July 2017
God’s blessings and greetings to you from First Lutheran School!
I hope this letter finds you well and that you have had a relaxing vacation at this midpoint of the summer. My name is Matthew Meitner and I am the principal and 5th & 6thgrade teacher. In case you are new to our school, I pray I get a chance to meet you before the school year begins either though home visits or during registration. For those I already know, I look forward to seeing you again as the school year gets closer to beginning again.
A Mighty Fortress is our God - This year’s school theme is based on a hymn by Martin Luther. Our church this year will celebrate the 500th anniversary of his posting of the 95 Theses in Wittenberg, Germany and the start of the Reformation. Weekly chapel themes, corresponding principal’s messages, and special services held around the state of Wisconsin will also drive home the importance of this event! (You will also see a “Fortress” like theme around many of our classrooms!). May God use his Word to transform the lives of the students!
Here are some important reminders that you need to be aware as August approaches.
Registration Procedures – We will be doing registration the same as last year in hopes of taking the least amount of time out of your busy schedule. We hope that this routine continues to make the registration process more streamlined for both the parents and the teachers. It is very important to us that you register at this time so that we can get milk orders, etc… called in before the first day of school. This is the only scheduled registration time this summer. Payment arrangements must be made with the Education Committee before your child is considered registered. Education Committee members will be available at registration for those who have questions or may need to make special payment arrangements. Here is our registration process:
- August 13th- August 18thPacket Pick-up; - All parents or guardians sending children to First Lutheran for the 2017-2018 school year need to pick up their registration packet at either:
- First Lutheran Church – August 13th- 7:30 AM-11:30 AM (Before or after services) or if you attend The Path worship service. Packets will be in the basement on a designated table; or
- First Lutheran School -August 14th- 18th– 7:00 AM – 3 PM . Packets will be on the tables in the lobby.
Each family will have a designated packet which they should pick up, take home, and fill out at their leisure. This filled out information will need to be brought back during registration on August 21st.
- August 21st – 4-6 PMOpen House/Meet Your Teacher Night (Registration);–This is an evening in which you can accomplish many things!
- Drop off your completed registration papers in the office with our administrative staff. You can also set up payment arrangements with the Education Committee if need be.
- Tour your child’s classroom and the other parts of the school. This is a perfect opportunity to see your child’s classroom, drop off any school supplies, and visit any other parts of the school you wish.
- Take school pictures. School pictures will be taken in the library for the school year this year (with a retake day being Sept. 18th).
- Enjoy a light dinner from the PTO. PTO will be serving a light dinner for those that attend. You can eat and enjoy getting to meet with other parents, before the school year starts.
- Meet the newest addition to our staff- Mrs. Johnson (3K), Mr. Radloff (7th-8th), and Mrs. Radloff (School Secretary). We would like to welcome them to our First Family!
- Monday, August 28th – First Day of School and Opening Service- The first day of school begins at 8:15 AM. All parents are invited to attend the opening chapel service at 9 AM.
Starting Time – Just a reminder that school begins at 8:15 AM. Before Care will be available at 7 AM. If you need before care before that 7 AM, please speak with your child’s teacher.
Hot Lunch Program – We willcontinue to offer Hot Lunch this year five days a week. There will be more information on how to purchase and participate in this program at registration.
We remind parents to make sure their child’s immunizations are up to date. The La Crosse County Health Department usually offers vaccines to children up to age 18, at no cost through September. You may call 608-785-9723 to set up an appointment. Required immunizations are as follows: PreK: 4 DPT, 3 Polio, 3 Hep B, 1 MMR and 1 Varicella; Grades K-4: 4 DPT, 4 Polio, 3 Hep B, 2 MMR and 2 Varicella; Grade 5: 4 DPT, 4 Polio, 3 Hep B, 2 MMR and 1 Varicella; Grades 6-8: 4 DPT, 1 Tdap, 4 Polio, 3 Hep B, 2 MMR and 2 Varicella.
If you would like to get a jump on buying school supplies, an updated school supply list can be downloaded off the First Lutheran School website.
Each of your child’s classroom teachers will be contacting you in the next few weeks to set up home visits in August so there will be more information coming your way soon. In the meantime, just keep those “Packet Pickup” dates on that calendar.
We look forward to seeing you on in August! If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school and we will do our best to serve your. Blessings on the rest of your summer!
Yours in Christ,
Matt Meitner
First Lutheran School
P.S. Even though information and order forms on how to order school spirit wear will be available in your registration packets, we would like to offer a table at registration where parents can drop off or pick up used spirit wear. We know that kids out grow these items and perhaps this will be a chance to unload or pick up a different variety. You can drop off your spirit wear before registration or bring it the day of registration day!