Region 498 Board Meeting Minutes – March 7, 2013 6:30pm

Members present: Jim Green, Crista Green, Ursula Grove, Curtis Walker, Bob Bradley, Simon King, Vernon Paulett, Tom Mason, Greg Weber, Patrick Willis, Susan Rossetti

January 31st minutes approved

Treasurer report – Crista Green

As of March 1, 2013, the bank balance is $124,509.97

Crista did a break down of the Indoor expenses. We spent $8,835.13. We had 310 players, each paying $15. ($4,650.00) We had about 50 players that were new, so we had to pay $750.00 for their insurance. Total loss for indoor was approximately $4,935.13

Regional Commissioner – Susan Rossetti

I did not have a voice, so Greg Weber was my voice for the night.

Parks and Rec needs us to donate $4000 to the improvement study. Others are also giving, so it is not just us! We voted and approved to give $4000.00

I want Region 498 to give to the Rose Bowl Float. I had sent something out by email earlier for everyone to look at. We voted and approved to give $1000.00

There were three bids presented for getting electricity to the shed. Parks and Rec has agreed to cover the utilities after we get it done. The bids were:

1. Stephenson Electric - $1,800.00

2. Mr. Electric - $5,326.65 (plus more)

3. HC Blake - $9,714.00

We voted and approved Stephenson Electric.

Anthony is set to come March 25. I am hosting him and Bob Bradley is hosting him. No one else has stepped up.

We need a camp coordinator for Challenger. I think basically the coordinator keeps Neil up to date on what is going on.

I am wanting to use Cliff’s new referee website for the spring season along with the Area ref site. Vernon, Tim, Bob and myself have seen the demo and we like what we see. The spring is a good time to see if we can handle doing two different sites. We voted and approved to give it a try.

Coach Administrator – Steve Grady (absent)

The spring coach meeting will be at Intergraph (thanks to Michael Gravel!) on Monday the 11th at 6:30.

Courses set up so far are U-12 on March 16, Intermediate the weekend of April 12th and Advanced the weekend of April 19th. These are posted on our website. Curtis is looking at when he can do the U5-U8 courses. We have a lot of new U5 coaches.

Steve has been working with Anthony through emails. He will get a calendar set up for coaches to get him to work with them and he will also be doing “skills sessions” two nights a week. One night will be for U10 and below and one will be U12 and up.

Referee Administrator – Martin Draper (absent)

Referee course is March 16th with a Referee meeting after.

Registrar – Ursula Grove

We are still getting registrations in. We are still down this season.

Indoor coordinator – Simon King

Except for the first weekend conflict at JCHS no issues with gym use. There was only one injury at U14B (dislocated knee)

Equipment - shortage of sandbags (now have new ones. Just need sand to fill them)

Indoor survey posted on website. Blast email sent to all indoor players. Results next meeting

Scheduler – Vernon Paulett

Vernon has been sending out schedules to all the coordinators. He needs all info completed to him ASAP. The area scheduling conference calls starts Tuesday.

CVPA – Lisa Sheffield (absent)

Equipment Coordinator – Curtis Walker

Needs counts for spring.

Uniform Coordinator – Betsy Walker (absent)

Safety Director – Keith Fury (absent)

Select Coordinator – Jeff Fisher (absent)

E-newsletter, Sponsor Coordinator – vacant

Move to adjourn at 7:23