Name: ______Date: ______

World History Final Exam Project

For your final exam, you will be creating a project to demonstrate your knowledge of the content studied during semester two.

Task: The Time Traveler’s Diary

Imagine you are given access to a time machine. Using this time machine, you are going to go back to key eras of the 1800s through the present. To document your experiences, you write short journal or diary entries. For your project, you will be creating and presenting your diary entries of your “time travels.”

For each entry, there will be a series of terms or concepts that you must address; however, you have the freedom to address other areas and create a scene or scenario for your reader using your writing. All entries must:

·  Be at least six complete sentences

·  Address the mandatory topics listed (see chart for each section) and demonstrate evidence of understanding through description and creative incorporation into the narrative

·  Provide a cohesive and coherent narrative for the reader

·  Be in journal or diary entry format (for this project, you are encouraged to use the word “I” in your writing and can engage with the theme of time traveling)

·  Be creative and demonstrate time and effort.

·  Be typed and double spaced. You may choose the font, but make sure it is easy to read.

·  Neatly submitted with no more than two entries per page.

Time Period/Unit / Where? / Must include: / Other options to include:
Imperialism / Choose one:
- Africa (pick an area)
- Japan
- China
- India / 1. One of the major causes/motivations: White Man’s Burden, Balance of Power, Nationalism , or Economic Motives
2. How imperialism impacted the native people (at least two effects) / - Land as a symbol of power
- Impact of technology (ex: guns, railroads)
World War I (1914 – 1918) / Choose one:
- Germany
- France / 1. Trench warfare and conditions faced by soldiers
2. Reference to one of the underlying causes – Militarism, Alliance, Imperialism, Nationalism
3. Reference to alliance of the War (who was which side) / - How the war is affecting people on the home front
- Total War
- The US and their involvement in the War
Interwar period
(1918 – 1938) / Germany / 1. Unfair conditions of the Treaty of Versailles
2. High rates of inflation
3. How these things affected the people living in Germany (and led to the rise of Hitler) / - Rise of the Nazis
- Rise of dictators – Mussolini, Stalin
World War II
(1938 – 1945) / Choose one:
- Germany
- Japan / 1. Reference to leader in your chosen country (and the allies and axis forces)
2. Firebombing of cities in your chosen country
3. How people living on the home front were affected / - Blitzkrieg and Sitzkrieg
- Unconditional surrender
- Kamikazes and how Japanese culture supported the war efforts
Holocaust / Choose one:
- Germany
- Poland / 1. Focus on one stage of studied genocide theory
2. Identify members of the targeted group
3. Explain how the targeted groups was affected during this stage / - Use of propaganda
- Hitler’s purification objective
- Connection to other stages
Cold War / Russia / 1. Competition between the USSR and the US during the Cold War (but no formal fighting) – provide examples
2. Major economic –or- political changes in Russia during the Cold War
3. Reference to one USSR Cold War leader (make sure that aforementioned corresponds to the leader’s polcies) / - Superpowers
- Military buildups
- Proxy wars
- Policies used by the US to suppress communism worldwide
- Communism in China
Post WWII Around the World / Will be assigned in class. / You will each have an individual topic assigned to you related to changes around the world after WWII. More information to come.

You will then need to include one primary source document per entry that will serve as a token of your travels. These documents should be copied and pasted into your word document and included with each entry. Include short caption. All pictures must be cited on a works cited page that will be included at the end of your project.

Here is an example of a sample journal entry:

Assume you were given the following information:

Time Period/Unit / Where? / Must include: / Other options to include:
French Revolution / France / 1. Reference to the Three Estates
2. Challenges faced by the Third Estate and why they wanted change / -  Bastille
-  King Louis XVI
-  Marie Antoinette

You could produce something like this:

I have just returned from a time travel to France during the French Revolution, and let me say, there is definitely revolutionary chaos going on! The Third Estate is rebelling against the First Estate (Clergy), Second Estate (Nobles), and the royal family. They are sick of not having representation in government and having to pay unfair taxes. While they tried to peacefully resolve these terms, it looks like the revolution took a violent turn when a rumor circulated that the King had weapons in an old prison called the Bastille. Members of the Third Estate, primarily urban workers and peasants, stormed the Bastille and took the warden’s head. It looks like the King and Queen might be next – off with their heads?!

Peasants rebelling at the Bastille

You will need to submit your journal entries together, either stapled or in a binder or report cover, and in chronological order. Bring your project to class on the day of the exam.

On the day of the exam:

You will come to class with your project and be put in a small group. In these groups, you will be sharing your projects and participating in discussion. I will then pick an era that your peers will question you about. They pose written questions about your assigned topic based on your journal entry that you will then need to answer and support with historical details in writing. Ms. Moulton and Ms. Rendek will also pose a question for you to answer in writing. Your created questions and response will be graded as part of your final grade. Sample questions and “starters” for formulating good questions will be provided for you.

For example, if you were to create a question for the French Revolution sample, you could ask:

How did the Storming of the Bastille help the Third Estate complete their objectives?

Your responses must be in paragraph form and be supported with historical details.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We look forward to seeing your final projects! Good luck!