Exhibit Fee for Annual Meeting & Dinner- $150. (October 7, 2015)Includes:

  • 8’ by 8’ exhibit space with 8’ skirted table
  • Registration and dinner for one person staffing the booth
  • Set up: 2:30pm – 4:00pm; Take down: 8:00pm

Exhibit Fee for Conference and Show - $490. (October 8, 2015) Includes:

  • 8’ x 8’ exhibit space with skirted table, draping, one chair, company sign and Wi-Fi access for Vendor
  • Full conference registration and lunch for one person staffing the booth
  • Set up: October 7, 2:30pm – 4:00pmOR October 8, 2015 6:00am – 7:30 am; Take down: 4:00 pm

Registration and Payment Information

Company/Organization Name: ______

(List as you would like it to appear on booth sign)

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Booth Staff Person Name: ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______

Additional Booth Staff Name(s) (please list as you would like it to appear on a nametag):


Additional Staff Email Address(s) (required for registration):



$150.00 Annual Meeting & Dinner Exhibit Fee

(Includes registration for one person staffing booth only) ______


 $490.00 (Includes registration for one person staffing booth only) ______

A. Total Exhibit Fees:______

DISCOUNTS (1 conference booth only):

Take $50.00 from subtotal if you make payment by August 1, 2015. B. Discount (A) ($50): (-_____)


 $150.00 Additional Conf. Exhibit Staff

 $50.00 Electrical access C. Total Additional Exhibit Booth Cost: ______


 $400.00 for large business (100+ employees) $150.00 for government (covers one person)

 $300.00 for medium business (50-99 employees) $120.00 for non-profit (covers one person)

 $200.00 for small business (1-49 employees) $75.00 for Individual

 $60.00 for School (covers one person)

 $40.00 for Student

Please write the name and email of the person who will hold the membership:


D. RAM Membership:______

RAM/SWANA ANNUAL MEETING: E. Annual. Meeting RegistrationFees: ______

 $65.00 Current RAM Members $0 (no cost) Current SWANA Member

 $75.00 Non-Member Meeting

Please write the names of those attending the annual dinner: ______




Check payable to RAM: ______Amount: $: ______Check #: ______

Purchase Order Number: ______(Submit PO form showing billing address to RAM.)

Visa: ____ MC: _____Card #: ______Exp. Date: ______

Cardholder Name: ______

Would you be interested in donating a raffle item? YES NO

Each conference RAM/SWANA gives exhibitors raffle tickets to hand out to attendees who visit the exhibit booths. Raffle drawings are held throughout the day. This helps drive traffic to your booths and ensures you get a lot of great networking opportunities. Please describe the item you plan to donate.


  • Please indicate the number of vegetarian meals you would like RAM and SWANA to reserve for you for the dinner and or the conference.

Name of attendee(s) with vegetarian option: ______

  • Name of company(s) you would prefer not to be next to, if any:




Mail Completed Forms & Payment To: RAM 2250 Wabash Ave., St. Paul, MN 55114

Questions Contact: Brita Sailer 651-641-4560 or

1995- 2015

In recognition of the fact that this is the 20th anniversary of holding these joint

RAM/ SWANA Conferences, we invite you, our friends and exhibitors, old and new, to showcase a couple of photos or other items recognizing some of your past booths and activities with SWANA and RAM at your booth this year if you so desire.

Exhibitor Green Tips

RAM is helping exhibitors to “go green” at the conference. Below are some suggestions and resources.

Trade Show Booths:

  • Consider a green booth made with recycled materials
  • Consider a rental trade show booth
  • Refurbish and update existing displays
  • Use energy efficient lighting such as LEDs instead of incandescents
  • Try to reduce or consolidate booth shipments to reduce transportation
  • Reuse packaging such as bubble wrap for you next shipping needs

Marketing Materials:

  • Limit the literature and DVDs handed out
  • Refer attendees to a website where they can download literature
  • Display a recycling and waste reduction mission statement for your organization
  • Print handouts on post-consumer recycled paper and make them double-sided
  • Provide durable, reusable or recycled content give-a-ways
  • Look for Green Seal or Forest Stewardship Council Certified (FSC) products
  • Look for local products made in Minnesota or the U.S.A.

Registration Form: page 1