Barr Community Council


Thursday 11thAugust2016 @ 7pm in the Village Hall

Present: Mrs Merlin Corbett (MC) Vice Chair, Mrs Isabel Kay (IK) Treasurer, Mr John Donaldson (JD), Mr Alexander Tait (AT), Mrs Jacqueline Logan (JL) Secretary, Mr Mark Smith (MS), Mr Matthew Cross (MCr) Planning Contact

In Attendance: Cllr. Alec Oattes (AO), E Hunter and M McGurk (Police Scotland), Allan Johnston(SW Ltd), Andy Warner, Angela Gillies, Douglas Blair, Gillian Gordon, Celine Dixon, Johny Wright

Item / Minute / Action
1 / Sederunt: as above.
2 / Declaration of Interest: None
3 / Apologies: Mr Hamish Denham (HD) Chair, Mr Tom Copeland (TC), Bryan Jamieson (BJ) SAC Link Officer
4 / Police Report: - Apologies passed on for being unable to attend last meeting. No crimes to report. One incident of a false house alarm in Barr. Police left the meeting 7:10pm.
5a / Minutes of the previous meeting:
Minutes of 14th July 2016 were accepted as accurate. Proposed by MCr,seconded by AT.
5b / Minutes of meeting of sub committee:
6 / Matters Arising:
14th July 2016:
Item 8: Barr Trails signage. MC passed FCS information on to AO. MC invited Rachel Shipley (SAC) and Keith Muir (FCS) to the BCC meeting 8th September 2016 to discuss. Rachel will be in attendance along with Lindy Renwick (FCS).
Item 8d: Bus Shelter - 08th August 2016. In place.
Item 10: Barr Community Storefreezer - TC advised that the replacement freezer has been delivered. Thank you to TC.
Item 10(c): Girvan Town Team and Locality Planning Group list of Clubs and contacts in Barr Maggie Bunnett BCA to action. MC requested that JL ask MB for a copy of the list.
Item 10(l): HD to invite shop directors to BCC meeting 8th September 2016.
Item 10(m): MCr has been in contact with Struan Candish to discuss appropriate site for tree planting by the school. It was agreed that the two previous sites suggested were not appropriate and alternative sites are being considered.
Item 13: TC removed broken Perspex from the fishing sign and is pursuing an application for summer seats. Grate at Dalquhairn to be repaired end of August and AO confirmed that the pot holes have been recorded on RMMS. The cherry tree on the Gregg was removed due to health and safety reasons. The roots have still to be removed and the area to be re-seeded and a new tree planted. Nothing back from FCS re-play park ditch. AO confirmed that the Gregg footbridge will be re-surfaced, but does not know when. Broken wall on road bridge has been reported. Saplings on bridge at Alton Albany Lodge still to be done, Owens have been instructed. IK also reported that due to overgrowth there are no sight lines on Crosshill road at Pinvalley - AO to report.
Item 14: BCCs Declaration of Interest Statements. JL brought Declaration of Interest Statements to the meeting for each CC to review Interests held on the register. HD and TC copies to be brought to next BCC meeting.
Item 14: BCA Village Hall meeting Friday 15th July 2016 to discuss the creation of a Community Halls Fund to assist communities in taking ownership of Council-owned community buildings. Maggie Bunnett (BCA), to chair meeting with Tom Burns SAC Asset Mgt. Tommy Tait SAC Property Officer and Councillor Alec Oattes SAC, with JL, HD and IK in attendance for BCC/BPDC. AO informed BCC that the first of the petitions will be considered 29th September 2016. / JL
7 / Timber Haulage - B734
MS (Wilmer & Sons), AO (SACT) declared an interest.
Allan Johnston(SW Ltd) addressed the meeting confirming that Scottish Woodlands are felling 7 hectares beside the B734 west of Barr and plan to extract 2000 tonnes of wood. The felling will be done by Jim Wilmer and Sons. The B734 will not be closed during felling, but road banksmen with radios and stop signs will be in place when felling is taking place next to the road - 15 minute stints. Timber will not be loaded on the road and a maximum of 3 lorries per day will be used to extract the timber. Lorries will only operate at restricted times to prevent disturbance to local people and services. The disruption will be for around 3 months and ARA have granted permission. AJ said he would try to contact local landowners about land for passing places and cutting back of trees to create sight lines, but can’t promise. Douglas Blair (DB) raised concerns about the Timber Transport Strategy and that ARA can grant licences for timber extraction without consulting local residents. It was felt that SAC and ARA should contact/consult the Community Council andResidents prior to licences being granted. The refusal of ARA to discuss improvements to the stretch of the B734 in question is an issue. Gillian Gordon (GG) expressed her concern that 15 minute road closures would cause unacceptable delays to school buses, taxis and people trying to get to work. AJ assured GG that people can speak to the banksmen who can halt the harvesting to allow traffic through. AJ will try to ensure the roads are open for the school runs. DB raised concerns that the road is not fit for purpose and that the roads should be improved before the works begin - passing places and sight lines. GG agreed that the road is not suitable as it is, never mind for the use of timber trucks. Andy Warner added that as further extensive timber extraction is to be carried out in the future, could the road not be improved in the other direction to join up with the Pinmore/Pinwherry A class road. It was also felt that a speed limit of 20mph should be agreed for timber lorry extraction. MCr suggested that as a whole the issue is not with Scottish Woodlands or the contractor it is with ARA and the state of the road. As such it was agreed that further progress could not be made without discussion with ARA. AO to talk to Kevin Braidwood (ARA) and arrange an urgent meeting next week with BCC, SAC, ARA, SW Ltd and Barr residents. Date and time to be advised to all who wish to participate. HD, MC and JL to represent BCC at meeting.
AO thanked Allan Johnston for attending and MC thanked all the residents who attended. The residents and Allan Johnston left the meeting. / AJ
8 / Regular Reports:
Treasurers Report:
IK reported that to date there was £9956.17 in the bank. The accounts have been audited are all in order. IK to send copy of constitution signed by two CCs for small grant funding replenishment. JL created new forms for small grant funding which combines CF and HH to be used from here forward.
CF: None
CCCF: None
BPDC: Barr Bikes are proving to be a great success. Free training with ACE is ongoing; shed and trailer have been acquired – well done Chris Gunson. MC, JL and Dee Laver went to Hawick to see an example of a community hub in action. A lot of good advice and pointers were given plusan offer of continued help should the BPDC proceed with a community hub in the future. MUGA - meeting with SAC who want to do a feasibility re- cost of 5yrs maintenance - ongoing. / IK
9 / Correspondence:
9(a) / Scottish Woodlands. Nether Barr Woodland Creation. MC posted to the website and copies were posted in Hall and on notice board. Comments to be sent to Ben Taylor by 16th August 2016. E-mail acknowledging receipt sent 21st July 2016.
9(b) / Forestry Commission Scotland. Notice of intention to place announcement in the press re-disposal of Dinmurchie Farmhouse, buildings and land. If BCC wish to note an interest in all/part of the area then BCC need to contact Jim Seaton before 24th August 2016. As the new National Forest Land Scheme is not due until Autumn 2016 any note of interest will be held until the new scheme comes into operation. August 2016. E-mail acknowledging receipt sent 25th July 2016. It was voted and agreed that a note of interest should be lodged re-land and that the BPDC should take it forward. JL to inform Jim Seaton that the BPDC will contact him in due course. / HD
9(c) / Scottish Woodlands. Minuntion Woodland Creation. MC posted to the website and copies were posted in Hall and on notice board. Comments to be sent to Andrew Maclachlan by 23rd August 2016. E-mail acknowledging receipt sent 01st August 2016.
9(d) / FCS trails signage- MC email inviting Rachel Shipley (SAC) and Keith Muir (FCS) to the BCC meeting 8th September 2016. See Matters Arising Item 8.
9(e) / Letter from Douglas Blair re-timber haulage on B734. See Agenda Item 7.
9(f) / List of requirements from FS re-application for small grant funding from HH and CF - MC forwarded to IK. See Treasurers Report. / IK
9(g) / SAC Notification of licensing meeting 18th August 2016 for information only. Minutes and applications filed and forwarded to CCs for information.
9(h) / GP Surgery change of hours on Barr Village website. Open appointments available 9:00-10:30am at Dailly, all other appointments will be 10mins booked on the day at both Barr and Dailly.
9(i) / Free Heartstart training at Colmonell 18th August 2016 7pm. JD - enquiry from resident as to what was happening about a defibrillator for Barr. It was agreed that BCC should pursue acquiring a defibrillator for Barr. JD agreed to check out specifications, cost and supply. / JD
10 / Funding Applications:
Barr Teas- Ladies Lunch Sunday 18th September, Agnes Gracie. Request £400 towards hire of hall, food, drink and entertainment. IK and MC declared an interest and abstained from vote - majorityAgreed
Barr Sheep Dog Trials Association, Neil Gillan. Request £330 towards judges costs and hire of toilets - Agreed / IK
11 / Open Forum:
See Item 7. Thank you to all who attended.
12 / AOCB:
AO - apology not forthcoming from the Carrick Gazette re-regular bus for Barr as they are still looking for funding - ongoing/delayed. AO to report back with response from next SACT meeting.
MS - Timber Transport fund for taking timber lorries away from rural villages. MS suggested the Muick Road and proposing to ARA. To be taken to the meeting next week with BCC, SAC, ARA, SW Ltd and Barr residents.
JL - Kirsty’s Cairn concrete bridge flooded, new metal bridge at corner where flooding occurred, MC to check with FCS. Farmer’s encampment at Dinmurchie, residents and visitor complaint also re-dangerous driving on 20mph track - MC to contact FCS. Child road safety in village especially Stincher Road, Glenginnet Road and Changue Road. Concerns have been raised by a few residents about the dangers on the village roads from fast non-local traffic and the increased volume of commercial vehicles in the 30mph limit. BCC to address Police Scotland re-progress of 20mph speed limit for Village and MC to talk to Gabbi (BCA) about road safety training in the school.
MC - Stincher Valley Magazine. Contribution from Barr not forthcoming for this edition. MC provided a few articles at short notice and sent in. MC to post request on the Barr Village website for future contributions to be sent in. / AO
13 / Arrangements for next meeting: To be held on Thursday 08thSeptember 2016, 7pm in the Village Hall. Agenda to follow. / HD
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9pm.