




PRESENT: Councillors M Webberley (Chairman), T Kennard, C Oakley, J Cooper, P Watts , P Aaron and, after minute 62 below, J Turnbull. Also present were NDDC Cllr Jesperson and G Rains, footpaths officer.

In attendance: the Clerk M Wilson and 4 members of the public

58. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Received from Cllr Farrell


60. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd July 2015 were approved and signed.

61. PUBLIC SESSION TO RAISE ISSUES: A question was asked over the proposed transfer of reserves from the White Pit play reserve to General Reserve (minute 66(iii)) The background was explained by the clerk.

62. TO CONSIDER THE CO-OPTION OF A NEW CONCILLOR, MR JAMES TURNBULL: There are vacancies following the election in May and Mr Turnbull had expressed an interest in being co-opted. It was agreed to co-opt Mr Turnbull who signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

63. DISTRICT/COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: Cllr Jesperson’s report had been circulated. She highlighted the following points i) The Community Infrastructure Levy will be avital source of revenue for NDDC to ensure the provision of adequate infrastructure linked to new housing development, principally in the larger towns – rural communities would receive very little. ii) The latest draft of the Local Plan raised the number of houses to be built in the sustainable villages to 825. Whilst NDDC would not allocate numbers on a quota basis, it was hard to see how some form of “quasi-quota” would be avoidable, but how would this sit with the fundamental principle of local need identified in Neighbourhood Plans? In addition, in identifying future housing need, how valid are past trends? Shillingstone was fortunate that future needs identified locally seemed to reflect historic trends.

She also reported on a meeting with Richard Walker from DCC Estates and Graham Stanley of DCC Rangers concerning the Station project and the Trailway. Cllr Deborah Croney had also been in attendance. A way forward on the lease of Lambs House bridge had been identified, including the lease of a small parcel of land to the south of the bridge (but not enough to link to the existing leased area). An extended area to the south of the existing lease had also been identified to enable the “loop” to be built. This would mean diverting the Trailway into the field to the east of the station, on a raised path above the flood level. She confirmed she had seen evidence that the Project had the necessary funding in place to achieve this. The parish council has some concerns on the impact on existing trees. In addition, and more seriously, the parish council on behalf of the community has major misgivings over the failure of the Project to produce meaningful, clear and properly documented plans of its intentions. It would be to everyone’s benefit, including the Project if these came forward. The parish council is also concerned that DCC will make an agreement with the Project without reference to the parish council.

Concerns over the traffic flows and lack of adequate signage (one way, no left turn etc) at the entrance to the new Trailway car park were shared. Cllr Jesperson agreed to raise with Highways.


i) Footpaths officer report: He reported that the paths in Church Field will be sprayed soon. There are some problems with the wrought iron gate on FP35 – the Chairman will have an informal word with the Salts

ii) Trailway and station project: See minute 63 above


i). Clerk to report on outstanding applications: Nothing to report

ii). To consider any new applications received before the meeting: 2/2015/1046 – 7 Lanchards, DT11 0QT – erect single storey extension – no objections

iii). To consider applications to carry out works to trees in the conservation area received before the meeting: 2/2015/1061/CAtree – The Crooked house, Blandford Road, DT11 0SF – pollard willow tree and remove and replant two plum trees – no objections

iv) Neighbourhood Plan – to receive Committee report: The clerk reported on the revised draft Plan being produced and forthcoming consultation events for the formal 6 week Consultation due to start on 21st August 2015. Progress is in line with the timetable produced in the spring.

v) To consider letter from John Glanville regarding White Pit: A letter had been received suggesting a deal be struck with DCC over its land at White Pit; this was thought to be unrealistic in the current climate whereby DCC has a legal obligation to maximise the value of its assets – the clerk will reply.

vi) North Dorset District Council – revised Local Plan – to note changes: The clerk had summarised and circulated the key points and we have until 18th September to make any comments.


i) To approve cheques for payment as per schedule: The following payments were approved:

1940 – IK Services – July litter pick - £65.00

1941 – IK Services – remove derelict greenhouse from allotments - £150.00

1942 – Fenland Leisure – wet pour materials - £118.20

1943 – Fenland Leisure – wet pour materials - £39.60

1944 – M Wilson – July pay - £480.43

1945 – Portman Hall – hire - £199.00

1946 – BWBSL – recreation water - £1110.35

1947 – M Wilson – expenses - £159.39

ii) bank mandate revision: Nothing to report

iii) to agree a transfer from the White Pit play reserve to General Reserve: A paper explaining the transfer had been prepared and circulated by the clerk, and the transfer of £12,162.22 was approved

67. STREET CLEANING AND GRASS CUTTING – update: It was noted that the work done by the lengthsman was of an excellent standard.

68. THE CROSS – update: The clerk had met with the stonemasons and a representative from the PCC and three possible sites had been identified within the churchyard. The clerk will write formally asking the PCC to accommodate the cross head (at no cost to the PCC); if it agrees, the matter has to go further up the ecclesiastical hierarchy (a lengthy process with which the masons are familiar, fortunately)

69. SPEEDWATCH – update: For a variety of reasons the group has insufficient volunteers to operate. The parish council has been asked to take over the co-ordination of the group and a councillor volunteer is sought, as well as ideas to gather more volunteers – ideas to the Chairman please


i) To appoint Councillor to inspect play areas, recreation ground and property in August: Cllr Aaron volunteered. TK reported a request to have the pavilion open in the school holidays so children could use the toilet. Given the difficulties – opening, cleaning, closing etc – of running what effectively would be a public toilet it was not felt possible to agree.

ii) To note Councillors reports and decide any action: The wet pour has been repaired and the grass cut. The clerk will look at litter bin options – one with a lid to keep out rainwater. Quotes for the construction of a path to the site had been received and it was agreed to accept the quote from JB Garden Services for a self-binding gravel path costing £535 plus vat.

iii) Trees: Nothing to report

iv) Pavilion – to consider quotes for new roof, windows and shower/plumbing: The clerk had summarised the quotes received for the various work and circulated details to councillors in advance of the meeting. It was agreed as follows:

a) roof – further investigations required; the clerk will check with the Conservation Officer whether Decra metal roof tiles would be acceptable and how much Beales Roofing would charge to fit these compared with Spanish slates; hopefully a final decision can be made at the next meeting.

b) windows – it was agreed to accept the quote dated 7th June 2015from Kelvin Wyatt Joinery for hardwood, double glazed windows with toughened glass, provided he takes full responsibility for appointing a suitable fitter and taking overall responsibility for the integrity of the final product

c) plumbing/showers – it was agreed to accept the quotes 1546, 1547 ad 1548 dated 17th June 2015 from AJS Plumbing for the three elements of work

The clerk will make the necessary arrangements.

v) water leak and bill: Wessex Water has declined to reduce the unexpectedly large bill caused by the leaking stop-tap. Its mitigation policy only covers underground pipes, not underground working components. The bill will have to be paid in full and the clerk will discuss matters with the cricket club.

vi) allotments: The overgrown plot has been split between 2 new tenants and the derelict greenhouse removed

71. CORRESPONDENCE: AFC Blandford had written saying they would not be continuing to play football on the Rec as they have found a facility at Blandford School. They thanked the parish council, and especially Cllr Watts, for providing an excellent pitch etc for the last 4 years. Mr Howard Povey has offered to paint the railings around the war memorial – his generous offer was accepted.

72. TO AGREE ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: Pavilion and Speedwatch particularly.

73. NEXT MEETING: This will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday 1st September 2015 at the Church Centre.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.40 pm.