1. Przeczytaj zdania i zaznacz właściwa odpowiedź (kolorem lub podkreśleniem):


1 I _____from Canada.

A are B am C is D be

2 _____your mother Italian?

A Are B Does C Is D Has

3 Your mother and father are your _____

A cousins B uncles C parents D children

4 Are your sisters teachers? Yes, they ____

A is B are C do D be

5 His _____name is Stephen.

A brothers B brother

C brothers' D brother's

6 Paolo is from Rome. He _____

A is Italian B is Italy

C are Italian D from Italy

7 This is __ book.

A he's B him C his D he

8 __ names are Tony and Mary.

A We B Us C Our D Ours

9 Peter ______up at 7 o'clock everyday.

A get B gets C is getting D getting

1D Every morning I go for a ____"

A breakfast B walk C shopping D work

11 What ______your mother do?

A is B does C do D are

12 I __ go to school on Saturdays.

A doesn't B not C am not D don't

13 My sister goes to bed late every night. She _____

goes to be early.

A never B always C sometimes D often

14 He ______eat breakfast at home.

A isn't B don't C doesn't D not

15 He likes ____

A swim B swimming

C swims D to swimming.

16 She always eats dinner …two o'clock.

A in B on C at D to

17 I often go out __ Saturday evenings.

A in B at C to D on

18 She … two brothers.

A have got B have C has got D got

19 I ______got a computer.

A not B don't C don't have D haven't

2D Carole _____a shower every day

A has B has got C have D have got

21 My brother _____like my father. They've both got blue eyes and dark hair.

A are B is C aren’t D isn’t

22 My brother lives ______his mother.

A at B on C with D likes

23 My sister lives in … old house.

A the B - C a D an

24 My mother works in a school. …_ school is very big.

24I ______get up very early.

A have got B have C do have D have to

25______do homework every day?

A You have to B Do you have to C Do you have D Have you got

26My brother __ work very hard.

A have to B has to C has got D has

27Policemen have to ______a uniform.

A make B take C wear D work with

28We like our neighbours

but they don't like __ .

A we B our C ours D us

29My brother loves Jane

but she doesn't love __ .

A his B him C her D he

30______a car? - No, I can't.

A You can drive B Can you drive

C Drive D You drive

31She can't _____a computer.

A using B to use C use D used

32______flowers in your garden?

A There are some B Are there some

C Are there any D Is there any

33There ______books in the living room.

A is some B are some C are any D is a

34Do you like …_ dogs?

A the B a C - D an

35There is a picture _____the wall

A under B between C above D on

36How ______money have you got?

A many B any C some D much

37There aren't ______people here.

A much B many C some D no

38We've got ______eggs in the fridge.

A many B much C a lot of D any

39Can you get me a _____of mineral water please?

A packet B bag C bottle D box

40 Where ____ you yesterday?

A be B was C were D been



2.Zaznacz słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych (kolorem lub podkreśleniem):

a / evening / car / morning / afternoon
b / house / bedroom / living room / kitchen
c / egg / chocolate / cheese / cat
d / France / Germany / Spanish / Poland
e / farm / cow / pig / chicken


3.Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i uzupełnij luki (drukowanymi literami):

Hi. I’m Carol Cutter. I am eleven years ………… and I am from Britain. I go to St. Albert’s school in Hull. I live ………… my parents Jack and Jill and my two brothers Harrison, who is eight and David who is thirteen. My mum is a nurse and my father teaches ………… my school. My best friends ………… Claire and Jane. Claire is the same age as me, but Jane is a year older ………… me. On Thursdays we play football together.


4.Przetłumacz słowa:

a / PL / ENG
b / przestraszony / ……………….
c / ………………. / strange
d / czwartek / ……………….
e / ………………. / honest
f / wrzesień / ……………….
g / ………………. / expensive
h / wujek / ……………….
i / ………………. / Science
j / las / ……………….
k / ………………. / attic


5.Napisz 10 zdań o sobie ( zainteresowania, rodzina, szkoła itd.):




