Homework Booklet - Islam

Name: ______Class: ______

Homework: 1

Aim: To show knowledge and understanding of Islamic artefacts.

1. Describe the importance of each of the artefacts below and explain how they are used. (10)

2. ‘There is no point in using religious aids to pray’. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answer (5)



Homework: 2

Aim: To show knowledge of the early life of the Prophet Muhammad

Using the keywords in the box below complete the missing spaces.

When received the first of the revelations he was unsure what to do. At first he thought he might have been going mad, it was a little unusual to have speaking to you. Soon though he realised that he was being spoken to by and that he had to spread the word to as many people as he could. He started to preach in , the town in which he had grown up. Many people in disliked what Muhammad had to say. He opposed the worshipping of at the Ka'ba and said that it was wrong to be greedy. people in Mecca soon started to believe in Muhammad and soon there was a small group of following Muhammad.
The rich were worried by this. They could lose their money, power and religion if Muhammad wasn't stopped. Muhammad, concerned for the of his followers and himself escaped to Medina. In people were much more welcoming to Muhammad and the first Muslim community was established.


Homework: 3

Aim: To reflect on the importance of the 5 pillars of Islam.

The Five Pillars of Islam are an essential part of Muslim life. These are five rules that every Muslim has to live by. They are:

Shahadah: declaration of faith.

Salat: saying prayers five times a day.

Sawm: fasting during daylight hours in Ramadan.

Zakah: giving money to the poor.

Hajj: pilgrimage to Makkah.

1.  How do you think a Muslim could show their declaration of faith? (3)


2.  What difficulties might a Muslim face trying to fulfil the pillar Salat? (3)


3.  Do you think that Muslim children should keep the pillar of Sawm? Why (3)


4.  Muslims are required to donate 2.5% of their wages and earnings to charity. Do you agree with this or do you think people should be allowed to donate want they can afford? (3)


5.  What is Hajj? (2)


6.  Who I exempt from going on pilgrimage? (3)


7.  Briefly describe what happens on Hajj (4)



Homework: 4

Aim: To be able to empathise with a Muslim on pilgrimage.

Imagine you are reporting for a newspaper or magazine. You have been asked to research and write an article about a family who has been on the Hajj. Your article should:

• Start with an eye-catching headline;

• Explain what the Hajj is;

• Explain why Muslims make this journey;

• Introduce the family and explain how they traveled;

• Include the family’s thoughts and feelings about making the




Homework: 5

Aim: To be able to understand what Halaal food is.

Read the Menu below. Underline all the foods that a Muslim would be able to eat.


Bowl of specialty olives (v) £2.75

Platter of olives, tapenade, houmous & basil pesto (v) (n) £5.50


Fresh linguini of crab, lime, chilli & coriander

Deep fried black pudding hash brown with Lancashire cheese & apple puree

Risotto of lemon, tarragon & rocket with char grilled artichokes & lemon oil (v)

Oak smoked salmon, warm whole meal blini, horseradish & cucumber crème fraiche

Salad of avocado, baby gem & rocket with boiled egg, cherry tomatoes, pumpkin oil & seeds (v) (n)

Potted duck, beetroot chutney & toasted brioche

Butternut squash soup, chive cream, cep powder & truffle oil (v)

Pan fried scallops, soft mash, herb & garlic butter (£5.00 supplement)

Poached hen’s egg on toast with curried leeks, hollandaise & curry oil (v)

MAINS £15.50

Roast breast of Goosnargh duck, confit roots & soft mashed potato

Pan fried sea bass with black olive linguini, grilled artichokes & rosemary

Grilled breast of chicken with garlic, herbs & spices, almond couscous & tomato dressing (n)

Roast cutlet of lamb & navarin of mutton, haricot beans & rosemary

Welsh goat’s cheese & caramelised onion tart, rocket & artichoke salad, parsley relish (v)

Roasted haddock fillet with celeriac puree & smoked bacon, baby onions, mushrooms & red wine

Grilled rump steak, hand cut chips, baked mushroom & tomato, marmite butter (fillet steak £9 supplement)

Deep fried halibut, buttered peas & lettuce, Heathcotes ketchup

Roast pheasant, caramelised spiced apple, beetroot & Savoy cabbage

Wild mushroom & spinach open lasagne, English parmesan & tomato butter (v)


Creamed mashed potato, hand cut chips, new potatoes with herb butter, mixed green vegetables,

broccoli hollandaise, spinach (£3.50)

SALADS £3.95

Caesar, rocket & English parmesan, tomato & shallot salad


Vanilla cheesecake with kirsch & cherry ice-cream, cherry compote

Spiced chocolate pots with ginger nuts (n)

Heathcoat’s bread & butter pudding, compote of apricots & clotted cream

Warm treacle tart, clotted cream

Glazed apple crumble brulée (n)

Selection of British Isles cheese, Hawes fruitcake & artisan crackers (£2.50 supplement)

Vanilla bean ice cream & Pedro Ximenez aged caramelised sherry

Bowl of home made ice-creams; chocolate, vanilla, kirsch & cherry, raspberry sorbet

Homework: 6

Aim: To revise all knowledge for my end of unit test on Islam.

I achieved ______in my end of unit test.