The annual district meeting of the School District of Lake Holcombe was held on Monday evening, October 28, 2013. The board members present were: Corey Grape, Kathy Minot, and Sally Meyer. Jeffrey Anders was absent. Mr. Goulet, Mr. Porter, Ms. Spletter, Monique Westaby of the Cornell Courier, Bruce Anderson, and Bob Bayerl were also present.

The meeting was opened by Corey Grape at 6:09 p.m. Nominations for chairperson of the meeting were taken. Motion by Sally Meyer and seconded by Bob Bayerl to nominate Corey Grape as chairperson. Motion by Bob Bayerl and seconded by Kathy Minot to close the nominations and have the clerk cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried unanimously and Corey Grape was declared chairperson of the meeting.

Lisa Spletter read the minutes of the 2012 Annual Meeting. One change was noted to correct the spelling of John Marder’s last name. Motion by Bob Bayerl and seconded by Kathy Minot to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.

Lisa Spletter discussed the results of the 2012-2013 audit. The auditors gave an unqualified opinion on the district’s financial statements, noting that the audit went well with no accounting adjustments needing to be made. Handouts depicting trends for net position, revenues, expenditures, and general fund balance were reviewed. The general fund balance decreased by almost $275 and the current fund balance will cover expenses for about 3 months. Motion by Bob Bayerl and seconded by Sally Meyer to accept the 2012-2013 treasurer’s report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kathy Minot and seconded by Sally Meyer to authorize temporary borrowing not to exceed $650,000 during the 2013-2014 short term borrowing period. Motion carried unanimously.

Budget Review: Tom Goulet touched on the following: pointed out items in the Annual Meeting booklet, indicated that the 3rd Friday count was down, the general fund deficit would have been $185,000 without the referendum, the school is participating in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program for 13-14, PRIDE funded a gas stove for the cafeteria and some Chromebooks, most sports are now co-oped, and the district continues with the SAGE program. The projected general fund surplus is approximately $490,000 and the budgeted all funds gross expenditures are $5,952,294 with an all school projected tax levy of $3,974,222 or $10.14 mils.

Motion by Bob Bayerl and seconded by Kathy Minot to levy at the maximum allowed by state law under the revenue limits for the 2013-2014 school year plus year one of three of the $675,000 referendum to exceed the revenue caps. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Corey Grape and seconded by Sally Meyer to freeze the salaries for the school board at the current rates as follows: $1,075 for base pay, $40 for special meetings, $360 additional for president, and $475 for clerk. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Bob Bayerl and seconded by Kathy Minot to authorize payment of actual and necessary expense of board members who travel in the performance of their duties. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sally Meyer and seconded by Bob Bayerl to authorize the Board to acquire real estate through purchase or condemnation. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Bob Bayerl and seconded by Kathy Minot to authorize the sale of surplus school property (excluding real estate). Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Bob Bayerl and seconded by Sally Meyer to authorize the Board to direct and provide for prosecution or defense of any legal action or proceedings in which the school district is interested. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sally Meyer and seconded by Kathy Minot to direct the Board to furnish school lunches to district students and appropriate funds for that purpose. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Bob Bayerl seconded by Sally Meyer to authorize the Board to furnish textbooks to students under conditions prescribed by the meeting or school board. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kathy Minot and seconded by Sally Meyer to authorize the Board to vote a tax to purchase vehicles or finance contracts for the use and services of transportation vehicles. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Bob Bayerl and seconded by Kathy Minot that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.

These minutes are unofficial and subject to amendment until approved at the Annual Meeting in October of 2013.


Jeffrey Anders, Clerk





President Treasurer


Vice-President Director