Bridestowe Parish Council_Transparency Code data_2015 – 2016

The following information is published in accordance with the requirements of the Transparency Code for smaller authorities:

List of councillors serving Bridestowe Parish Council:

Caroline Mott (Chair) (Also district councillor for WDBC)

Alison Young (Vice-chair)

Kris Atherley-Hewings

Brian Coward

John Leonard

Ray Rattenbury

Bill Thirtle

List of councillors on Bridestowe Planning Sub-committee:

Caroline Mott (Chair)

John Leonard

Ray Rattenbury

Bill Thirtle

List of councillors on Bridestowe General Purpose (including Cemetery and Sporting Green) Sub-committee:

Caroline Mott (Chair)

Alison Young (Vice-chair)

Kris Atherley-Hewings

Brian Coward

Parish councillor representing the parish council on Bridestowe Village Hall Management Committee:

Kris Atherley-Hewings

Location of public land owned:

1. Bridestowe Cemetery, Pool Hill, Bridestowe. This is 1 acre in size and was acquired in 1956

2. Bridestowe Sporting Green. This is a children’s playing field, the land being leased by the parish council for this purpose. This is 1 acre in size and a lease was first taken out in 1895.

3. Small parcel of land acquired in 1973. This is the upper part of the village green in the centre of the village, was acquired in 1973 and is 159 square yards in area.

4. Small parcel of land acquired in 1973 (15 metres) at the top of the village at Pool Hill, adjacent to the kerbside, close to Princess Elizabeth Terrace)

List of parish council expenditure over £100 (not including VAT) in 2015-2016:

24/04/15 Subscription to Devon Assoc, of Local Councils £106.08

01/05/15 Parish council annual insurance £470.29

07/05/15 WDBC annual cemetery rates £297.60

07/05/15 Lengthsman (joint project with Sourton PC) £1250.00

07/05/15 Neighbourhood Plan survey £299.00

09/07.15 Treetops nursery grant £300.00

25/07/15 Picnic benches £1315.80

29/10/15 Church wall repair £184.00

23/11/15 Defibrillator £1084.89

04/12/15 Grass cutting for 2014/5 season/tree felling £1864.00

10/01/16 Room hire for meetings £317.00

16/01/16 Grant to Citizen’s advice £150.00

16/01/16 Grant to Okehampton Community Transport £150.00

08/02/16 Office expenditure £241.96

08/02/16 Parish clerk’s salary £1685.57

Fixed Asset Register for Bridestowe Parish Council:


Date of Item Situation Value Original

Acquisition purchase

price (approx.)

1994 Motor mower/tools Cemetery 858 625

1965 Cemetery Cemetery - -

2001 Street furniture/

3 Bus Shelters/ Village centre 6,855 3500

Bronze plaque

1965 Playground equipment/ Sporting Green 47,895 42,000

Swings/Climber + 5

separate play items

2000 Sports safety surfaces Sporting Green 13,026 11,000

The above dates show the first date of acquisition, since items in some of these categories were purchased over a period years. The value of the cemetery is rated as nil for the purpose of the fixed asset register. (Land values are not included).


1965 Store (Total buildings) Cemetery 3,871 1353