Financial Support

ABTA LifeLine provides support to you, your partner and your family when you need it most. Whether it’s replacement of those essential household items, a relationship breakdown, a disability/medical condition, or you are just simply trying to make ends meet - you can turn to us for help.

In order to determine how best we can help you, we need to make a thorough assessment of your circumstances including your current financial situation. You will also need to demonstrate that you have explored opportunities for help from the State and other supportive agencies. Visit for advice on your entitlement to benefits.

Some of the common ways we can help include:

Essential living costs.

When an essential item, such as a washing machine or fridge breaks down, you may find it difficult to pay for the cost of repairing or replacing the item. This is where we can help. We may be able to pay for the repair or replace the appliance, replace furniture or contribute to the cost of moving house when it becomes a necessity (e.g. cases of domestic abuse).

Children’s needs.

If you have a child with special needs we can help with purchasing special equipment, mobility aids, and in exceptional cases, contribute to care and schooling costs.

If your child is sick, we may be able to help with a maintenance grant to cover the extended time you need to take off work which is not covered by your employer or your State entitlement (statutory sick pay).

If your child is in good health but you are experiencing financial hardship, we may be able to help you with things such as school uniform costs.

Funeral costs

Sometimes we are able to help with basic funeral expenses. If there has been a sudden death in the family (a cost not planned for) or if you are experiencing financial difficulties and are not on qualifying benefits for help from the The Funeral Payment Scheme ( we may be able to help with the costs of a basic, respectful, low cost funeral excluding the cost of flowers, extra cars and advertisements.

Priority Debts

Sometimes incomes can drop unexpectedly due to illness, redundancy or relationship breakdown. And sometimes outgoings can increase due to illness, maintenance or an unexpected death in the family.

Whilst we do not help with paying off debts, in exceptional circumstances we may be able to help with priority debts (rent, mortgage, utility bills). But first you must seek guidance from the Citizens Advice Bureau. The CAB can help you plan and budget according to your needs, and provides advice on how to tackle the debts that you have.

Exceptional Circumstances

In exceptional circumstances, and where there is a clear need, we may be able to provide an immediate paymentto help relieve the pressure.

We may, also in exceptional circumstances, be able to help the parent of someone working in travel. Both the parent and the person applying on behalf of the parent will need to be assessed.

Need our help? Visit or simply call us on 020 3693 0171