Christ!

First: Fatherhood means loving.“Loving the Savior,” more than ourselves!Fathers, even Christian fathers have often “abandoned” their families, in the pursuit of “personal happiness,”only to only imprison themselves, by themselves!A recent article entitled: “Prisoners of Self – Incessant Autobiography in the Smartphone Age” (by: senior writer Tony Reinke; with Desiring God Ministry).The article addressed the dangers in becoming “preoccupied” with self-image and personal gratification; what C.S. Lewis referred to, in his book“Paradise Lost,”as incessant autobiography.

The article mentioned how Lewis, in his book, compared the contentment of Adam, before the fall, to the discontentmentof satan.The article points out: Satan has been everywhere, and all he can think about is himself. As with today’s smartphones, the internet, mankind can travel anywhere at the click of a button, yet, like the “prince of this age,” people are “less” content, than ever! The writer of the article goes on to say; “Incessant autobiography.(means) You can never get out of yourself. You’re always feeling sorry for yourself.“Sin makes you mediocre. There’s nothing more boring than somebody who’s always worried about how they look. Sin makes you these very uninteresting, unprincipled, shallow, boring people. Sleepless, unsmiling concentration on the self. That’s the essence of sin… the primary thing about sin (is)Incessant autobiography.”The article further quotes Lewis, as saying: “There is indeed something Satanic about a person who has no interests other than themselves.” Such self-consummation, such narcissism, reflects the truest and deepest boredom of Satan himself.”

Dads, sin will make you “boring!” It’s not in the pursuit of self that we find life, but in the “loss” of self; as we pursue the Savior! Those who say they are “searching for themselves,” should take heed lest they “find” themselves; because it will only result in “loss,” rather than “gain!”(Mark 8:35) For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it. In fact, scripture commands us: Colossians 3:9, 10 – put off the “old man” and put on the “new man,” renewed by the knowledge (the pursuit) of Christ!True “contentment,”in fatherhood, is found in the pursuit of God! Being satisfied through the knowledge of His love; and loving Christ above everything else!(1 Timothy 6:6) Now godliness with contentment is great gain.There is great gain to a man and his family when he lovesGod “first!”

Secondly, Fatherhood means following. Before we can lead our children, our families, we must be “followers” of Christ. Like a child walking in deep snow, following his/her father’s footsteps, we should be careful to follow Christ; because your kids will step where you step! (Proverbs 17:6) Children's children are the crown of old men, And the glory of children is their father.Kids will do what you do! (Nathan praying). Dads have been given the “wonderful privilege” of making a lasting godly impression in the life of a child. Therefore, dads be “careful” where you step! (1 Corinthians 11:1) Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.

God’s word is our road map! (Psalm 119:105) Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path. But the “lamp” and “light” is no benefit to us if we will not “listen” and “obey!” David: (Psalm 40:6a) “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire; My ears You have opened…”The Hebrew word for opened – karah meaning: to dig out, to excavate.

In order to open our ears, that we might follow Him, God has to “excavate” our spiritual ear canal; liberating us from the “influences” of this world! This is why reading the Bible daily is so important; it is “spiritual excavation!” Garbage replaced by “godly wisdom!” Only then can a dad truly “follow” Christ in the path of righteousness, to the benefit of His family! Dads we don’t need another “experience” we just need to get the “wax” out and the “word” in!

Lastly, Fatherhood is leading. Only after “loving” God, and “following” His word can we “lead” our families effectively! We lead, not alone, but by the assistance (power) of the Holy Spirit! (John 16:13a) “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth…”The difference between leading by the power of the Holy Spirit is like that of driving with or without “power stirring!”(gangster lean). (Ecclesiastes 10:10) If the ax is dull, And one does not sharpen the edge, Then he must use more strength; But wisdom brings success. Fathers who “yell” all the time are “dull dads!” They feel they have to use more “force,” but God says, what you need is more “faith!”

As a father by nature we are in the “fix it” mode. But faith, trusting and resting in God’s ability to “fix it”; enables us to display patience and grace towards those we are “leading!”Leading, is far more effective than lecturing. When our kids can see we care, it opens the door for us, in their hour of greatest need! Here’s a video expressing that very sentiment. VIDEO(Psalm 103:13-14) As a father pities his children, So the Lord pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.

CONCLUSION: Many dads procrastinate, when it comes to being an example of “loving,” “following,” and “leading” in the home; for “fear” of “failure.” As a father, I have often thought; either Al Pittman is evidence of God’s miraculous grace and mercy, or one of God’s greatest regrets!Thank God, scripture supports the “former!”(ttt) Psalm 103:8-14.God’s grace is sufficient for you! Make this a truly “Happy Father’s Day” for you and your family, by surrendering your life to the greatest “Father” of all!