Birch Bay Steering Committee Minutes

For Wednesday, July 23, 2008
at Birch Bay Bible Community Church
7039 Jackson Road

Chairman Kathy Berg called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

Steering Committee members present were: Kathy Berg, Dr. Frank Oldrich, Vic Cantelmo, Carol Sandvig, Doralee Booth, Jerry Larson, Tom Vuyovich, Pauline Nefcy, Patrick Alesse, Doug Robertson, and Ted Morris. Also present were 26 community members signed in and two guest speakers.

Ø  The Minutes for the February 27, 2008 meeting were accepted as written.

Public Comment:

Lisa Guthrie, Director of Resort Development for Homestead introduced Tim Wiersma, Site Development Manager for Homestead NW. Lisa presented plans for 2 Homestead developments in Birch Bay. The Birch Bay Beach Resort, a multi-use project with plans for 199 units, will be located at 7878 Birch Bay Drive in the same area as CJ’s Beach House Restaurant. The project will provide a center beach plaza for community gatherings, with an adjoining commercial building that will provide public restrooms and another restaurant or café. “Almost 40 acres of current golf course property remain as open space, along with a walking trail that will provide connectivity from the Birch Bay waterfront through the scenic golf course to Whatcom County’s Sunset Park on the Blain Road.” The Grand Bay Resort project at the intersection of Birch Bay-Lynden Road and Harborview Road plan for a complete renovation and expansion of the current waterslide business with a year round indoor water park facility as well as 16 condominium-hotel units and space for up to 5 free standing retail/commercial pads.

Lisa also announced that CJ Wijns, a coffee, wine bar, chowder, sandwich and dessert café opened today in the Grand Bay Resort Condominiums on Terrell Creek.

Ruth Higgins spoke about the Birch Bay Share-a-Ride program, neighbors helping neighbors sharing rides into Bellingham. More information can be found @

Doug Robertson suggested that it might be time to look more seriously at incorporation.

Mickey Masdeo asked for an update on where we are in the incorporation process.

Rebecca Walters, a 17-year-old student from Blaine High School, announced she is starting a petition for bike and pedestrian lanes to connect Blaine and Birch Bay.

Earl Ball asked if anyone knew what was happening on the newly cleared property at the intersection of Birch Bay Lynden and Blaine Roads.

Arne Cleveland suggested that historical research be done regarding Captain Vancouver’s discovery of Birch Bay in 1792 and a historical marker be considered.

Special Guests:

Gary Davis, Senior Planner from Whatcom County Planning and Development Services, and Patrick Lynch from the Transpo Group presented an update on the Birch Bay Transportation Planning Study and the proposed amendments to the Birch Bay Community Plan that would reflect the recommendations of that study. They summarized proposed changes to the county's zoning code and comprehensive plan relating to transportation concurrency and transportation impact fees. Concurrency is a requirement of state law that prevents Counties from approving developments that cause roads to drop below the adopted level of service at peak hours. Gary handed out the draft amended Chapter 11 Transportation Chapter of the Birch Bay Community Plan and a document regarding Concurrency and Impact fees. Comments should be sent to . These items and recommendations will be considered and discussed by the Whatcom County Planning Commission at its August 14, 2008 public hearing at 6:30 pm in the Whatcom County Courthouse Council Chambers.

Doralee Booth, Co-chair of the Transportation/Public Safety Implementation Committee, introduced the speed limit recommendations from the Speed Limit Task Force. The Task Force met 3 times and consisted of representatives from all neighborhoods. The public had opportunity for input at 2 public meetings. After presenting background information and introducing the members of the task force a brief power point, including a map of the proposed speed limit changes, was presented. The recommendations are as follows:

Ø  1. Birch Bay Drive -- 25 mph year round from Holeman Avenue in the south to South Birch Point Loop Road in the north.

2. Birch Bay Drive -- 30 mph year round from South Birch Point Loop Road to the intersection of Birch Point Road.

3. Birch Point Road -- 35 mph from the new intersection with Birch Bay Drive to the current 45 mph sign west of the Birch Bay Village gate.

4. Shintaffer Road -- 25 mph year round from Birch Bay Drive to Anderson Road.

5. Anderson Road -- 25 mph year round from Shintaffer to Harborview.

6. Harborview Road -- 25 mph year round from Birch Bay Drive to Forsberg Drive.

7. Alderson Road -- 25 mph year round from Birch Bay Drive to E. Loft Lane.

8. Jackson Road -- 25 mph year round from Birch Bay Drive to Bay Road.

On behalf of the Speed Limit Task Force Booth made a motion with a 2nd from Claudia Hollod...

Ø  To approve these recommendations for speed limit revisions in the Birch Bay Urban Growth Area.

A discussion followed with some residents speaking their opposition to a speed over 20 mph on Birch Bay Drive in the summer. The question was called by Vic Cantelmo and after a vote of 21 yes and 5 no Chair Kathy moved to a vote on the motion.

A roll call vote of the Steering Committee neighborhood representatives passed 7 Yes and 2 No. Chair Kathy then polled the members of the community, 16 Yes and 4 No.

Chairman Berg adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Doralee Booth, Secretary with some details provided by Kathy Berg