GAVILAN COLLEGE / Curriculum Development
(Must be accompanied by Course outline) / EMERGENCY/EXPERIMENTAL
(Course can be offered one time only)
1. / Department: / Library / Date Request Initiated: / 11/25/2013
2. / Prepared and Submitted by: / Doug Achterman
3. / Proposed Course Title: / Library / LIB 99 / Research Skills for English 1A
Discipline Name / Course Number / Course Title
4. / Proposed Units: / 1 / Lec: / 1 / Lab: / 0
5. / Anticipated term of offering? / Fall / Spring / Summer / Year / 2014
6. / Anticipated Enrollment: / 150
7. / Why do you anticipate this enrollment?
Offered in conjunction with 5 English 1A sections.
8. / Summary of Probable Content: Information competency skills as defined by the Academic Senate for CA community colleges. Includes lessons and activities related to understanding the research process; developing a research question and a research strategy; taking notes for research; general principles of searching; effective use of the library catalog and online databases; finding and evaluating internet sources; citing sources; and creating an annotated bibliography.
9. / Justification for Course (i.e., requirement from major’s sequence, general education, trends in field or scholarship, etc. List agencies, groups, resources consulted to determine need, i.e., State Boards, advisory committees, surveys, other colleges’ offerings, etc.):
There is a wide range of information competency skill level among students who take English 1A, and this course offers a way to establish a baseline skill level while at the same time supporting students through the research process in the completion of what for many is their first major research project. This course would also represent means of addressing the institutional learning outcomes for information competency.
10. / Justification for use of Form E:(experimental/emergency) rather than Form A (permanent addition to catalog):
This curriculum is the result of ongoing discussions between library and English department faculty about the need to address information competency skills in a systematic way. This course is modeled after courses offered at other community colleges and targeted to the particular needs of Gavilan's teaching and learning community. The goal is to create a course that is flexible enough to work across the diverse content offereings and teaching styles that are a strength of the English faculty, while at the same time follow a model that is sustainable for library faculty to teach. The purpose of a pilot first to determine whether or not such a goal is achievable, and second, to assess and modify it before it is offered on a broader scale.
11. / Proposed Grading system: Regular ABCDEF Pass/No Pass
12. / Is a similar course offered at community colleges or 4-year colleges & universities?
Yes No
13. / What resources will be needed in order to offer this class at Gavilan?
a.Staffing: 5 sections of the course
b.Facility Usage: rooms for 2-3 of these sections as hybrids. The other 2-3 will be fully online.
c.Supplies and equipment (include cost estimates): $150 for photocoping
d.Learning Resource Center resources:
14. / Prerequisites, co-requisites, or advisories, if any: advisory that section should be taken in conjunction with specific Eng1A sections
15. / Comments:
Department Chairperson: / Date: / Yes __ / No __
Dean / Date: / Yes __ / No __
Curriculum Committee: / Date: / Yes __ / No __
Reasons for Rejection:

**This is a course that will be accepted under certain conditions--new instructor, new program, changing requirements, the desire to experiment. It must be submitted with a completed course outline. It can be provisionally approved in advance of submission, should the drafting of the next semester’s schedule demand expedience, with the joint consent of the Curriculum Committee Chair and the Dean of Instruction.

The course can then be added to the working scheduled with an E in the number; the E will be dropped off before the schedule goes to print. In the meantime, the course must be reported to the Curriculum Committee for its approval. Petitioner or an informed representative must attend the Curriculum Committee meeting at which the Form E is considered. Absence may result in postponement.

Courses submitted and approved using Form E can only be offered one time with the Emergency approval. They must be re-submitted to the Curriculum Committee following normal procedures to be added to the curriculum/catalog.

FORM E 10/99



Date: / 11/25/2013 / Prepared & Submitted by: / Doug Achterman
Department: / Library / Course Discipline and Number: / LIB 99
Course Title: Research Skills for English 1A / Short title: English Research Skills
1 / Lecture:
1 / Lab:
0 / Number of weeks:
18 / LEH Factor:
Credit Status: Credit - Degree Applicable Credit - Non Degree Applicable Non Credit
TOP Code:
1601.00 / Classification:
Y Credit CourseJ Workforce Prep Enhanced FundingK Other Non Credit Enhanced FundingL Non-Enhanced Funding / Non Credit Category:
Y Credit CourseA English as a Second LanguageB Citizenship for ImmigrantsC Elementary and Secondary Basic SkillsD Health and SafetyE Persons with Substantial DisabilitiesF ParentingG Home EconomicsH Courses for Older AdultsI Short-term vocationalJ Workforce Preparation / Occupational Code (SAM):
E Non-OccupationalA ApprenticeshipB Advanced OccupationalC Clearly OccupationalD Possibly Occupational

Course Numbering System:

0-99Transfer & Degree Appropriate

99, 199, 299Emergency, One Term, Special Topics Course

100-198Degree Appropriate & Potential Transfer

200-298Associate Degree Appropriate & Non Transfer

300sNot Degree Applicable, Non Transfer Occupational

400sDevelopmental courses

500s Special Populations (see College Catalog for complete descriptions)

600sAdult Education

700sNon Credit


Obtain signatures from your Department Chair and Area Dean prior to submitting to the curriculum committee.


DatePrint NameDepartment Chair


DatePrint NameArea Dean


DatePrint NameDistance Education Coordinator (if needed)


The course(s)has/have been approved by the curriculum committee and instructional administration, and satisfy all applicable requirements of the California Code of Regulations, Title 5.


DatePrint NameSignature, Curriculum Chair


DatePrint NameSignature, VP of Instruction


On ______(date), the governing board of the Gavilan College District approved the course proposal(s) attached to this request.


DatePrint NamePresident

1. / Anticipated first term of offering: Fall Spring Summer Year: 2013

2.Course Description:

This course develops information competency skills as defined by the Academic Senate for CA community colleges. It is designed to be integrated with the English 1A curriculum, so that these skills are developed in a meaningful context. It ncludes lessons and activities related to understanding the research process; developing a research question and a research strategy; taking notes for research; general principles of searching; effective use of the library catalog and online databases; finding and evaluating internet sources; citing sources; and creating an annotated bibliography

3.Has the course content been compared to the equivalent C-ID descriptor? Yes No n/a

C-ID code:

If yes, see the Articulation Officer for assistance with C-ID descriptors.

4. Will course be cross-listed? Yes No

If yes, which department is responsible for scheduling, updating, and assessing the course?

Reason for cross-listing:

5.Justification of recommendation for new course: (e.g. requirement for major’s sequence, general education, trends in field or scholarship, etc. List agencies, groups, resources consulted to determine need: State Boards, advisory committees, surveys, other colleges’ offerings, etc.)

There is an extensive body of research around the efficacy of teaching information competency in the context of another course (see American Library Association, 2006; Beile, 2003; Hall, 2008; Kelly, , Williams, Matthies & Orris, 2011; Kohl &Wilson, 1986; Kumar & Edwards, 2013; Matthew & Schroeder, 2006; Walter,2000; Weaver & Pier, 2010; York & Vance, 2009). This course addresses information competency institutional learning objectives in a comprehensive way that will have positive implications across the curriculum and provide equitable opportunities for learning these skills.

6. Course Requisites:

List all prerequisites separated by AND/OR, as needed. Also fill out and submit the Prerequisite/Advisory form.



Advisory: “This course will be part of a learning community. This course will be paired with specific sections of ENGL 1A.

7. Proposed Grading System:

Standard Letter Grade Option of a standard letter grade or pass/no pass

Pass/no pass only Non Credit

8. Will course be Repeatable? No Yes

Additional skills that will be acquired by repeating this course must be included in the course outline.

If yes, how many times? 1 2 3 Unlimited (DRC/Non credit only)

Reason for Repeating:

Intercollegiate Athletics

Active Participatory course in Physical Education, Visual Arts or Performing Arts related in content to one or more other courses.

Occupational Work Experience/General Work Experience

Special class for students with disabilities

Non Credit

9.Is this a stand-alone course?

Yes (Course is NOT included in a degree or certificate program)

No (Course IS included in a degree or certificate program)

10. Does this course focus on basic skills in English, ESL or Math?

No Yes

If yes, Proposed 6 Digit TOP code

Prior to College Code (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Y)

11. Will this course be offered via Distance Education?

Yes No If yes, include the Distance Education - Form D when you submit the second reading.

Select all that apply.


Course development software, such as Moodle




12. Does this course meet the cultural diversity requirement? Yes No n/a

If Yes, please indicate which criteria apply. At least two criteria must beselected andevidenced in the course content section and at least one Student Learning Outcome must apply tocultural diversity.

This course promotes understanding of:

Cultures and subcultures

Cultural awareness

Cultural inclusiveness

Mutual respect among diverse peoples

Familiarity with cultural developments and their complexities

Student Learning Outcome:

13.What resources will be needed in order to offer this class at Gavilan?

  1. Staffing: existing staffing
  2. Facility Usage: facilities for 2 or 3 sections, depending on whether offered hybrid or fully online.
  3. Supplies and equipment (include cost estimates): $150 photocopying
  1. Tutoring Center resources, if applicable: n/a
  1. Can existing library resources at Gavilan accommodate student needs for this class?

Yes No Verified by: (Verbal verification of Librarian is adequate.)

If no, list additional resources necessary & budget estimate.

  1. Can existing computer software, hardware, and other technological resources at

Gavilan accommodate student’s needs for this class? Yes No N/A

If no, list additional resources necessary & budget estimate.

14. If degree applicable, is a similar course offered at community colleges or 4 year colleges & universities? Yes No

(if yes, list examples below. If your are recommending that this class transfer to UC or CSU campus, be sure to list similar course from those systems.) / Upper orLower Dir / Units/Sem/Qtr
Discipline & No / Title / College or Univ.
Discipline & No / Title / College or Univ.
Discipline & No / Title / College or Univ.

15. If degree applicable, please complete the following information on articulation recommendations. See College Articulation Officer for assistance.

15A. Transfer: Would you recommend that this be a course that transfers to:

State Universities and Colleges Yes No

University of California Yes No

Will the course satisfy a major requirement at CSU or UC?

If so, complete the following:

at / Required for
Course Title & No. / CSUC or UC Campus / Program or Major
at / Required for
Course Title & No. / CSUC or UC Campus / Program or Major
at / Required for
Course Title & No. / CSUC or UC Campus / Program or Major

15B. General Education: Would you recommend that this be a course that satisfies the GE requirement in the following:

Natural Science / Social Science / Humanities/Art / Lifelong Learning / Cmun / Math/ Quantitative / American Institutions / Cultural Diversity
AA/AS/GE Degree
UC Transfer/GE

(Note that definitions of areas that can be counted in UC or CSU vary. Be sure to ask for assistance if needed.)



The following information must be provided: Author, Title, Publisher, Year of Publication, Reading level and Reading level verification. Textbook must not be more than 5 years old.

Required: Recommended: n/a

Author: Title: Publisher: Year of Publication:

or other appropriate college level text.

ISBN: (if available)

Reading level of text, Grade: Verified by:

Other textbooks or materials to be purchased by the student: No textbook required. All materials will be provided.


If the course will be program applicable, copy and paste the appropriate Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) and number them. Indicate which PLO(s) are being addressed in the Student Learning Outcomes below.

1. Students will use information technology tools to locate, retrieve, organize, and present information.

2. Students will increase their ability to state a research question, problem or issue.

3. Students will determine information requirements for the research question, problem or issue.


  1. Complete this section in a manner that demonstrates student’s use of critical thinking and reasoning skills. These include the ability to formulate and analyze problems and to employ rational processes to achieve increased understanding. Reference Bloom's Taxonomy of action verbs.
  2. List the Type of Measures that will be used to measure the student learning outcomes, such as written exam, oral exam, oral report, role playing, project, performance, demonstration, etc.
  3. Identify which Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) are aligned with this course. List them by number in order of emphasis.
  4. Identify which Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO) are aligned with this course. List them, by numberin order of emphasis. For example: "2, 1" would indicate Cognition and Communication.
    (1) Communication, (2) Cognition, (3) Information Competency, (4) Social Interaction, (5) Aesthetic Responsiveness, (6) Personal Development & Responsibility, (7) Content Specific.
  5. For GE courses, enter the GE Learning Outcomes for this course. For example "A1, A2". GE Learning Outcomes are listed below.
  6. Indicate when the course will be assessed.

1. / Students will list the basic stages of the research processs and write a personal reflection about the way he/she engages in that process.
Measure: Short writing assignment and a graphic of how they go through the research process. / PLO: / ILO: 2.1, 2.6, 3 / GE-LO: A / Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2014
2. / Students will develop a research topic into a focused research question by broadening or narrowing and by confirming appropriate resources are available.
Measure: Written research questions, bibliographies of potential resources, graphic organizers for shaping research topics into questions. / PLO: 2, 3 / ILO: 1,2, 3 / GE-LO: A / Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2014
3. / Students will use a systematic method to take notes for research
Measure: Research notes / PLO: 1 / ILO: 2, 3 / GE-LO: A / Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2014
4. / Using the library catalog, students will demonstrate basic search principles such as Boolean searches and standard limiters to locate books and reference resources related to their research question.
Measure: biblography / PLO: 1 / ILO: 3 / GE-LO: A / Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2014
5. / Students will construct search strategies using appropriate commands for the information retrieval system selected
Measure: Quizzes, search histories / PLO: 1,3 / ILO: 2,3 / GE-LO: A / Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2014
6. / Students will differentiate between popular and scholarly sources of information and apply the knowledge to specific research problems
Measure: bibliography, annotated bibliography, quiz / PLO: 3 / ILO: 2,3 / GE-LO: A / Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2014
7. / Students will assess the quantity , quality and relevance of the search results to determine whether alternative information retrieval systems or invetigative methods should be utilized
Measure: search histories, quizzes / PLO: 1,3 / ILO: 2,3 / GE-LO: A / Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2014
8. / Students will examine and compare information from various sources in order to evaluate reliability, validity, accuracy, authority, timeliness and point of view bias
Measure: written exercises, quizzes, bibliographies / PLO: 1,2, 3 / ILO: 2,3 / GE-LO: A / Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2014
9. / Students will differentiate between the types of sources cited and be able to use the elements and correct syntax of a citation for a wide range of resources
Measure: bibliographic citations, quizzes / PLO: 1 / ILO: 3 / GE-LO: A / Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2014
10. / Students will create an annotated bibliography that includes resource types that best help address the research question, summarizes the relevant content of each source , and follows standard citation conventions.
Measure: annotated bibliography / PLO: 1,2, 3 / ILO: 3 / GE-LO: A / Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2014

General Education Learning Outcomes

AREA A Communications in the English Language

After completing courses in Area A, students will be able to do the following:

A1.Receive, analyze, and effectively respond to verbal communication.

A2.Formulate, organize and logically present verbal information.

A3.Write clear and effective prose using forms, methods, modes and conventions of English grammar that best achieve the writing’s purpose.

A4.Advocate effectively for a position using persuasive strategies, argumentative support, and logical reasoning.

A5.Employ the methods of research to find information, analyze its content, and appropriately incorporate it into written work.

A6.Read college course texts and summarize the information presented.

A7.Analyze the ideas presented in college course materials and be able to discuss them or present them in writing.

A8.Communicate conclusions based on sound inferences drawn from unambiguous statements of knowledge and belief.

A9.Explain and apply elementary inductive and deductive processes, describe formal and informal fallacies of language and thought, and compare effectively matters of fact and issues of judgment and opinion.

AREA B Physical Universe and its Life Forms

After completing courses in Area B, students will be able to do the following:

B1.Explain concepts and theories related to physical and biological phenomena.

B2.Identify structures of selected living organisms and relate structure to biological function.

B3.Recognize and utilize appropriate mathematical techniques to solve both abstract and practical problems.

B4.Utilize safe and effectives laboratory techniques to investigate scientific problems.

B5.Discuss the use and limitations of the scientific process in the solution of problems.

B6.Make critical judgments about the validity of scientific evidence and the applicability of scientific theories.

B7.Utilize appropriate technology for scientific and mathematical investigations and recognize the advantages and disadvantages of that technology.

B8.Work collaboratively with others on labs, projects, and presentations.