KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN Zonal Institute of Education and Training, Chandigarh


Name :KV:



Please rate your level of skills from 1 to 3 & tick the appropriate boxes. (1= Good; 2=Very Good; 3 = Excellent)

A - General Windows skills / 1 / 2 / 3
1. / 1 can find, save and print my own documents
2. / 1 can recover deleted documents
3. / 1 know how to use Windows explorer to manage files
4. / 1 can create new folders
5. / 1 know how to move and copy files
6. / 1 can create a shortcut on the desktop
7. / 1 know how to rename files
8. / 1 know how to search for a file
9. / 1 know how to run scandisk
10. / 1 know how to defragment C: drive
11. / 1 can minimise, maximise and resize windows
12. / 1 can cut/copy and paste between applications
13. / 1 can set up a screensaver
14. / 1 can update my anti-virus
15. / 1 know how to shut my PC down properly
General Windows skills comments, if any
B- Word Processing / 1 / 2 / 3
1. / 1 can format text e.g. size, bold, font
2. / 1 can spell check a document
3. / 1 can cut and paste
4. / 1 know how to use Undo
5. / 1 can customise my toolbar
6. / 1 can set margins and page breaks
7. / 1 can set indents and tab section breaks and partial formats
8. / 1 can create numbers and bullets
9. / 1 know about multi level numbering
10. / 1 can set headers and footers
11. / 1 can add borders & shading to tables and paragraphs
12. / 1 can use templates for standard docs
13. / 1 can use heading styles
14. / 1 know how to create a table of contents
15. / 1 can import images into my document
Word Processing comments, if any —

D-Spreadsheet / 1 / 2 / 3
1. / 1 can enter text and numeric data in cells
2. / 1 can enter a simple formula (e.g. to add up a column of figures)
3. / 1 am able to save a spreadsheet document
4. / 1 can change the orientation of the print-out from portrait to landscape
5. / 1 can enable gridlines to be shown on prints
6. / 1 can insert and delete rows and columns
7. / 1 can change the width of a column and height of a row
8. / 1 can print part of a spreadsheet
9. / 1 can format text (size, colour, bold etc)
10. / 1 can copy and paste a cell
11. / 1 can link cells between worksheets
12. / 1 can sort data in a column
13. / 1 know how to add headers and footers
14. / 1 can produce a chart from my data
15. / 1 can edit a chart
16. / 1 can import information into a spreadsheet from another application (e.g. from a Word document)
Spreadsheets comments, if any-
E - Email / 1 / 2 / 3
1. / 1 can create and send an email to other staff
2. / 1 can create and send an email to colleagues outside of the organisation
3. / 1 can reply to, delete or forward an email
4. / 1 can add a contact to my Contacts list
5. / 1 can attach a Word document to an email
6. / 1 know how to sort my emails
7. / 1 can allocate time in my Calendar
8. / 1 can book a meeting room or a resource
9. / 1 can save my email to a folder
10. / 1 can create a new Outlook folder
11. / 1 know how to clear my deleted mail box
12. / 1 know how to set auto archive
13. / 1 can use the journal to monitor project work
14. / 1 know how to create and edit a Task List
15. / 1 know how to fax from my PC
16. / 1 can subscribe to and unsubscribe from an email mailing list
Emailcomments, if any-
F - Internet and on-line activities / 1 / 2 / 3
1. / I can connect to the Internet
2. / 1 think I am a competent user of the Internet
3. / I use the Internet proactively
4. / I can open my web browser software
5. / I know where to put a URL in the browser to find the page I'm looking for
6. / I can add pages to my favourites/bookmarks
7. / I know how to download a document
8. / I know how to download software
9. / I can unzip programmes that I download
10. / I know how to save pictures to my hard-drive
11. / I know how to change the appearance of my browser window
12. / I know how to set my default Home page
13. / | know how to use a search engine
14. / I know how to navigate a website
15. / I know how to view & download Adobe Acrobat (pdf) documents
16. / I can change the security settings of my browser
Internet and on-line activities comments, if any-
TOTAL SUMMARY / 1 / 2 / 3 / Total
A- General Windows skills
B- Word processing
C- Presentations
D- Spreadsheets
E - Email
F - Internet and online activities