Minutes of the 9th Meeting for 2011-13

Tuesday 26June 2012-Level 8 Board Room, 11 Moore Street, Civic

The meeting opened at 5:15pm.

  1. Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners

Chair David Long opened the meeting with an Acknowledgement of the Traditional Owners.

  1. Attendance, Introduction of Guests and Welcome of Members


David Long (Chair)

Louise Bannister (Deputy Chair)

Sherrill Bell

Philip Brown

Peter Granleese

Mary Webb

Mary Hodges


Sue McIntosh


Disability ACT

Kate Starick, Director, Disability ACT

Council Support

Neil Finch (Secretariat)


Ms Allison Cooper-Stanbury-Project Student

  1. Confirmation of Previous Minutes

With two minor amendments the minutes of the meeting held on 22May 2012 were agreed.

Moved-Louise Bannister

Seconder-Peter Granleese

  1. Actions Arising

DAC Website

Following further discussion it was agreed that the DAC Chair be provided with a CSD contact to facilitate an update of DAC content on the CSD website.

2012-13 DAC Budget

It was agreed that an advanced copy of the 2012-13 DAC Budget be circulated to members for a full discussion at the next meeting.

Procurement Advice

The secretariat would provide advice to the DAC Chair regarding any guideline the DAC should observe around the procurement of goods and services.

Meeting with Meredith Whitten

A meeting between the DAC Chair and Deputy Chair and Meredith Whitten, Acting Executive Director, Disability ACT would be arranged.

Education Briefing

DAC members agreed that a briefing and Q&A session be organised with a senior official of the Education and Training Directorate on disability issues in education.

Report on DANA Conference

A report on the Disability Advocate Network Australian Conference would be held over to the July 2012 meeting.

Strategic Governance Group Issues

The website link to the Strategic Governance Group would be provided to DAC members.The Chair also requested that he be provided with input and feedback by members for future Strategic Governance Group meetings.

Community Consultation

The secretariat will provide a contact list of other ACT advisory and peak bodies.

  1. Paper: Community Liaison Plan

Sherrill Bell presented a paper outlining details of a DAC Community Liaison Event. The meeting discussed a possible format and agenda for an event which would provide an opportunity for a wide selection of stakeholders to meet DAC members and express views on the DAC’s current work projects.

Members noted that the Official Visitors Bill had been passed in the Assembly and that the event could also be an opportunity to publicise that scheme as well as developments with the National Disability Insurance Scheme. The Hellenic Club was suggested as a possible venue at a date to be fixed.

Work Plan-Accommodation Options

Alison Cooper-Stanbury presented an update on progress made with the supported accommodation options survey. Feedback from CSD Data and Research Unit had been limited to comments around the availability of some related existing data and general ‘survey fatigue’.

Members were satisfied regarding ethics issues and agreed that the World Cafe part of the survey should take place on 25 July 2012 at the Hellenic Club, Woden.

Phillip Brown highlighted the need for any future consultations to be developed using the publication Engaging Canberrans: A guide to engaging and communicating with people with a disability.

  1. Reports from Other Meetings

Louise Bannister reported that she had attended a recent consultation on the draft National Standards for Disability Services. Attendance at the event had been minimal and feedback regarding the unsuitable nature of the venue had been provided to Disability ACT. The meeting noted that an easy read version of the draft standards had been produced.

It was agreed that a report back from Mary Webb and Mary Hodges from their visit to the DANA Conference would be held over to the next meeting.

  1. DAC Budget Update

Members were provided with an update on the DAC budgetshowing an overall surplus of $31,814. David Long requested that the secretariat circulate an advance copy of the draft budget for 2012-13 for consideration by members and their comment at the July meeting.

  1. Other Business

Following a brief discussion around students with disability and the Gonski Education Review, it was agreed that someone from the Education and Training Directorate be invited to a future meeting to address related issues around the approach to students with a disability in the ACT.

David Long requested that DAC members provide him with input and feedback to take to future meetings of the Strategic Governance Group.

Louise Bannister advised the meeting that a women’s safety audit would be carried out at the Village creek Centre on 5 July 2012. DAC members would be advised of any disability related issues arising from the audit.

The meeting concluded with an informal presentation by Natalie Howson on the new Integrated Playground and Picnic Area to be constructed in Kings Park by Lake Burley Griffin. Land had been gifted by the National Capital Authority with partial funding coming from a Centenary Fund Innovation Grant.

  1. Next ACTDAC Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 28August 2012 at 5:00pm.

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