Patient Participation Report 2013/14

Produced for the Patient Participation


  1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….3
  2. Establishing a PRG……………………………………………………………………..………4
  3. Review of Action plan 2012/13……….………………………………….….………….5
  4. Results and discussion of 2012/13 survey results…………….….…………….6
  5. Agreeing an Action Plan with PPG………………………….……………….…………8
  6. Publishing the PPG Report……………………………………………….………….…….9
  7. Practice Declaration……………………………………………………………………….….9

Appendix 1 – Survey Analysis results for 2013 – 2014………………………………….9

Appendix 2 - 2011-2012 PPG Report…………………………………………..…………….10

Appendix 3 – 2012 – 2013 PPG Report ……………………………………………………..10


The purpose of the Patient Participation Direct Enhanced Service (DES) is to ensure that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided and, over time commissioned by their Practice.

Its aims are to encourage and reward Practices for routinely asking for and acting on the views of their patients. This includes patients being involved in the decisions that lead to changes to the services their practice provides either directly or indirectly to other services.

The DES aims to promote the pro-active engagement of patients through the use of effective Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) to seek the views from Practice patients through the use of a practice survey.

The outcomes of the engagement and the views of patients are then required to be published as a Report on the Practice Website

This report summarises the development and outcomes of Favell Plus Surgery Patient Reference Group (PPG) since its formation in 2011.


Favell Plus’s PPG was formed in April 2011 in accordance to the 2 year DES – Please see 2011 – 2012 PPG Report.

Since its formation, the group have continued to encourage new volunteers although this has proved difficult however, the original members are still pro active and have helped support the practice.

The groups structure remains as follows:

PRG Chairman (Male); Vic Chair (Female); PRG Secretary (Female)

Committee Members x 6 (3 male; 3 female)

1 member: 36 – 55yrs

3 members 56 – 65 years

5 members 66 yrs +

The practice population is made up as follows:

17 – 26 yrs853

27 – 36 yrs1074

37 – 55 yrs1463

56 – 65 yrs570

66 yrs +546

During 2013 The PPG have met on an ad hoc basis to discuss practice issues and to monitor and review their Action plans.

In addition the PPG have continued to assist the practice with various health promotion issues i.e. flu clinics/data quality etc

The PPG carried out a practice survey during 2013/14 to monitor and review process from their 2012/13 action plan and also to identify additional issues and areas of concern from patients.

Action 1 – Review Opening Times

Patients stated that they were unaware of the practices extended opening times. In order to address this the practice’s plan was to advertise this more fully to patients.

This was carried out by PM ordering appointment cards with opening/contact details on and encourages receptionists to give this out with all appointments booked at the desk.

The websites were both updated; repeat prescription re order forms included the new opening times and practice leaflet amended.

Action 2– Review Car Parking

Patients stated car parking was limited which caused great inconvenience.

PM reported back that this had now been addressed and the new car park was completed in September 2013 and fully operational. Signs were in place and patients were now using the facilitates.

Action 3 – Review Reception Layout

PM reported back that she was still in discussion with NHFT and Propco regarding the current layout. Unfortunately as the premises have only recently been acquired by the above along with many other building previously owned by the PCT’s, Each site would be surveyed individually and as there so many properties involved it could be some time before Weston Favell receives their visit.

Once this take place LS confirmed she would address this issue and hopefully this would be placed on their agenda. Unfortunately this was an action that is outside the control of Favell Plus however, LS would continue to pursue the topic.

  1. 2014-15Priorities were agreed on the basis of the results from patient feedback and the satisfaction survey of 2013/14.
  2. The group also agreed to look at additional areas within the 2012/13 survey to include areas regarding the practice premises which it was felt would assist with the practices forthcoming CQC compliance requirements.
  3. Questions regarding Health and safety/patient confidentiality and access to the premises were included to in order to address issues directly affecting patients when coming to Weston Favell.
  4. Previous GPPAQ surveys were also reviewed to gain ideas of what type of questions would be useful.

PPG agreed the following areas of priority:

  • Access – to continue to monitor how patients feel about accessibility of GP appointments.
  • Telephone – to continue to monitor the level of service provided to patients telephoning the practice, and ability to get through.
  • Opening Hours - Extended hours – continue to monitor and identify patients preferences.
  • Reception –Continue to monitor the level of service provided at reception.
  • Continue to monitor the Level of care provided and patient satisfaction.
  • Patients view regarding the premises to include:
  • Cleanliness of the building
  • Safety and security when visiting the building


A survey was carried out during January and February 2014 based on the GPPAQ survey template. Therefore we used the format of a professional survey, and ensured the questions were impartial.

PPG members came into the surgery and met with patients who were attending for appointments in addition to our Receptionists handing out surveys opportunistcally The rationale for this being:

  • Patients attending for appointments would be able to answer all the survey as they would have had contact with the surgery to book the appointment.
  • Patients attending for an appointment would be able to comment on the questions relating to the quality of their consultations.
  • Using the PPG to run to survey would demonstrate independence from the practice and also promote the PRG and raise awareness with patients.
  • In total 100 surveys were completed in these 4 weeks and the main themes which emerged were as follows:

Getting an appointment - 85% of patients trying in the last six months were able to access a gp on the same day or within 2 working days less 2% were unable to with 10% saying that they could not remember.

This result showed an increase in patient being seen within 48 hrs from 21012/13 by 5%

Choice of GP – We asked if patients had a preference to which GP they wanted to see. 74% of patients stated yes, they had a preferred GP with 36% stating that they were happy to see any gp.

This result showed an increase in patients preferring to be seen by GP of their choice from 20012/13 results by 14%

Accessing the practice by Telephones – 85% felt it was easy/fairly easy to get through to book an appointment less then 15% were dissatisfied with telephone service .This is an improvement from 2011/12 survey were only 45% felt it easy to get through to the surgery.

This result showed an increase in patients being happy with getting through to the practice from 2012/13 by 25% and shows that telephone access has improved consistently

In addition, patients were asked for their preference with regards to booking an appointment with 78% stating by phone, 11% in person and 11% stating they

would like to contact the practice on line.

This shows a decrease of patients wanting to book by phone by 1% an increase for accessing on line by 1% and in person 1% from 2012/13 survey results

Opening times – Patients were asked if the GP opening times were convenient for them 72% were happy with opening times and 30% stated they were not happy.

With regards to this the survey asked which additional opening hours would patients prefer.

Preferred opening times were: - 22% before 8am 20% after 6.30pm 22% at lunchtime 28% Saturday; 4%Sunday 4% none of these.

Receptionists – 98% positive response regarding service at reception; very helpful when assisting requesting an appointment, this was inline with the previous years results.

This is an increase of 3% from 2012/13 survey results

Level of care – Patients were asked questions regarding the quality of their care during their consultation. Questions relating to the GP listening; explaining test and treatment options; showing care and concern and involving them with decisions.

82% stated Very good or good 15% stated satisfactory option 3% stated poor or does not apply

This is an increase of 6% in patient overall satisfaction form 2012/13 survey results

Patient experience regarding premises:

Waiting area accessible: 100% patient satisfaction

Clean and welcoming: 100% patient satisfaction

Consultations room cleanliness: 100% patient satisfaction

Health and Safety: 100% of patients felt the surgery was a safe environment with


PPG had opportunity to discuss findings of surveyat a meeting held on March 6th 2014 .

The survey was analyzed by the Practice and a summary report prepared. This was given to all PPG members ahead of the meeting.

Having discussed the analysis, the following areas were targeted for the PPG’s 2014/15 Action Plan.

  • The PPG agreed that patients were using internet/home pc’s more. Patients access options results showed an increase in patients wishing to make appointments remotely.
  • The practice should look at ways to promote on line booking
  • Telephone system was still an issue for patients. The practice should look at alternative options available for 2014/15
  • Appointment Access. Patients were asking for additional clinic times that would suit them. The practice reception is open from 7am – 6.30 4 days and 8.00 – 7.30 1 day but clinics are usually run am and pm. The practice should look at lunch time clinics


A meeting was held with the PPG to agree on the following action plan.

Action 1 / Introduction of additional access options:
Practice has signed up to offer ‘On line booking’ through its website and aims to ensure all patients are aware of this option and offered their personal log in and password for access.
Ordering of repeat prescriptions will also be made available.
Practice needs to advertise this to patients via text; on website; internally; word and mouth and via PPG promotion. / Date action by:
To be completed by August 2014
Action 2
Action 3 / Telephone System:
LS confirmed that they had 22months on remaining contract however it is planned that the practice should seek a local number option for the system either to work alongside the current system or as a replacement.
Guidance would be sort from NHS England prior to extended any current contract.
Once the contract has completed its lifespan the Practice shall look into another more suitable system
Opening Times –
22% of Patients showed need for the practice to operate clinic times during a lunch time period.
The practice shall ‘trial’ a selection of clinics from 12.30pm – 2.30pm and monitor the use of this clinic / Date of action:
To be completed by 1st August 2014
Date of Action:
From 1st August

The report which shows the results of the survey will be published in the following ways:

On the practice website:
  • NHS Choices website
  • A display in the waiting room
  • Hard copies of report in waiting room
  • Copies given to members of the PPG


The practice confirms that this report is a true and accurate reflection of the work undertaken as part of the Participation DES 2011/13

Signed and submitted to the PCT and published on the Practice and choices website on behalf of the Practice By:

LORRAINE SPICER (Practice Manager) Signed……………………………………….

Dated: March 14th 2014

Survey Analysis Results 2013 - 2014

Appendix 1 20112012 PRG Report

Appendix 1 2012/13 PPG Report


Issued March 2013 Review date: March 2015 Versions: Lspicer1415