Minutes of Meeting of the Garway Patient Group held on Wednesday, 25 January 2017 at the Practice in Pickering House

PRESENT: Rose Doyle, Diana Landymore, Judy Loncraine, Christopher Penfold (Chair), Hugh Smith (Practice Manager), Carol Walsh, Turlogh O'Brien, Marian Lirsner, Angela Reeves (Acting Practice Manager), Genie Stuart-Ranchev, Michael Landymore.

APOLOGIES: Deirdre Cordwell, Andrew Boichat.

INTRODUCTIONS:Diana Landymore introduced Turlogh O'Brien who was welcomed by all as a new member.Hugh Smith introduced Angela Reeves, an experienced practice manager who will act as a locum until a new practice manager is appointed.

MINUTES of the previous meeting (30 November 2016) were considered and adopted.


  • Hugh Smith reported that two members of staff would soon be leaving, including himself. Group members immediately expressed appreciation for all that Hugh had achieved in the six and a half years he had been in the post.
  • Hugh then went on to report that, in addition, Practice Nurse Elle Emmott would also be leaving and her impending loss was also deeply regretted by members.
  • Recruitment of replacements, however, was well under way and the presence of Angela Reeves at the meeting, as acting practice manager, was reassuring.
  • Hugh also reported that Rosanna Sanna was a welcome addition to the practice staff as a Health Trainer.
  • Waiting time for booking an appointment was down to a week and Dr. Phornarrit was making himself available for urgent appointments at short notice.
  • The number of patients signing up for on-line access to services was increasing and it was hoped they would soon reach 20% which would then make a real difference to the administrative workload of doctors, making more of their time available for seeing patients.

WEST LONDON COMMISSIONING GROUP WORKSHOP: Diana Landymore had attended this event on 19th January which was designed to encourage practices which had not already done so to set up Patient Participation Groups. Diana reported that although we experience the usual difficulty of recruiting new and younger members, our Garway PPG was regarded as "high functioning" and exemplary. Surprising, gratifying but no cause for complacency!
TEN WAYS TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR PRACTICE: This welcome initiative of Co-Chair Deirdre Cordwell's was discussed at our last meeting and the revised draft of her document was approved for posting on the website and on the screens in the waiting room.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 29th March.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Members expressed heartfelt regret at the impending departure of Hugh Smith as Practice Manager, together with great appreciation for the dedicated service he had given the Practice and the Patients' Group who offered very best wishes for whatever the future might hold for him. Co-Chair Christopher Penfold made a small presentation on behalf of the whole Group; a couple of bottles were broached and duly consumed to send him on his way; and, in convivial spirit, the business of the meeting was concluded.