St. Michael & St. Francis Bulletin August 24th & 25th , 2013 Pastor: Fr. Steve Schaftlein

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time


Today’s first reading from Isaiah hearkens back to passages we hear from that same prophet as the Christmas season draws to a close on Epiphany. The message at that point in the Christian year is essentially the same as today: the redeeming grace of God knows no bounds. It is so marvelous that our human geographical regions or institutions cannot contain it. When it is revealed, the sheer wonder and magnitude of it draws people from all places, from unexpected places, from places that are sometimes considered undesirable by those who would like to contain or control the saving power of God. And then, in an ebb and flow of divine glory, the good news of God’s steadfastness, kindness, love, and faithfulness that has caused myriads of people to come to God will turn about, and the message of it will return to all nations and all peoples, as today’s psalm sings.


The end of time, Jesus explains today, is going to be full of surprises. The undergirding surprise is the unknowability of the precise time of the coming of God’s anointed One in glory. To those who were anxious about the number to be saved, Jesus replies not with a head count, but with a description of them: those who have been disciplined in the Lord to enter through the narrow way to heaven. Some will assume that they “know somebody” on the inside, and so are permitted a life of evil. Their insider status, Jesus says, will be for naught. The master at the door will not be able to recognize them through the veil of sinful living that covers them. Those who thought that their “good blood” in the patriarchal covenant would be a guarantee of joining the patriarchs and prophets will be grinding their teeth, not eating at the banquet table in the kingdom. All who erected boundaries and perpetuated status, according to Jesus, will see their imaginary celestial borders shattered, and the highest reserved places given away. Want a seat at the banquet table? Start living like somebody the other guests would like to have there.

Today’s Readings: Isaiah 66:18–21; Psalm 117:1, 2; Hebrews 12:5–7, 11–13; Luke 13:22–30

St. Michael

Sat – 5:30 pm
Sun – 11 am
La Misa Española
Domingo – 12:30 pm / Fr. Steven Schaftlein, Pastor

Website -
St. Michael - 101 St. Michael Drive, Charlestown, In 47111
Ph. 812-256-3200 - Fax 775-307-6142
E-Mail -
Office Hours – 8:30 am-1:00 pm Tues. Wed., & Fri.
St. Francis Xavier – 101 North Ferguson, Henryville, IN 47126
Ph. 812-294-4682 - Fax 775-307-6142
E-mail –
Office Hours – Thursday Afternoon
Reconciliation – 5:00 pm Saturday or call the Rectory
Marriage – Please contact the pastor a year in advance. Advent and Lent are not times for celebrations.
Baptisms of Infants or Adults Joining the Church – Please contact the DRE: St. Michael–Juliann Eickholtz, St. Francis–Kimberly Bandy
New To The Parish: Please call the office to register. Please introduce yourself to the pastor at mass.
Parishioners Who Are Ill: Please call the pastor if a relative or friend is sick. Due to privacy laws hospitals no longer inform churches.
Bulletin Announcements: Get all bulletin announcements to the office in writing by Tuesday evening. / St. Francis Xavier

At 9:00 am
Las Horas de Oficina - 8:30 am-1 pm Martes, Miércoles, y Viernes
Reconciliación – 5 pm Sábado,12 a 12:20 pm Domingo o llama la Rectoría
Casamiento – contactarse el padre un año antes el día de la boda.
Advenimiento y Cuaresma no son los tiempos apropiados para bodas.
Los Bautismos de los Bebés o los Adultos Afiliando a la Iglesia – Por favor, llama Padre Esteban, o a San Miguel – Julian Eickholtz; a San Francisco – Kimberly Bandy
Miembros Nuevos de la Comunidad – Por favor, acérquense al Centro de información. También es necesarios registrarse en la parroquia. Pregúntenos por el formulario de registro. / Los Enfermos Es muy importante comunicarse con el Padre (debido a las leyes privadas, los hospitales no se comunican con las iglesias).
Doctrina Cristiana: Las clases de educación religiosa para niños son cada domingo de 9:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. en la escuela. Recuerden que la Arquidiócesis requiere que los que van a recibir los sacramentos estén inscritos en las clases de religión.
Monaguillos: Los niños que quieran ayudar como monaguillos en el altar tienen su ensayo el segundo domingo de cada mes después de la misa de 11:00 a.m. Estos niños y niñas tienen que haberhecho la Primera Comunión. Los interesados comunicarse con Pbro. Esteban
St. Michael Early Childhood Center – Infancy Care, Pre-S, Pre-K, Kindergarten & Day Care
Rita Poff – Director – School Ph. 256-3503/ Infancy Care 256-3500
El Centro para las Primeras Niñez de San Miguel - Preescolar-Kindergarten y Servicio de Guardería a Infantil
La Directora – Rita Poff – Ph. 256-3503

Mass Schedule Mass Intentions

St. M / 26 / Mon / No Mass
St. M / 27 / Tue / No Mass
St. M / 28 / Wed / 6:00 pm / Mass
St. FX / 29 / Thurs / 7:00 pm / Arthur & Ruth Wright
St. M / 30 / Fri / 8:30 am / Mass
St. M / 31 / Sat / 5:30 pm / Bernard Wessel
St. FX
St. M
St. M / 1 / Sun / 9:00 am
11:00 am
12.30 pm / James Harbeson
For the People
Pro Populo

The Pastor’s Corner



The Year Of The Liturgy

Post Communion Prayer
Finally, to conclude the liturgy of the Eucharist, there is the “post communion prayer.” This prayer gives thanks to God for God’s gift to us of Jesus Christ in the sacrament and prays that this sacrament may be efficacious in our lives.
All rights reserved.

Pastoral Councils

St. Michael – Wednesday August 28 at 6:45 pm

September 29, Feast Day of St. Michael

“Gran Kermes” - A Latino Fund Raiser

To help with the capital improvements on the church, our Latino parishioners are sponsoring a “kermes” or fundraiser on the weekend of the feast day of our patron saint, St. Michael, the Archangel. There will be authentic Latino food available in the school beginning at 4:00 pm and going to well after the evening mass. There will be games for the kids, a Latino DJ, and items to be raffled off. This will take place on Saturday, September 28. At the weekend masses we will celebrate the feast day of St. Michael.

Confirmation Service Project

Painting The Rear of the School

Next Saturday, August 31, we will have our first organized service project for our confirmation candidates. Beginning at 8:00 am and going until early afternoon, we will paint the back the back of the school. We hope to have the work completed in time for the “September Fest”. Fr. Steve

The following are suggested habits for the Year of Faith: 1) Ask for God’s blessing each morning; 2) Receive the Holy Eucharist for strength and nourishment; 3) Call upon the saints; 4) Reach out to help a neighbor in need; 5) Offer a prayer at mealtime; 6) Savor a few minutes of silence; and 7) Give thanks to God each night.


Rosary at 5:00 before Saturday Evening Mass

Rosary at 10:30 before Sunday Mass

The Prayer Group at St. Michael welcomes anyone to come and pray with them at 6:00pm every Monday in the Rectory Chapel. Bible Study is on Monday at 7:00pm in the Rectory Chapel. This is open to anyone high school and above. Spanish Bible Study is on Tuesday nights at 6pm.

Faith Formation News: Preschool thru High School classes at 9:30. Assistants are needed each Sunday. Thanks to last Sunday’s assistants: Dianne Wimsett, Aimee Doherty and Jose Martinez. Remember Faith is a gift from God. Faith Formation is a life-long growth process. We encourage parents to attend Mass with their children this enables the children to integrate what they learn in their Faith Formation classes with weekly participation in the liturgy. Our service project each week is to collect non-perishable canned goods for the North Clark Outreach Center.

If your child is absent on Sunday morning, please give the office a call at 256-3503. If your children have been absent, please contact the catechist to keep up with their current assignment.

Faith Formation Calendar

Aug 25 Session Four

Aug 25 Confirmation Session JOURNEY WITH THE SPIRIT 3:00PM-5:00PM Please bring your registration sheet and $20

Aug 31 Service Project Confirmation St. Michael School

Sept 1 Labor Day no class

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is scheduled for every Sunday during the 11:00 Mass.

This year, Catechetical Sunday at St. Michael will be celebrated on September 21-22 weekend at all the Masses. The theme this year is “Open the Door of Faith”. This is taken from the Vatican’s guiding document on the year of Faith. Those who have been designated by the community to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry.

St. Michael Ministries Schedule

Sat. Aug 31– 5:30 pm

Eucharistic Ministers: Chuck Ledbetter, Glenda Minnick

Servers: Steve Buit

Gift Bearers: Joe and Marty Stuecker

Cantors: Steve & Sherry Buit

Musician: Carolyn Eickholtz

Lector: Chuck Ledbetter

Sun. Sept 1–11:00 am – St. Michael

Eucharistic Ministers: Margie Cox, Jim Worley, Betty Cole

Servers: Sydney Cole, Sarah Patton

Gift Bearers: Mitch and Clara Newland Family

Cantors: Joe and Mary Wafford

Musician: Nancy Kinder

Lector: Cheryl Dunn


Welcome To Faith Formation for Saint Francis Xavier!

"It was great to see so many kids in the Faith Formation classes. Please try to send the children to all classes. It is so important for their faith journey. A special thanks to all my catechists."

Thanks, Kim

If you have any questions regarding these classes, or any of the religious education classes, please contact me at 502-533-0925 or email at . Peace be with you, Kim"

Come out and enjoy St. Francis Xavier’s Fish Fry on the 1st Friday of every month, 5-7pm. The menu includes fish, fries, slaw, fried biscuits, drinks & desserts. Thanks to everyone for your support.

Welcome to our new members at St. Francis Xavier: Kenneth Peters, Leigh Ann Peters, Matthew K. Gregory, Christian N. Gregory, Mary C. Sipe, Michael S. Sipe, Mollie C. Sipe.

St. Francis Xavier Ministries Schedule

Sun. Sept 1- 9:00am

Eucharistic Ministers: Kim Young, Toni Allen, Gino Couch

Servers: Conner Haycraft, Andrew Banet

Ushers: Victor Jett, Cindy Murphy

Gift Bearers: Troy & Charlotte Coomes Family

Lector: Philip Carter

St. Michael and St. Francis Confirmation Update Welcome to our first Confirmation session. We are excited about working with you in learning about and receiving this Sacrament. Our first Service will be painting the back of the school on August 31. Let Juliann or Father Steve know if you can help with this project.

We are asking Confirmation Candidates to attend the Sunday morning Faith Formation Program in addition to the Confirmation Classes. If you are an adult wanting to be confirmed, please contact Fr. Steve or Juliann.

New Albany Deanery Catechetical Ministry Upcoming Programs:

Catholicism: The New Evangelization (A new program from Fr. Robert Barron)

This newest program by Fr. Robert Barron shows us how to put our Faith into ACTION in today’s increasingly secular world. We will meet on Wednesdays in the Aquinas Center Meeting Room from 7:00 – 8:30 on September 18 & 25; October 2, 9, 16 & 23. Cost: $20 per participant for materials & hospitality. Reservations requested by September 12th so materials can be prepared. Call (812-945-0354) or email () to make a reservation. For details of each session, please go to our website:

Bishop’s Bash (ages 18-35) Archbishop Tobin is throwing a party for young adults, Sunday, Sept. 15 at his residence. Mass will be celebrated at 5pm, followed by a cookout, live music, volleyball, corn hole and more. College and young adults can carpool or caravan with the Catholic Youth Ministries Office. Leave the Aquinas Center at 2:15pm and return at 9:30pm. Register online at No fee but a donation for gas would be appreciated.

Keep College Students Connected- Do you have a son or daughter attending college? Catholic Youth Ministries would love to keep them connected to the Catholic community by updating them on college ministry opportunities. Email with your child's name, email address, school mailing address, and contact number so they can receive information on retreats, service opportunities, gatherings, and care packages!

Collections August 17th & 18th

St. Michael $ 2,196.00

St. Francis Xavier $ 1,034.00

RCIA will continue on Wednesday night at St. Paul Activity Center, Room 106, 7:00pm – 9:00pm.

If you know of any adults who may be considering becoming Catholic, invite them to our program. St. Michael and St. Francis work together with St. Paul on this program. This is also a great opportunity for Catholic Adults (18 years or older) to review their faith and/or prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you want to become Catholic or just want to learn more about the Church, please call the rectory at 256-3200 or see Fr. Steve or Juliann.

"Protecting Your Children from the Internet - Is There an App For That?"-ST. MICHAEL, BRADFORD. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9TH, 7PM. In the lower level of the church. Learn (more) about protecting your children, home, and self from the dangerous world of the internet. Learn about harmful internet porn, protecting against online predators, online violence, and bullying, as well as simple and practical steps to getting the web under control in your home. Presented by Dave DiNuzzo Sr. (M.A. Th.) of TrueManhood Men's Ministry, Catholic Husband and Father of 4, named one of the Top 100 Catholic speakers in 2012. For more information, contact Dave: (412) 475-TRUE .

PEER LEADERSHIP RETREAT: This retreat is open to all youth in grades 9-12 who want to improve their leadership skills. The Peer Leadership Retreat Day will be held at the Pepin Mansion on Main St. in New Albany, Sept 21, 9am – 9pm.Come and learn the essential skills you need to be a leader. We choose our retreat leaders from our peer leadership participants.Cost is $60; registration deadline is Friday, Sept 13. For more information, contact Leah Cissell at 812-945-2000 or . You may register and pay online, or download a registration form at