Providing Your School’s Data
to the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on Students with Disability (NCCD SWD)
Non-Government Schools User Guide
for School Entry Point
Opportunity through learning
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The document must be attributed as the Procedure Manual for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD SWD) 2017: Non-Government Schools
1 About this Document 5
1.1 Audience 5
1.2 Purpose 5
1.3 Document design 5
1.4 Related References 6
1.5 Meaning of the term ‘data’ 6
2 Collection Overview 7
3 About the Data Collection 8
3.1 Counting Students 8
3.1.1 Students who have moved schools, enrolled at more than one school or receive Adjustments at more than one school 8
3.1.2 Counts of zero students for any combination of level of adjustment and category of disability 8
3.2 Collection Data Level and Campus Data 8
3.3 Data Collection Reference Date 9
3.4 Data Submission 9
3.5 Required Data 9
3.6 Options for Providing Data 11
4 Appendix A: Preparing to provide your school’s NCCD SWD data through the SEP 12
5 Appendix B: Accessing the NCCD SWD module through the SEP 13
5.1 Already Registered as a User 13
5.2 New User – need to register as a SEP user 14
5.2.1 Registration Process 14
5.3 Requesting access to the NCCD SWD module in the SEP 15
5.4 Logon to the SEP and access the NCCD SWD module 15
6 Appendix C: Entering your School’s Data into the NCCD SWD module in the SEP 15
6.1 Step 1: Students with Disability Home 17
6.2 Step 2: Report Students with Disability 18
6.3 Step 3: Completing Your School’s Declaration 22
6.3.1 Non-Signatory SEP Users 22
6.3.2 Approved Authority Signatory Users 23
7 Appendix D: Providing your School’s Data using CSV file upload through the SEP 27
7.1 CSV File Templates (Optional) 27
7.2 CSV File Template Location 27
7.3 Creating your own CSV file 28
7.4 Uploading a CSV file in the NCCD SWD module in the SEP 28
7.4.1 Step 1: Log in to the SEP and access the NCCD SWD module 28
7.4.2 Step 2: Students with Disability to report 28
7.4.3 Step 3: Upload your CSV file 31
7.4.4 Step 4: Declare the data 32
8 Appendix E: Who do I call for help? 33
9 Appendix F: How to view last year’s NCCD SWD data in the SEP 35
9.1 STEP 1: Log into the SEP 35
9.2 STEP 2: Go to the NCCD SWD Module 35
9.3 STEP 3: Go to Select Period 35
9.4 STEP 4: Choose the period required 36
9.5 STEP 5: Go to the Data Entry page to view the data 38
9.6 STEP 6: Return to the most recent year’s data 38
Providing Your School’s Data
for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on Students with Disability 2017
Last updated: 03 August 2017
Version 1.0
1 About this Document
1.1 Audience
The audience for this document is:
· Staff, Principals and Approved Authorities at non-government schools who are providing their school’s data directly to the Australian Government Department of Education and Training (the department) for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD SWD).
This guide is NOT used by systemic schools providing their data for the collection to their system office. System offices will be provided with a different user guide for submitting data to the collection on behalf of their schools.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe how to provide an individual school’s data for the 2017 NCCD SWD either by:
· Manually entering an individual school’s data into the School Entry Point (SEP) on the individual school’s record; or
· Creating a comma-separated value (CSV file) for the individual school and uploading it into the SEP on the individual school’s record.
1.3 Document design
This document is designed for easy use when reading online. Throughout this document hyperlinks are used to help you find information within and external to this document. You can also move around this document online by clicking on VIEW in the navigation tabs at the top of the screen and then choosing NAVIGATION PANE. This will show you the table of contents which you can click on to jump to the required part of the document.
The document is structured to provide:
· Key information about the data collection (see section 2 and section 3)
· Things to check before you provide your school’s data (Appendix A)
· Accessing the SEP (check registration, registering as a new user, requesting access to NCCD SWD in the SEP) (Appendix B)
· Entering your school’s data directly into the SEP (Appendix C)
· Using a CSV file to provide your data to the SEP (Appendix D)
· Who to call if you need help meeting the requirements of the NCCD SWD (Appendix E)
· How to view your school’s previous year’s data in SEP (Appendix F)
· Important information you need to know to help you correctly provide your school’s data
· Step by step instructions for providing data to the collection and screenshots of what you should see in the SEP are provided in the appropriate appendices.
1.4 Related References
Readers of this document may want to refer to the following related information:
· Nationally Consistent Collection of Data – School Students with Disability; 2017 Guidelines (Education Council)
· Nationally Consistent Collection of Data – School Students with Disability; Data Specification (for those using CSV files)
· NCCD SWD professional learning material and other related information (this Internet site also contains the steps to follow to determine if a student should be included in the collection)
· Australian Department of Education Nationally Consistent Collection of Data for School Students with Disability
· Disability Discrimination Act 1992
· Disability Standards for Education 2005 and accompanying guidance notes
· Australian Education Regulation 2013
· Australian Education Act 2013
· Quality Schools Transition Arrangements
· Fairer funding for students with disability
1.5 Meaning of the term ‘data’
For the purpose of this guide, the word ‘data’ means the answers schools provide to the information sought for the NCCD SWD.
2 Collection Overview
The NCCD SWD was established to capture, the number of school students across Australian being provided with reasonable adjustments under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005.
The implementation of the NCCD SWD provides a nationally consistent picture of the number of school students with disability in Australia, and the level of adjustment with which they are provided. Further information about the NCCD SWD can be found in the related references.
3 About the Data Collection
3.1 Counting Students
A student counted in the NCCD SWD must:
- be enrolled[1] at the school on the first Friday in August in the collection year (for the 2017 collection this is 4 August 2017); and
- have been counted in the school’s National School Statistic Collection (NSSC) School Census submission for the collection year[2]; and
- be identified by the school as eligible for inclusion in the NCCD SWD (as defined in the NCCD 2017 Guidelines).
3.1.1 Students who have moved schools, enrolled at more than one school or receive Adjustments at more than one school
Where an eligible student has moved schools during the 12 months preceding 4 August 2017, or is enrolled at more than one school, or receives adjustments at two schools, they must only be counted at the school whose school census they were counted in.
3.1.2 Counts of zero students for any combination of level of adjustment and category of disability
If a count of students for any combination of level of adjustment and category of disability is zero, leave the associated count field blank. For example, if the number of students receiving a supplementary level of adjustment due to a physical disability is zero, then leave the count field (the part where you put in the number) blank.
3.2 Collection Data Level and Campus Data
The collection is at school level. This means the data to be submitted to the collection must be collated into a single, school level submission.
Where a school has multiple campuses, the Head Campus must collect and collate the student data from each campus into a single school level submission. For example: School A has Campus 1, Campus 2, and Campus 3. Thus, School A’s completed response is the total of Campus 1 + Campus 2 + Campus 3 response.
3.3 Data Collection Reference Date
The data collection reference date is 04 August 2017. This is the date at which the student must meet the eligibility requirements, as described in the NCCD 2017 Guidelines, to be included in the 2017 NCCD SWD submission from your school. (See also Section 3.1)
Please note that while this is the same reference date as the Census on the Internet:
· the NCCD SWD and Census on the Internet are separate collections and you must complete both collections; and
· the definition of disability for the two collections is not the same.
3.4 Data Submission
Data for the NCCD SWD must be entered and declared in the SEP between Friday 04 August 2017 and Friday 22 September 2017.
3.5 Required Data
For EACH school, the NUMBER of students identified at primary and/or secondary education level within a specific level of adjustment and category of disability is to be provided. This is presented as a table similar to Diagram 1 on the next page. In a CSV file, it is represented by rows aligned to the 16 possible combinations of level of adjustment and category of disability.
Diagram 1: Example of NCCD SWD data entry matrix for a school with both primary and secondary school levels
3.6 Options for Providing Data
Data can be provided by schools using the SEP NCCD SWD module in one of two ways:
1. Manually entering an individual school’s data on the individual school’s record (see Appendix B for detailed instructions ); or
2. Uploading a CSV file on the individual school’s record (see Appendix C for detailed instructions).
4 Appendix A: Preparing to provide your school’s NCCD SWD data through the SEP
The following are things you should check before providing your school’s data to the collection. Checking these will make providing your data to the collection quicker and easier.
For this year’s collection, Independent schools and non-systemic Catholic (congregational) schools will provide their data directly to the collection. The data must be declared by the school’s Approved Authority.
The 2017 NCCD SWD data collection will inform the Commonwealth starting share and from 2018 onwards the NCCD SWD Collection will be used to inform the students with disability loading.
Catholic systemic schools should check the arrangements that apply to them with their system office.
If you are advised by your Approved Authority or Catholic Education System Office to provide your school’s data to them, then you don’t need to do any of the following checks.
If you are providing your school’s data directly to the collection then it is recommended you do the following checks.
1. Check that you and your Approved Authority Signatory each have a SEP Username and valid password. SEP Username’s and passwords are allocated to individuals, not schools. Approved Authority Signatory holders are the only people who can declare a school’s NCCD SWD data. If you don’t have a Username and password, or you have them but they don’t work, please contact the Schools IT Support Helpdesk on 1800 677 027, Option 1.
2. Check that you have access to the NCCD SWD module in the SEP. To provide NCCD SWD data, you must have access to the NCCD SWD module in the SEP. If you log into the SEP and can’t see the NCCD SWD link in the Data Collection box on the screen then you don’t have access to the module and you will need to request it. To do this, call 1800 677 027, Option 1.
Please check your access 24 hours later. If you do not have access to the NCCD SWD module after a few days, please contact the Schools IT Support Helpdesk on 1800 677 027, Option 1.
3. Are your school's details up-to-date and correct in Client Details? The NCCD SWD uses the school and the school’s characteristic details recorded in Client Details to identify your school to the collection and to determine who at the school has the authority to declare the data. Inaccurate or out of date information in Client Details can affect your ability to provide data to the collection using the SEP. You should check that your school has the correct and up to date details, including contact details, recorded in Client Details for your school. You can do this by calling the Schools IT support desk on 1800 677 027, Option 1.
4. If you are going to download a report from your school’s technology system to then upload to the SEP, check with the provider of that system that it meets the data requirements for the NCCD SWD for 2017.
5 Appendix B: Accessing the NCCD SWD module through the SEP
Anyone using the SEP must be a registered user. All registration requests must be authorised by department staff to verify the legitimacy of registered users. This check is required to ensure the security of school record data.
This appendix provides instructions about:
1. How to check your user details if you are already a register user of the SEP.