Expression of interest for the 2017-18 Teaching in Role programme

This opportunity is open to maintained schools as the funding comes from Doncaster Schools Forum. Schools will only be eligible to apply where at least 30% of children qualify for Pupil Premium.

Please send all completed forms by email to Sophie Regan by 9am Friday 19th May. Applications will not be considered after this time.

Schools will be notified by Friday 26th May

Please complete all sections of the form. If you are applying in partnership with another school in your locality please fill in separate expressions of interest. Please note if you are applying in partnership with another school, you must select the same days for activity to mitigate travel time between schools.

The word count is not an indicator of how much you should write! It is there as a maximum amount.

Name of school
Telephone no.
Head teacher name and direct email contact
Lead teacher (English subject leader) name and direct email contact
Y4 teacher names
Class a
Class b
Number of pupils in Y4
Class a
Class b
Percentage of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium
Which regular day in the week will be most suitable for your school to take part? (sessions take place 1 class am and 1 class pm)
If you are applying in partnership with another school, please provide the school name and head teacher contact.
What difference would you want this programme to make for children in year 4? (250 words max)
Tell us a little bit about how drama features in your school? What benefits do you think there are of using drama in the classroom?
(250 words max)
Tell us about what difference you would want this programme to make to the professional development of the teachers in year 4? Do they have the capacity and interest to implement approaches and techniques from the programme, within the rest of school?
(200 words max)
What are your whole school literacy priorities and reading strategy for Y4?
How would you imagine this programme could impact on these priorities?
(250 words max)
Do you have established relationships in your local area, in order to share learning and cascade resources? Please list schools here and tell us about your current approach to sharing good practice
(200 words max)
As part of the programme, you will need to provide baseline data on a cohort of children and provide us with tracked data half termly. Please let us know how you track pupil’s progress in literacy?
(200 words max)